LESSON 1 Flashcards
“mutual or reciprocal action or influence”. If you give something, you will get something in return. Another definition is from the Cambridge Dictionary which states that interaction is “an occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other”.
Refers to the interaction of humans and computers. It can also be linked to the word Interface which where the interaction takes place.Thus, we can say that __ is a cross-disciplinary area that deals with understanding how humans use computers and how computers respond to user actions (feedback).
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
• understand the factors that determine how people use technology
• develop tools and techniques to enable building suitable systems
• achieve efficient, effective, and safe interaction
• put people first
• Organisation Factors
• Environmental Factors
• The User
• Comfort Factors
• User Interface
• Task Factors
• Constraints
• System Functionality
• Productivity Factors
Training, job design, politics, roles, work .
Organisation Factors
Noise, heating, lighting, ventilation
Health and Safety Factors
Environmental Factors
Cognitive processes and capabilities
Motivation, enjoyment, satisfaction, personality, experience
The User
Seating, equipment, and layout.
Comfort Factors
Input devices, output devices, dialogue structures, use of colour, icons, commands, navigation, graphics, natural language, user support, multimedia,
User Interface
Easy, complex, novel, _ allocation, monitoring, skills
Task Factors
Cost, timescales, budgets, staff, equipment, buildings
Hardware, software, application
System Functionality
Increase output, increase quality, decrease costs, decrease errors, increase innovation
Productivity Factors
a. Human
b. Computer
c. Interaction
It refers to a person or group that uses the computer system.