Lesson 1 - Quizlet Flashcards
supervisor bestows ( gives ) on subordinate discretion to make decisions in the best interest of the organization.
unity of command
a management principle that workers should report to just one boss
decision authority is located near the top of the organization
Decision making is widely dispersed
Matrix and project organization
Employees has two bosses or supervisors
systematic filling up of positions in an organizational structure
Leadership+Motivation +Communication.
job satisfaction
Comes from enjoying your job
job enlargement
Related to the breadth of a job,, enlarging or increasing the amount of tasks the needs to be completed
Job Enrichment
Depth increased through factors such as growth, responsibility, and control
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Consist of following from top to down. Self-actualization, Esteem needs, Belonging and love, Safety, Physical needs
laissez-faire leadership
Is a hands- off approach- employees are highly motivated and complete their tasks without a lot of input or supervision
autocratic leadership
A form of leadership in which the leader makes decisions on his or her own and then announces those decisions to the group.
participative leadership
a leadership style in which the leader consults employees for their suggestions and input before making decisions
Situational Leadership
Is when a leader chooses the best style for situation varying between all shades of different approaches
Contingency Leadership
Is the theory that a leader’s style should match the situation as well as the task
List the the three factors that influence favorableness of a leader
- Leader Member Relations 2. Task Structure 3. Leader Position Power
The path Model
Was developed by Robert House and it’s states the job of a leader is to use structure, support and reward to create a good working environment which encourages accomplishing organization’s goals
Name the Four Leadership styles leaders may choose based on workers opinions and styles , and the work environment
- Directive 2. Supportive 3. Participative 4. Achievement- oriented
directive leadership style
The leader clearly outlines what the workers are to do and accomplish and how they are to do so. Leaders provides standards, schedules and instructions
supportive leadership
The leader crates pleasing work environment and look after their workers.
Situational Leadership focuses on three main points they are?
1.The amount of leadership direction to subordinates
2.The amount of monetary support for goals
3. The willingness of subordinates to perform
Vroom and yatton’s Normative leadership model
every decision that a leader makes requires a different approach
Power in the work place
Is know as a person’s ability to influence peers, subordinates and events.