Chapter 13: Accelerating Business Agility (7-8 questions) Flashcards
What are the three dimentions associated with Organization Agility core compentency?
- Lean Thinking people and Agile Teams
- Lean Business Operations
- Strategy Agility
Lean Thinking people and Agile Teams involves understanding the genesis of what SAFe foundational practices?
SAFe’s core values
Agile principles
Agile manifesto
Lean principles
In SAFe, < blank> and < blank > are the keys to accelerating value delivery to customers.
a) Flow metrics and flow accelators
b) Value Stream Management and the Principles of Lean Thinking
c) flow strategies and market sensing
d) lean system engineering and vlaue stream mapping
b) Value Stream Management and principles of lean thinking
Lean Thinking is base upon what five operations (steps) ?
- Precisely specify value by specific product
- Identify the value stream for each product
- Make value flow without interruptions
- Let the customer pull value from the producer
- Pursue perfection
< blank >< blank >< blank> is one of the most effective tools to diagnose challenges to flow.
Value stream mapping
Value stream mapping is a collaborative process in which a cross-functional group of stakeholders produces a visualization of a value stream’s significant steps, handoffs, and delays.
What flow metric could be used to capture:
Slow time to market causing customer and incurring a cost of delay?
What flow rememdies might you apply for this situation?
Flow Metrics:
Flow Distribution -
Flow Velocity -
Flow Time - The time work spent in the work flow
Flow Load -
Flow Efficency
Flow Distribution
Flow Accelators:
1. Visualize and limit WIP
2. Address Bottlenecks
3. Minimize handoff and dependencies
4. Get Fast Feedback
5. Work in small batches
6. Manage queue lengths
7. ‘optimize’ time in zone
8. Remediate legacy policies and practices
What flow metric could be used to capture:
Large amounts of waste in the system along with bottlenecks and delays that need to be addressed.
What flow rememdies might you apply for this situation?
need to understand flow metrics and flow accelerators
Flow Metrics:
Flow Distribution -
Flow Velocity -
Flow Time -
Flow Load -
Flow Efficency - ratio of active time to total time
Flow Distribution
Flow Accelators:
1. Visualize and limit WIP
2. Address Bottlenecks
3. Minimize handoff and dependencies
4. Get Fast Feedback
5. Work in small batches
6. Manage queue lengths
7. ‘optimize’ time in zone
8. Remediate legacy policies and practices
What flow metric could be used to capture:
Underlying problems with productivity
Unpredictable velocity from one time to another
What flow rememdies might you apply for this situation?
need to understand flow metrics and flow accelerators
Flow Metrics:
Flow Distribution -
Flow Velocity - The number of items completing in a given time
Flow Time -
Flow Load -
Flow Efficency
Flow Distribution
Flow Accelators:
1. Visualize and limit WIP
2. Address Bottlenecks
3. Minimize handoff and dependencies
4. Get Fast Feedback
5. Work in small batches
6. Manage queue lengths
7. ‘optimize time in zone’
8. Remediate legacy policies and practices
What are the three dimenstion of the Continuous Leaning Culture core compentency?
- Learning Organization
- Innovation Culture
- Relentless Improvement
The Continuous Learning Culture competency describes a set of values and practices
that encourage individuals, and the Enterprise as a whole, to continually increase knowledge, competence,
performance, and innovation.
Conducting < blank> < blank > is the most effective path to learning
Conducting iterative experiments is the most effective path to learning
When innovation flows continuously up, down and across the organization it is know as what?
a) Innovation culture
b) learning organization
c) Continuous learning culture
d) innovation riptide
d) innovation riptide
What are some attributes of an innovation culture?
a) Innovative people
b) Time and space for innovation
c) Go See (contextual inquires)
d) Experiment and feedback
e) Innovation riptides
What are the three SAFe mesurements domains to measure progress towards buisness agility?
< Blank > respesent ongoing ‘health’ metrics that can be used to measure overall business performance?
a) KPIs
b) OKRs
c) PI Objectives
d) Interation goals
KPIs respesent ongoing ‘health’ metrics that can be used to measure overall business performance
< Blank > define specific objectives that we are working towards in order to achieve future success?
a) KPIs
b) OKRs
c) PI Objectives
d) Interation goals
OKRs define the specific objectives that we are working toward to achiveve future success.
Flow metrics are used for what purpose?
1) Provide insight into the efficiency of our delivery pipeline.
2) Highlight opportunities for removing delay and increasing our speed and agility.
3) There are six flow metrics (DVT LEP)
- Flow Distribution
- Flow Velocity
- Flow Time
- Flow Load
- Flow Efficency
- Flow Predicability
With regards to Flow metrics < blank > measures the amount of each type of work in the system over time
Flow Distribution
Vertical %
Horizontal PI (time)
Bar graph of allocation (mission,enables,DRs)
With regards to Flow metrics < blank > measures the number of backlog items completed in a given time-frame
Flow velocity
verticial: story points
horizontal: time (interations)
With regards to Flow metrics < blank > measures the elapse time from when an item enters the system to the moment it is delivered to the customer.
