Lectures 6 and 7 - Childhood Psychiatric Disorders Flashcards
In Piaget’s theory of development, ______ are the individual “units” of learning. Those that are innate, are considered primitive reflexes (e.g. grasping in children).
______ describes when novel situations fit existing schema.
______ describes when existing schema must be altered to allow novel situations to fit within them.
______ is the driving force behind Accommodation –> we want to resolve the discomfort experienced when novel situations don’t fit our existing schema.
Piaget’s 4 stages of development:
- _______ (0-2 years) –> underpinned by Object permanence (development of Object permanence required for progression to next level).
- ______ (2-7 years) –> underpinned by Symbolic thought, Language, and Egocentrism
- ______ _______(7-11 years) –> underpinned by Logical reasoning, recognize that their are view points other than your own, Conservation of number, volume, and weight.
- ______ _______ (11+ years) –> underpinned by abstract and hypothetical thought, identity, morality, behavior, deductive logic.
- Sensorimotor
- Preoperational
- Concrete Operational
- Formal Operational
Freud’s stages:
- Oral (Birth to ____ year)
- Anal (___-___ years)
- Phallic stage (___-___years)
- Latent Stage (____-puberty)
- Genital stage (puberty to death)
1 year
The most common presentation of Depression in Children is ______.
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Symptoms must be present for more than _____ months in 2 or more settings (i.e. school, home, recreational setting) ANNNND symptoms must negatively impact function in social, educational, or professional settings.
People < 17 years old MUST show at least _____ symptoms, while those > 17 MUST show at least _____ symptoms.
A diagnosis requires that Some symptoms are/were present prior to the age of _____.
6 months
Is ADHD more prevalent in Males or Females?
Very low _____ _____ is the greatest risk factor.
Birth Weight
First line treatment for ADHD treatment is ______ intervention and/or Medication.
Behavioral Intervention
First line Medications for ADHD are _______. ________ and Dextroamphetamine are two examples. They act by inhibiting the reuptake of _____ and _____ into presynaptic neurons.
2nd line medications for ADHD include ______, which acts by selectively inhibiting the reuptake of _______ ONLY.
3rd line medications for ADHD include _____ 2 agonists, such as _____ and Guanfacine.
Alpha-2 agonists
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is characterized by the presence of ____ (how many?) symptoms for at least _____ months. Keep in mind these symptoms are not considered abnormal if exhibited during interactions with ______.
Is ODD more prevalent in Males or Females?
Conduct Disorder is different from ODD in that patients with Conduct Disorder derive pleasure from malicious behavior. Also, diagnosis requires at least _____ symptoms present for at least ______ months WITH at least ____ symptom present for the last _____ months.
3 symptoms
12 months
1 symptom
6 months
Treatment for Conduct Disorder focusses on the treatment of ______ psychiatric conditions.
Comorbid (i.e. ODD and/or ADHD).
What is Coprolalia vs Echolalia?
Coprolalia –> vocal tic involving obscenities
Echolalia –> repeating last heard word.
Tourette’s Syndrome is defined as BOTH multiple Motor tics AND one or more Vocal tics. The tics may wax and wane, but diagnosis requires tics have persisted for more than ____ year since onset. Onset is before age ____.
1 year
Prepubertal children with Tourette’s are at risk for developing ____ and ____, while Adolescents are at risk for developing ____ disorder and Substance use disorder.
Mood disorder
Treatment for Tourette’s includes Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) for habit reversal and/or _______ (medication) that acts to decrease DA via inhibiting vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 (VMAT2).
2nd line treatment can include ____-2 agonists (same as 3rd line for ADHD) Clonidine and _______. Sometimes, antipsychotics like Fluphenazine or Risperidone are used.
Alpha-2 agonists
Separation Anxiety is developmentally INAPPROPRIATE in children older than _____.
These children are treated with _____ ____ Therapy, and in severe indications this can be combined with SSRIs.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Autism Spectrum Disorder is NOT an ______ disability, though it is often linked with these.
_____ syndrome is an X-linked disorder present ONLY in Females, as males die in utero. It is characterized by normal development up through about 6-18months, with subsequent loss of milestones. Look for a young female presenting with hand ______ and loss of milestones.
Rett syndrome
Hand Flapping