Lesson 10 Flashcards
- Give Cara’s rationale that WCF 24.2 (“Marriage was ordained . . . for preventing of uncleanness) implicitly allows for birth control.
“For preventing uncleanness” gives another reason for sex besides procreation (see 1 Cor 7); hence, within reason, birth control
- Compare and contrast the traditional Reformation “marks of the church” with the WS.
**The Reformation creeds **usually have either two marks (word and sacraments) or three (word, sacraments, and discipline).
WS Marks.
1. “doctrine of gospel taught and embraced,”
2. “ordinances administered,” )Sacra,emts amd Dosco[;ome
3. public worship performed.
- In the Communion of Saints chapter (WCF 26), to what do “outward man” and “outward things” refer?
Because all believers are connected - and have union with - Christ, we also are connected - and have union with - each other.
WCF 26.2 explicitly relates to “outward man.”
Relates to the needs of those inside the church that we have union with through Christ.
WCF 26.2 explicitly relates to “outward things.”
This is proved by the footnote-references that all relate to giving monetary gifts/physical aid to other Xns.
i. “Which communion” refers to monetary gifts. At first this seems odd to call Xns’ giving money/physical-aid to other Xns as “communion” or “fellowship.” However, the Bible does it! See 2 Cor 8:4 (τὴν κοινωνίαν τῆς διακονίας τῆς εἰς τοὺς ἁγίους).
ii. Note emphasis on helping Xns in other countries.
- Who is Thomas Cranmer, and how is he related to the Thirty-Nine Articles?
Theologian, leader of the English Reformation and Archbishop of Canterbury and was the primary author of the 39 articles.
- Give two examples in the Thirty-Nine Articles that are explicitly against some RC doctrines.
- Of the Church
a. As the Church of Jerusalem, Alexandria, and Antioch, have erred, so also the Church of Rome hath erred, not only in their living and manner of Ceremonies, but also in matters
of Faith.
37 Of the Power of teh Civil Magistrates
a. The Bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction in this Realm of England.
- Give a brief definition of Erastianism, and relate this to Thirty-Nine Articles 37, “Of the Civil Magistrates” (1571 version).
Government has authority over the church in church matters.
Article 37 acknowledges Magisterial authority in areas of government, even civil government related to the church (i.e. Christian men, at teh commandment of the Magistrate, can wear weapons, and serve in wars.).
However, Article 37 states that the Magistrate has no authority relating to “ministering God’s Word, or of the Sacraments.