Legal/Regulatory Flashcards
What different types of legislation do you have to typically consider on a construction project?
- CDM Regulations 2015 - see Health and Safety
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - see Health and Safety
- Town and Country Planning Act 1990
- The Building Act 1984
- Building Regulations 2010
- The Party Wall etc. Act 1996
- Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
- Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 - see Health and Safety
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 - see Health and Safety
Give an example, if you have one, of where a client has wanted to ignore statutory requirements, and tell me how you advised them?
To avoid delay a client wanted to proceed with external alterations to a listed property. I advised them that they must consult with the Local Authority even if they feel there is not a significant change. I advised them to delay the works until the next holiday period at the school otherwise they faced the risk of enforcement form the local authority which can be deemed a criminal offence. There are no time limits for issuing listed building enforcement notices. There is no fee for applying for listed building consent.
You mentioned you commissioned for an arboriculturist survey, why is this needed?
The arboriculturist survey is required when carrying out developments adjacent to trees, especially when they have a Tree Protection Order. At St Pauls School, the arboriculturist advised on the trenching route and details of how to trench alongside tree routes using an airspade.
You mentioned a project for a new car park and fencing to St Marys in Carshalton. Was then fencing on a highway? planning?
Yes, so planning was required as the fencing was higher than 1 metre and we materially changed the type of fencing plus it was in a conservation area, so the Permitted Development rights did not apply.
What are the enforcement powers under Town and Country Planning Act 1990?
Local Authority have the enforcement powers and may issue enforcement under Section 172. This is in relation to carrying out the development without the required planning permission, failing to comply with a condition. The Local authority can issue an enforcement within 4 years of substantial completion or within 10 years of a Change of Use.
What are the enforcement powers under Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Area) Act 1990?
Unlike planning, there are no time‑limits for issuing listed building enforcement notices or for when enforcement action may be taken; carrying out work without the necessary listed building consent or failing to comply with a condition attached to that consent, whereby such works etc materially affect the historic or architectural significance of the building, is an offence under section 9 of that Act.
What are the fines for not complying with Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Area) Act 1990?
2 years imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.
What did you do prior to the submission of the Listed Building Application? What did you advise the client?
I advised the client that the fee would increase as I would need help from a heritage specialist to produce a Heritage Statement to support the application. The application is free however, it will take up to 8-13 weeks to reach a decision.
How did you determine that the lath and plaster ceilings were in need of repair, and how did you determine the extent of work required?
Lathe and plaster ceilings were visible and informed by the facilities manager that this was the case. I used a tap test to determine the soundness of the walls. The hollower it sounds the likelihood of the plaster coming away as soon as one section is cut away. The Heritage Consultant also advised on remedial works. The works also considered the safe working when using hair plaster.
Can you name some types regulatory building consents you come across on building projects?
Planning Consent, Listed Building Consent, Building Regulations Approval
What are the three types of building control applications?
Full Plans application, Building Notice application and Regularisation application.
Can you explain each type?
Full plans application requires the Building Owner to submit detailed drawings to Local Authority. This application can take 5 weeks.
The Building Notice is formal notice issued to the Local Authority confirming that minor works will be commencing, and this should be issued 48 hours prior to commencement. Full plans provide the client with more assurance.
Regularisation is a retrospective application used for regularising unauthorised work to confirm whether a building can be granted Building Control Approval
Did you require building control approval for the works, why not?
For the reinstatement works, no we did not as it was routine works. There were no structural alterations, new extensions, changes to thermal elements.
What are the enforcement powers under the Building Act 1984?
Local Authority have the enforcement powers to prove the Owner or Building (if issued within 12 months of the works being completed.) did not contravene the Building Regulations.
What are the fines under Section 35 of Building Act 1984 and who does it effect?
£5000 and £50 per day thereafter and this affects the builder. Must be issued within 24 months of works completing.
What is a Demolition Notice and have you ever had to submit one, and when would you submit one?
It is Section 80 under the Building Act 1984. It is the notice provided to the Local Authority for the intended part or full demolition.
Six week prior to commencing with works.
Local Authority can issue a counter notice.