Lesson 12 Flashcards
- Concerning church government, do the WS require elders and presbyteries? Give a nuanced answer.
It does not.
However, the WS assumes a presbyterian form of Government and that the officers hold the Keys of the Kingdome (30.2). The WS also assumes church discipline. All of these implies a requirement of elders and prebyteriers.
Also, the Scottish Kirk stated that the NOT mentioning of specific Kirk offices would not “prejudice the truth of Christ in these particulars to be expressed fully in the Directory of Government”
- Based on WCF 31, how would one argue it is proper for a presbytery to petition the government to criminalize abortion?
WCF 31 gives two exceptions to the issues of synods and councils handling on ecclesiastical issues.
1. Cases extraordinary
2. if “required by civil magistrate”
The petitioning of government to handle national issues or morality seems the wisest way for Christians to interject moral points at a group level.
- Concerning WLC 141-42, what should be a Christian’s attitude toward worldly goods?
WLC 141, “moderation of our judgements, wills, and affections concerning worldly goods.”
WLC 142, Christians
1. should not do “inordinate prizing and affecting worldly goods . . . and unduly prejudice our outward estate,” but Xns should not be
2. “defrauding ourselves of the due use and comfort of that estate which God hath given us.”
- Name the “three forms of unity.”
- Belgic Confession
- Heildelberg Catechism
- Canons of Dort
- Why do the Canons of Dort combine heads 3 and 4? Relate this answer to the Remonstrance.
- Since there were five Arminian statements, the Canons of Dort tried to arrange a five “head” answer following the Arminian order.
- Since the Remonstrance 3 (Total Depravity / Prevenient Grace) and 4 (Resistible Grace) were illogically separated, the Canons of Dort combined them in their answer.
- Is the following from the Canons of Dort or the Five Arminian Articles? “This election was not founded upon foreseen faith, and the obedience of faith, holiness, or any other good quality or disposition in man, as the prerequisite, cause or condition on which it depended.”
Canons of Dort