Lektionswortschatz V Flashcards
University system
die Hochschule, -n
University, college
die Fachhochschule, -n
University of applied sciences, specialist college, trade school, technical school
das Konservatorium, Konservatorien
conservatoire, music academy
die Universität, -en
University, college (1st year only?)
der Bachelor, -s
bachelor’s degree, undergraduate degree / bachelor (man)
der Master
die Promotion, -en
doctorate, PhD
die Prüfung, -en
exam, examination / inspection, test, assessment, review, verification, control, investigation, scrutiny / test, trial, ordeal
die Aufnahmeprüfung, -en
entrance exam(ination)
die Eignungsprüfung, -en
aptitude test
die Reifeprüfung, -en
Abitur, school leaving exam
die Zulassungsbedingung, -en
admission requirement, condition for admission
die Regelstudienzeit, -en
prescribed period of study
die Forschung, -en
die Lehre (nur Sg.)
traineeship, apprenticeship / lesson (for life), moral / teaching, doctrine (philosophy) / science, theory / [piece of] advice
die Wissenschaft, -en
science / research / (world of) scholarship, academia
der Dozent, -en / die Dozentin, -nen
lecturer, professor, teacher, instructor, assistant professor
die Hochschulreife (nur Sg.)
University entrance qualification
allgemeine/fachgebundene Hochschulreife
general entrance qualification / entrance qualification restricted to certain subjects
die Fachhochschulreife (nur Sg.)
entitlement to study at a Fachhochschule
der Meister
master craftsman / expert, specialist / master (artist) / foreman, gaffer / champion / chief, Mac
der Meistertitel
master craftsman’s title / championship title, league title
einschreiben (sich) in + A / an + D
register or enroll in / at
immatrikulieren (sich) an + D
enroll, register at
die Fakultät
faculty, department, school / factorial
die Geisteswissenschaft, -en
arts subject, Humanities
die Gestaltung (nur Sg.)
design / organization, creation, production, formation, shaping, arrangement, presentation, decoration / form, shape, structure, features, style, lay(-)out
das Ingenieurwesen (nur Sg.)
die Ingenieurwissenschaft, -en
engineering (science)
die Naturwissenschaft, -en
(natural) science
die Rechtswissenschaft, -en
law, jurisprudence
das Sozialwesen (nur Sg.)
social services
die Sozialwissenschaft, -en
social science
die Theologie (nur Sg.)
die Wirtschaftswissenschaft, -en
das Studienfach, Studienfächer
subject (of study)
die Anglistik (nur Sg.)
English language and literature, English studies (or Philology)
die Betriebswirtschaft (nur Sg.)
economics, business
die Germanistik (nur Sg.)
German(ic) philology, German (studies), German language and literature
Jura (nur Sg.)
die Pädagogik (nur Sg.)
pedagogy, pedagogics, educational science, educational theory
die Psychologie (nur Sg.)
psychology, psychological insight
die Informatik (nur Sg.)
computer science, informatics
die Wirtschaftsinformatik (nur Sg.)
economic informatics
der Schultyp
type of school
die Förderschule, -n
special school
die Grundschule, -n
school, elementary school, grammar school, primary school
die Hauptschule, -n
secondary school, a school that takes students through the last five years of their compulsory period of education
die Realschule, -n
secondary school leading to intermediate qualification, middle school, junior high school
das Internat, -e
boarding school
der Beruf
job, career, profession, occupation, employment, vocation, trade, business, line, career, calling;
der Analytiker / die Analytikerin, -nen
der Buchhändler / die Buchhändlerin, -nen
bookseller / bookshops, bookstores
der Dolmetscher / die Dolmetscherin, -nen
der Facharzt, Fachärzte / die Fachärztin, -nen (für Psychiatrie, Chirurgie, …)
specialist doctor (in Psichiatry, Surgery, …)
der Fernfahrer / die Fernfahrerin, -nen
long-distance lorry driver, long-haul truck driver, trucker
der Ingenieur, -e / die Ingenieurin, -nen
der Oberarzt, Oberärzte / die Oberärztin, -nen
consultant, specialist / assistant medical director
die Kunst, Künste
art, artistry / skill, trick
die Auszeichnung, -en
hono(u)ring, (mark of) distinction, hono(u)r for, decoration, medal, award, prize / marking, label(l)ing, pricing, markup, display / price label, tag
der Oskar, -s
das Kabarett, -s
cabaret, satirical revue / divided serving dish
der Kabarettist, -en / die Kabarettistin, -nen
(political) satirist
das Instrument, -e
instrument, tool, implement
das Orchester
orchestra, band / orchestra (pit)
solo career, career as a soloist
die Regie (nur Sg.)
