Lesson 05: Asking Questions; The Prepositional Case Flashcards
Where is the station?
Где воксАл?
When is the museum open?
КогдА рабОтает музей?
Lit.: When works museum?
Why is the restaurant closed?
ПочемУ ресторАн не рабОтает?
Lit: Why restaurant not works?
Is this vodka?
Это вОдка?
Straight ahead and turn right.
ПрЯмо и напрАво.
They’re in Siberia.
онИ в СибИри.
By taxi.
Ha таксИ.
Who knows?
Кто знает?
Where IS she?
Где же она?
The particle же can be added in questions for emphasis.
“Is this vodka?”
“This is vodka.”
«Это водка?»
«Это водка.»
Yes-no questions have the same structure as statements. The question mark and vocal intonation will distinguish these as questions.
What are four Russian prepositions which govern the prepositional case?
в = in на = on о = about, concerning при = attached to, in the presence of
in London
В Лондоне
Nouns ending in consonants in the nominative singular add an -e to form the prepositional singular. Those ending in -й, -а or -о change the final vowel to -e.
in the museum
в музее
Nouns ending in consonants in the nominative singular add an -e to form the prepositional singular. Those ending in -й, -а or -о change the final vowel to -e.
in Moscow
в Москве
Nouns ending in consonants in the nominative singular add an -e to form the prepositional singular. Those ending in -й, -а or -о change the final vowel to -e.
in the/a letter
в письмЕ
Nouns ending in consonants in the nominative singular add an -e to form the prepositional singular. Those ending in -й, -а or -о change the final vowel to -e.
in Bristol
Бристоль (м)
в Бристоле
Nouns that end in -ь in the ns: to change to the ps, change ь to e if the noun is masculine and to и if the noun is feminine.
in Siberia
Сибирь (f)
в Сибири
Nouns that end in -ь in the ns: to change to the ps, change ь to e if the noun is masculine and to и if the noun is feminine.
about the tsar
царь (м)
о царе
Nouns that end in -ь in the ns: to change to the ps, change ь to e if the noun is masculine and to и if the noun is feminine.
in the sea
в море
Nouns ending in -e in the ns remain the same in the ps, unless the ending is -ие. In that case, change the final e to a second и.
(the) exercise
in the exercise
в упражнении
Nouns ending in -e in the ns remain the same in the ps, unless the ending is -ие. In that case, change the final e to a second и.
in Vania’s presence
при Ване
Nouns ending in -я in the ns change this vowel to e in the ps, except when the ns word ends in -ия. In that case, change the я to a second и.
in England
в Англии
Nouns ending in -я in the ns change this vowel to e in the ps, except when the ns word ends in -ия. In that case, change the я to a second и.
in Crimea
в КрымУ
A few (mostly) short masculine nouns are irregular. They take -y in the ps, but only after в and на.
in the garden/orchard
в садУ
A few (mostly) short masculine nouns are irregular. They take -y in the ps, but only after в and на.
the Don River
A few (mostly) short masculine nouns are irregular. They take -y in the ps, but only after в and на.