Legal and Regulations Flashcards
What is CDM regulations and what are the key principles ?
It is a set of regulations for the management of health and safety on construction sites in the UK.
The application of CDM 2015 and definitions
The duties of construction project clients
The duties of other duty holders including designers, principal designers, contractors and principal contractors
General requirements for all construction sites
What does CDM stand for and when did come into affect?
Construction Design and Management Regulation.
It came into affect April 2015.
What are the duties of the client under CDM 2015?
The clients main duties are:
- Ensuring the project is managed by competent individuals
- Ensure there is sufficient time and resources
- Appoint the PD and PC if there is more than one contractor
- Ensure the CPP is compiled
- Ensure welfare facilities are made available
- Provide all information required
- Submit an F10 notification
What are the duties of the Principle Designer under CDM 2015?
The PD main duties are:
- Plan, manage and monitor the pre-construction phase
. Take into account general principles of prevention
. Ensure designers carry out there duties
. Cooperate with PC and others - Assist with PCI preparation
- Prepare the H&S file
What are the duties of the Principal Contractor under CDM 2015?
The PC main duties are:
- Plan, manage and monitor the works
- Prepare and issue the CPP
- Provide welfare facilities
- Ensure works are carried out by competent sub-contractors
- Liaise with PD
- Provide H&S file information
What is a F10 notification?
It is a procedure for notifying the HSE of a construction project being undertaken. It can be done either online or by telephone.
When is a project notifiable under CDM 2015?
More than 30 days and more than 20 workers at any point during the project
More than 500 person days
What legislation covers asbestos in the work place?
It is covered under Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012
Under CAR 2012, who is responsible for asbestos in the workplace?
The person who is responsible for the maintenance and alterations for the property.
Wat type of asbestos surveys are available?
Management survey - Includes minor sampling and identifying ACMs in order to establish management programme to avoid damage during normal activities.
Refurbishment and Demolition Survey - Intrusive investigation to identify asbestos in areas where works are to be carried out.
When was asbestos banned?
Amosite and Crocidolite - 1985
Chrysolite - 1999
Do you have to have a permit to remove asbestos from a building? If so can you please explain?
In some circumstances you would do.
Licensable works:
- Notify the HSE 14 days prior to works starting
- Works are not sporadic or low intensity
- Fibre count would exceed 0.1f/m3
- Work on asbestos insulation, asbestos insulation
board or asbestos coatings
Notifiable Non-Licensed works:
- Notify before work starts
- Works that are sporadic and of low intensity
Non-Licensed works -