Legislation in Construction Flashcards
Safety - How do we do it
Furst create culture and make it happen
Second ensure a technically correct approach is taken to implement safe work practices
Provide management audit team working independently of construction
What are the drivers of legislation
100,000 workers killed annual at work
Developing countries have tripled fatal injuries over 15 years
In australia 500 workers suffer death each year
2,200 die of work related cancer
650,000 injured or become ill each year
What is duty of care
Requires everything reasonably practical to be done to protect the health and safety of others at the workplace
Who is responsible for duty of care
Any others that influence hazards at workplace
What is the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission
Forum for the commonwealth, state and territory governments, employer organisations and trade unions to develop national approaches to OHS matters
What is the purpose of the WH&S act
Provides a framework to prevent or minimise risk by Imposing obligations Establishing industry benchmarks Establishing WH&S board Industry Codes of Practice Safety representatives
What is the WH&S Act objective
To prevent a persons death, injury or illness being caused by a workplace by minimizing exposure to risk
Who does the act apply to
An employer A worker Self employeed persons A person in control of workplaces Principal contractor A design, manufacturer, import Supplier of Plant Owner of high risk plant Visitors
Definition of building work
Work to erect, construct, extend or structurally alter a building if the estimated final price is more than $40,000 or greater under regulation