Flow Time
Vertical: feature count
horizontal: days
With regards to Flow metrics < blank > indicates how many items are currently in the system. Measures work in progess?
Flow Load
Stacked area graph
Vertical: Features
horizontal: Kanban states (funneling, analyzing,implementing, backlog, validating,etc).
With regards to Flow metrics < blank > measures how much the overall flow time in value-added activities vs waiting between steps.
Flow Efficiency
With regards to Flow metrics < blank > measures how well teams, ARTs and Solution trains are able to plan and meet their PI objectives
Flow Predictability
Compentency Metrics measures what?
Compentency metrics measures how proficient the organization is in the practices that enable Buisness Agility.
What are two benefits from conducting Business Agility Assessments?
1) Identify focus area for improvement
2) Create a baseline for demonstrating progress
Measure and grow are accomplished via two separate compentency assessment mechanisms. Name them and how are they different?
‘Measure and grow’ is the term we use to describe how SAFe value stream portfolios evaluate their progress towards business agility. Measure and grow has three measurement domains and within the compentency domain are two separate assessment mechanisms:
SAFe Business Agility Assessment - designed for LPM and portfolio stakeholders to assess their overall progress on the ultimate goal of true business agility.
SAFe Core Competency Assessments - used to help teams and trains improve on the technical and business practices they need to help the portfolio achieve that larger goal.
When conducting Assessements faciliators should be familar with Dunning-Kruger effect. This effect is associated with what?
a) people sky away from assessments as they feel it will be used against them and as such do not want to participate.
b) people tend to assess their ability as greater than what it really is.
c) people purposely under estimate their abilities as a means of ‘gaming’ the system. Any improvements seen will already have been achived.
b) people tend to assess their ability as greater than what it really is.
What are the eight flow accelerators?
- Visualize and limit WIP
- Address bottlenecks
- Minimize handoffs and dependencies
- Get faster feedback
- Work in smaller batches
- Reduce queue lengths
- Optimize time ‘in the zone’
- Remediate legacy practices and policies.
Get Feedback Faster is one of the eight flow accelerators. Explain how getting feedback faster might improve flow performance?
When feedback is missing or delayed misunderstanding accumulate that can lead to rework, slow delivery and dissatisified customers.
< blank > bring focus to Lean-Agile ways of working
a) Agile Core Values
b) Agile Manifesto
c) Agile Principles
d) Assessments
e) Flow metrics
Assessments bring focus to Lean-Agile ways of working
What is WSJF?
Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) is a prioritization model used to sequence work for maximum economic benefit. WSJF is estimated as the relative cost of delay divided by the relative job duration.
CoD is the money lost by delaying or not doing a job for a specific time.
Jobs that can deliver the most value in the shortest duration provide the best economic return
True or False?
Jobs with the lowest WSJF scores deliver the best economic outcomes and should be addressed firsts.
jobs with the highest WSJF scores deliver the best economic outcomes and should be addressed first.
What are the 10 critical success factors highlighting the minimal set of SAFe elements necessary for success?
- Lean Agile Principles – practices are grounded in fundamental Lean-Agile Principles.
- Real Agile Teams and Trains – Real Agile Teams and ARTs are fully cross-functional and can define, build and test their work. They have everything and everyone necessary to produce a working, tested increment of the solution
- Cadence and Synchronization – Cadence provides a rhythmic pattern, which offers a steady heartbeat for the development process. It makes routine those things that can be routine. Synchronization allows multiple perspectives to be understood and resolved at the same time.
- PI Planning – No event is more powerful in SAFe than PI planning which provides the rhythm for the ART and connects strategy to execution by ensuring business and technology alignment.
- Customer Centricity, DevOps, and Release on Demand– SAFe enterprises create a positive customer experience across their products and services. They adopt a DevOps mindset, culture, and applicable technical practices to enable more frequent and higher-quality releases as the market demands.
- System Demo – The primary measure of the ART’s progress is the objective evidence provided by a working solution in the System Demo
- Inspect and Adapt – Inspect and Adapt is a significant event held every PI. It is a regular time to reflect, collect data, and solve problems. The inspect and adapt event assembles teams and stakeholders to assess the solution and define improvements
- IP Iteration - The Innovation and Planning Iteration occurs every PI and serves multiple purposes. It is an estimating buffer for meeting PI objectives and provides dedicated time for innovation, continuing education, PI Planning, and Inspect and Adapt.
- Architectural Runway – Architectural Runway consists of the existing code, components, and technical infrastructure necessary to implement high-priority, near-term features without excessive delay and redesign.
- Lean-Agile Leadership – For SAFe to be effective, the enterprise’s leaders and managers must take responsibility for Lean-Agile adoption and success. Executives and managers must become Lean-Agile leaders who are trained—and then become trainers in—these leaner ways of thinking and operating.