production, direction / charge, control, management, administration
der Regieassistent, -en / die Regieassistentin, -nen
assistant director, assistant producer
das Drehbuch, Drehbücher
script, screenplay
auftreten (auf der Bühne)
perform in stage
drehen (einem Film)
record (a film)
die Begabung, -en
gift, talent, skill, ability / gifted person
das Berufsleben (nur Sg.)
professional (or working) life
die Besonderheit, -en
specific (or characteristic, special) feature, peculiarity, quirk, foible
der Einstieg, -e
boarding, entrance, entry, getting in / getting started, start, introduction
die Fähigkeit, -en
ability, capability, talent, aptitude, skill
die Fremsprache, -n
foreign language
die Hitze (nur Sg.)
heat, hot [climate] conditions
die Jugend (nur Sg.)
youth, childhood, teenagers, youth(fulness) / youth team
der Kandidat, -en / die Kandidatin, -nen
candidate, contender, applicant
Kfz (= das Kraftfahrzeug, -e)
motor vehicle, car, automobile
die Kombination, -en
combination, mix / conclusion, deduction / ensemble, overall
der Kompass, -e
der Lebensweg, -e
(path through) life, life, life’s journey, journey through life
die Leidenschaft, -en
emotion, passion, ardour, zeal, fervour
Lkw, -s (= der Lastkraftwagen)
truck, lorry
die Mehrzahl (nur Sg.)
majority / plural (linguistics)
das Merkmal, -e
feature, symptom, sign, characteristic
die Organisation, -en
organisation / group (colloquial)
die Phase, -n
phase, stage, time period / hard time
die Präsenzphase, -n
present phase, presence (!?)
der Praktiker
family practitioner / practical person / practitioner (of the trade)
die Praxis (nur Sg.)
practice / +
die Theorie, -n
theory / +
das Recht, -e
right / law, legislation / authority / authorization
der Schüleraustausch (nur Sg.)
school exchange, student exchange
die Spedition, -en
haulage, forwarding, shipping / furniture removal, removal firm, moving company
das Spektrum, -tren
spectrum, [colour] range
das Spital, Spitäler (A, CH)
hospital, infirmary
der Transport, -e
transport, delivery, shipping / +
der Transporteur, -e
carrier, haulage firm (or contractor), haulier, hauler/ shuttle
das Unternehmen
company, corporation, firm, business, enterprise, concern, company / enterprise, undertaking, project, (mil.) operation
der Vortrag, Vorträge
talk, lecture, speech, recital / performance, rendering / report
grow up
fear, expect, be afraid of, suspect
erfüllen (sich)
come true
exist, be, be extant
formulate, express, put into words, word / come up with
lead / manage / keep / drive / …
sit in on classes, audit a course
integrieren in + A
integrate into
combine, deduce
prove, show, confirm / arrange (admin)
raten jmd.
recommend, suggest someone ?
regulate, arrange, adjust / govern, control / see to, settle / solve
spezialisieren, sich auf + A
specialize in sth
überlegen, sich
think about sth, think sth over
change, transform, convert / commute
recognized, accepted
hard-working, diligent / busy / willing, keen, showing great application / frequent, regular
whole, entire, complete, total, overall
classical, classic
educational, pedagogical
practical, handy, useful, actual
theoretical, hypothetical, academic / theoretically, hypothetically
oriented to practice
concentrating on certain main points
difficult, hard, tough, complicated, intricate, awkward
independent, self-supporting, independent, self-employed, freelance, autonomous
unabhängig von + D
independent of, irrespective of
normal, common, usual, typical, ordinary, everyday, average, vulgar, mediocre, conventional, plain
unusual, uncommon, exceptional, remarkable
true, real, veritable
essential, significant, substantial, important, fundamental
additionally, casually, in passing / on the side / as well, besides
wegen + G/D (ugs.)
because of, on account of, due to, as a result of, owing to, for the sake of, for ?
just, only / +
but, however / +
only, nothing but, just, simply / except / …
an 1. / 2. / … Stelle
in 1st. / 2nd. / … place or position
auf diese Weise = auf diese Art und Weise
in this way
in der Regel
as a rule