Factoid Questions Flashcards
WCF 2.3 What is the personal property (see WLC 10) of the Son?
WCF 3.1 True or False. The confession says that God is not the “author” of sin in the sense of that He Himself does not ordain the sinful acts of creatures.
WCF 3.8 What special exhortation does the confession give regarding the handling of the doctrine of predestination?
Special Prudence and care
WCF 4.1 Which persons of the Trinity are mentioned in this section on creation?
God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
WCF 6.3 What phrase does the confession add to clarify the category of people meant by the “posterity” of our first parents?
By Ordinary generation
WCF 9.3 The confessions says that fallen man cannot, by his own strength, convert himself. However, are there ways that man can prepare himself for conversion by the strength of the Holy Spirit?
WCF 10.3 What phrase does the confession use to describe those infants who are saved?
WCF 12.1 What is the title of the chapter that discusses believers being “pitied, protected, provided for, and chastened by [God] as by a father”?
Of Adaption
WCF 16.7 The confession says that the good works of unbelievers cannot please God. What does the confession say about unbelievers’ neglect of doing good works?
Their neglect of them is more sinful and displeasing to God
WCF 20.1 The confession mentions several ways the liberty of God’s people is greater in the New Testament than in the Old. Name one.
their freedom from the yoke of the ceremonial law, to which the Jewish Church was subjected; in greater boldness of access to the throne of grace; in fuller communications of the free Spirit of God
WCF 21.2 True or False. By implication, the confession acknowledges a period in redemptive history when praise could be given to the Trinity without a Mediator.
WCF 28.2 What is the “outward element” in Baptism?
WLC Q20 What phrase is used here for what the Westminster standards elsewhere call “the covenant of works”?
Covenant of Life
WLC Q50 What does the larger catechism take the words “He descended into hell” to mean?
“continuing in the state of the dead”; “under the power of death”
WLC Q63 The catechism lists several privileges of the visible church. Name two.
- Being under God’s special care and government;
- of being protected and preserved in all ages,
- notwithstanding the opposition of all enemies;
- and of enjoying the communion of saints,
- the ordinary means of salvation,
- and offers of grace by Christ to all the members of it
WLC Q77 The larger catechism uses which term to describe how the Spirit gives grace to believers in sanctification? (A) “Infuseth” (B) “Imputeth”
WLC Q104 This question lists approximately 28 duties required in the first commandment. Name 27 . . . just kidding; name two.
- The knowing and acknowledging of God to be the only true God and our God
- To worship and glorify him accordingly
A. by thinking,
B. meditating,
WLC Q113 The third commandment is “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” Does this commandment implicitly forbid failing to use God’s name when we should?
WLC Q118 This question maintains that the charge of keeping the Sabbath is specially directed to whom? (Name two general groups of people)
Governors of families and other superiors
WLC Q126-132 What three positions of persons are discussed in questions 126-132 in the larger catechism?
WLC Q145 Give the verse footnoted to prove that “speaking the truth unseasonably” is forbidden in the ninth commandment.
Prov 29:11
WLC Q177 Does the larger catechism forbid being baptized more than once or leave the question unanswered?
Yes, it forbids
WLC Q183 According to this question, what two groups of people are we NOT to pray for?
“the dead and those known to have sinned unto death
WSC Q36 Name one of the benefits mentioned which in this life either accompanies or flows from justification, adoption, and sanctification.
Assurance of God’s love, peace of conscience, joy in the Holy Ghost, increase of grace, and perseverance therein to the end.
WSC Q51 The shorter catechism connects the regulative principle to which of the ten commandments?
The second commandment
WSC Q60 The shorter catechism mentions two types of work that Christians may do on the Sabbath. What are they?
Necessity & mercy
WSC Q77 To what life situation does the ninth commandment especially apply?
Witness bearing
WSC Q82 The catechism carefully states that “No _____ man since the fall is able in this life to perfectly keep the commandments of God.” Fill in the blank.
WSC Q89 What does the Spirit of God “especially” make an effectual means of “convincing and converting sinners, and of building them up in holiness and comfort, through faith, unto salvation”?