Which situation best indicates the presence of an innovation riptide?
When team and Agile Release Train innovations turn into portfolio-level strategic initiatives
An innovation culture exists when leaders create an environment that supports creative thinking, curiosity and challenges the status quo.
The transformation into a learning organization requires five distinct disciplines. What are they?
Personal Mastery – Employees develop as ‘T-shaped’ people who build a breadth of knowledge in multiple disciplines for efficient collaboration and deep expertise aligned with their interests and skills. T-shaped employees are a critical foundation of Agile teams.
Shared Vision – Forward-looking leaders envision, align with, and articulate exciting possibilities. Then, they invite others to share and contribute to a common view of the future. The vision is compelling and motivates employees to contribute to achieving it.
Team Learning – Teams work collectively to achieve common objectives by sharing knowledge, suspending assumptions, and ‘thinking together.’ They complement each other’s skills for group problem-solving and learning.
Mental Models – Teams surface their existing assumptions and generalizations while working with an open mind to create new models based on a shared understanding of the Lean-Agile way of working and their customer domains. These models make complex concepts easy to understand and apply.
Systems Thinking – The organization sees the larger picture and recognizes that optimizing individual components does not optimize the system. Instead, the business takes a holistic learning, problem-solving, and solution-development approach. This optimization extends to business practices such as Lean Portfolio Management (LPM), which ensures that the enterprise invests in experimentation and learning to drive the system forward.
True or False
Some development value stream KPIs should focus on process measures such as speed, quality, flow, and self-assessments.
The following are universal recommendations for establishing KPIs:
- Good KPIs focus on objective, quantifiable, and measurable business outcomes
- Some development value stream KPIs should focus on process measures such as speed, quality, flow, and self-assessments.
- Trending data allows you to predict better what will happen based on history.
- Ratio data enables comparison. A sudden spike or a long-term trend becomes visible if you compare a daily metric to the same one over a month.
- Limit the number of KPIs tracked for each value stream. Typically, four to seven provides a good set of metrics.
There is a story behind every number, and that story often contains more important information than the number itself can convey.
What powerful tool can be used in conjunction with metric measurement?
(Gemba) – direct observation of the actual environment where value is created and where it meets the customer.
Formal measures and informal observations reinforce one another. But used in isolation, ‘managing by just the numbers’ can lead to poor outcomes and even worse morale.
The SAFe Business Agility Assessment is designed for (what level)?
a) Agile Teams
b) ART
c) Solution Train
d) Portfolio
e) Enterprise
The SAFe Business Agility Assessment is designed for LPM and portfolio stakeholders to assess their overall progress on the ultimate goal of true business agility.
With regards to using assessments as a means of measuring compentency what is the Dunning-Kruger effect?
People tend to assess their ability as greater than what it really is. This means that core competencies that seem unnaturally high might also require an examination to ensure the group understands the meaning of the statements in question.
What are the four success factors for measuring organizational performance?
- Use measurement in conjunction with other discovery tools
- Apply metrics where they support improved decision-making
- Understand the effect of metrics on behaviors
- Interpret metrics carefully
True or False
Decision-makers should base all
strategies past, current and future costs
Decision-makers should base all
strategies solely on future costs
► Because strategic decision-making affects
only the future course of the mission, sunk
costs are absolutely irrelevant.
► Decision-makers should base all
strategies solely on future costs. This way,
strategy Agility provides the opportunity for
the greatest economic benefit, without the
need to defend past spending.
What are two stratagies for conducting SAFe assessments?
- Each participant fills out the assessment independently, and then the group discusses and analyzes the results together
- All participants discuss each statement together and reach a consensus on the score for each statement.
During the analysis, it is essential to identify significant variances in opinion.
- Review each area of disagreement and explore the differing views. These might stem from a different understanding of the statement itself or from disagreement about where the group is in the specific dimension.
- The goal is to explore the differences to get a better alignment of where improvement is needed.
In analysing Assessement results SAFe recommends focusing on (no more than):
< n-number > statements representing strengths
< m-number > statements representing opportunities
What are these numbers?
To help manage WIP and focus improvement efforts, it’s recommended to use analysis to identify no more than five assessment statements that represent strengths and five statements that represent opportunities.
The strengths will be amplified and celebrated, and the opportunities will be acted upon, as described in the next step.
In performaning a SAFE assessment the feedback to a set of releated questions show great variability in their responses. As such, this generally can be catergorized as either a:
- Strengths
- Oppourtunies?
1. Statements with the lowest scores (average)
2. Statements with the largest negative difference
(compared to a benchmark)
3. Statements with the least amount of agreement (standard deviation)
What are some of the activities a SPC can use to coach flow?
- Facilitate Value Stream mapping
- Establish the Kanban systems
- Measure flow
- Apply the Eight Flow Accelerators
- Foster a flow mindset