Lesson 10: Letter to the Young Women of Malolos Flashcards
Where was Rizal when he wrote the letter to the young women of Malolos?
“A good mother does not resemble the mother that the friar has created…”`
The author is criticizing the traditional image of a mother created by the friar
“What is the fruit of infancy?”
What should a woman look for in a husband?
A manly heart and noble
What is the will of God compared to?
Spotless conduct
What is the relationship of the enslavement of the mother to the enslavement of the child?
Enslavement of the mother leads to the child’s as well
What is the overall opinion of the author to the image of a mother created by the friars?
Negative and harmful portrayal
What is the cause of the backwardness of Asia?
The ignorance of women
What conditions did the women accept to be able to study?
Having Senorita Guadalupe del Reyes be their teacher
Appearance and looks can be deceiving…
People should never judge others based on appearance
What is the reason as to why Filipina women are enslaved?
Lack of power and good judgment
What is the importance of the duties that women have to perform in order to deliver the people from suffering?
They are of great importance
What are the characteristics of the girls mentioned?
Servitude & Deference AND Excessive Kindness & Ignorance
What is a girl’s role as a wife?
She should inspire her husband with courage
“She must cease to be the mistress of the home, otherwise she will unconsciously betray her husband, child, native land, and all…”
They will unconsciously betray her husband, child, native land, and all
How should a good mother bring up her child?
Raising them to be an image of a true God
What was the outcome of the women’s petition?
Successful; they got Senorita Guadalupe del Reyes as the teacher for night classes.
Why are Europeans and Americans powerful?
Because the women are free and well-educated
What is NOT a reason given for the girls’ behavior?
“Whatever the mother shows to her children is what the children also become…”
Mothers play a significant role in shaping their children’s character