Leggo my Preggo Flashcards
What can activate NF-kB other than pulmonary surfactant that could result in premature labor
bacterial infections
allergic reactions
multiple-fetus pregnancies
minutes it takes the sperm to get to the:
cervical canal:
upper third oviduct:
vagina: 0
cervical canal: 1-3
uterus: 10-20
upper third oviduct: 30-60
Three theories for labor induction role of high estrogen levels:
- coordinated contraction - synthesis of connexons for gap junctions
- increase oxytocin response - increase receptors
- increase oxytocin response/contribute to cervical ripening = increase production of prostaglandins
When does the positive feedback loop of parturition end
when delivery is complete
What do pregnancy tests detect
the acrosomal enzymes digest the
zona pellucida
What is a pharmalogical synthetic form of oxytocin
Estrogen or Progesterone?
Development of ductile system of breasts
What blocks the ovum from being fertilized by two sperm? (polyspermy)
sperm enters -> releases enzymes stored in granules in the ovum -> inactivates ZP3 proteins -> hardens glycoproteins on zona pellucida
When is the placenta well established and functional
5 weeks after implantation
When are hCG levels detectable in maternal serum?
8-11 days after conception ONLY after implantation
(low/high) levels of CRH = late deliveries
low CRH
What triggers the acrosome reaction
binding of sperm to ZP3 proteins on the zona pellucida
A fertilized ovum becomes a ______ which is capable of implantation
Four stages of Pregnancy:
- initiation
- gestation
- parturition
- lactation
% of ejaculated sperm in the:
cervical canal:
upper third oviduct:
vagina: 100
cervical canal: 3
uterus: 0.1
upper third oviduct: 0.001
What happens when the sperm reaches the ovum thru the zona pellucida
plasma membranes of the sperm and ovum fuse
mediated by binding of fertilin on sperm head to integrin receptor on ovums membrane
levels of which hormone can be used as an index of fetal health
sperm capacitation process:
cholesterol withdrawal
surface proteins redistributed
calcium influx
What is the chemoattractant for sperm to reach the egg in ampulla of oviduct
What is the enzyme that is released from sperm that allows it to penetrate the zona pellucida
What days of the cycle are the best for implantation? why?
progesterone levels are high
What can inhibit FnRH release preventing ovulation right after delivery
The fertilizing sperm penetrates the _______ via membrane-bound enzymes in the plasma membrane of its head and binds to _______
corona radiata
ZP3 proteins on the zona pellucida
Why does the uterus respond to oxytocin more at labor induction
same amount of oxytocin in circulation
increase concentration of myometrial oxytocin RECEPTORS
First the sperm goes through this layer:
Then this layer:
then this layer:
Corona radiata
Zona pellucida
Plasma membrane of ovum
Estrogen or Progesterone?
formation of cervical plug
Why does lactation not occur during pregnancy
inhibition from estrogen and progesterone
Withdrawal of placental steroids at parturition initiates lactation
During gestation, estrogen is made by a coordinated effort between the:
placenta, fetal adrenals, and fetal liver
What inflammation factor is activated by uterine stretching and increased production of macrophages from increased pulmonary surfactant
nuclear factor (NF-kB)
What two hormones control Prolactin
thyrotropin-releasing hormone (stimulatory)
dopamine (inhibitory)
During gestation, how is progesterone made?
the placenta can make it on its own
with cholesterol from the motherβs diet
What βrescuesβ the corpus luteum
placental hCG
In lactating women, ovulation resumes in ____ weeks
27 weeks
7 months
What does nuclear factor (NF-kB) stimulate?
What does it promote?
stimulates IL-8
promotes cervical softening
Estrogen or Progesterone?
inhibition of lactose synthesis
estrogen = lactation
Where is oxytocin produced and stored
posterior pituitary
When do hCG levels in materinal plasma peak
between 9-12 weeks gestation
Estrogen or Progesterone?
Stimulates prolactin release by anterior pituitary
What stimulates secretion (production) of more milk
prolactin (anterior pituitary)
Estrogen or Progesterone?
Inhibition of myometrial contraction
Estrogen or Progesterone?
increased growth of myometrium- muscles for labor
What stimulates the release of enzymes stored in the cortical granules of the ovum
sperm entering the ovum cytoplasm
Estrogen or Progesterone?
development of alveolous and lobule in breast
What is the site of fertilization
oviduct (upper third βampullaβ)
Estrogen or Progesterone?
Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis from uterus
Estrogen or Progesterone?
Conversion of uterus to secretory gland readying it for implantation
Fertilization must occur within ___ hours after ovulation
How does the female reproductive tract aid in sperm migration
(aka sabatoge)
- contractions in myometrium
- upward contraction of oviduct smooth muscle
- allurin released by mature eggs (βallureβ)
(low/high) levels of CRH = premature deliveries
high CRH
Estrogen or Progesterone?
Inhibits lactation
progesterone = lactose synthesis
What is produced by the corpus luteum and placenta that relaxes pelvic ligaments and softens the uterine cervix by loosening the connective tissue between pelvic bones
What happens once the placenta starts to decrete estrogen and progesterone?
hCG levels decine and the corpus luteum regresses
Estrogen or Progesterone?
Relax and soften pelvic ligaments
upon sperm entrance of the female reproductive tract, what is the first thing that happens to the sperm
βactivationβ - surface characteristics of the sperm are altered
In non-lacting women, ovulation resumes in ____ weeks postpartum
hCG has the same action of what other hormone
How long after the baby is born is the placenta delivered?
15 to 30 minutes
sperm motility in the cervical canal requires:
alkaline pH
secretions from prostate gland
plasma membranes of the sperm and the ovum fusion is mediated by ____________ on sperm head to ____________ on ovumβs membrane
binding of fertilin
integrin receptor
What causes milk ejection
oxytocin (posterior pituitary)
When is labor initiated?
when the oxytocin receptor concentration reaches a critical threshold that permits the onset of strong, coordinated contractions in response to ordinary levels of circulating oxytocin