Lectures Flashcards
Where is continuous monitoring using telemetry used?
Where can an ECG be used?
Prehospital (ex.EMTs and Paramedics)
Doctor’s office
What types of ECGs can be used in a Doctor’s office?
Exercise ECG/Cardiac Stress Test
rules of conduct enforced by controlling authority
standards of behavior and concepts of right and wrong
Code of Ethics
Standards of behavior as defined by a professional group
Making derogatory remarks about someone while speaking
Writing defamatory words about someone
Medical Professional Liability holds MAs accountable for:
Performing unlawful acts
performing legal acts improperly
failing to perform an act when necessary
Implied consent
When consent is not explicitly given but it can be reasonably assumed that the person has given permission to act
written consent
permission that is explicitly given through writing for an act to be done
ex. signing a paper
When educating the patient it is important to:
explain the procedure carefully, answer questions, use simple terms, speak slowly and distictly
What are considered vital signs
Blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, pain level, temperature, height, and weight
what is considered normal blood pressure
what is considered normal respiration rate
12-20 breaths per minute
what is considered a normal pulse/heart rate?
60-100 bpm (beats per minute)
what is considered prehypertension
120-130 systolic / 80-89 diastolic
what is considered stage 1 hypertension
140-159 systolic / 90-99 diastolic
what is considered stage 2 hypertension
160 or higher systolic / 100 or higher diastolic
NOTE!!! Write cards on NORMAL LEVELS FROM Q1
Pulse points (10)
temporal artery, facial, carotid artery,
apical, brachial artery, radial artery
femoral artery, popliteal artery,
posterior tibial artery, dorsalis pedis artery
In standard 25 mm/sec tracing:
How many secs is 1 small box?
How many secs is 1 big box?
1 small box = 0.04 secs
1 big box = 0.20 secs
In standard 10 mm/mV tracing:
How many millivolts is 1 small box?
How many millivolts is 1 big box?
1 small box = 0.1 mV
1 big box = 5 mV
What is a wandering baseline
baseline that is curved and not straight
Purkinje Fibers rate
20 and below
Makes you pee
Lasix (Furesomide)
For hypertension
Normal level of Potassium
3.5 - 5 mEq/L
Redline on paper means?
Supply is low
Airborne Precautions
N95 mask
Negative pressure room
HEPA filter
Alternate sites for Limb leads
Upper legs
As close to trunk as possible
Normal SpO2
95-100 SpO2
RA lead is what color
LA lead is what color
LL lead color
Ground lead is what color
More than 5 boxes in QRS Complex
AV Block/Heart Block
Less than 3 boxes
Wolfe-Parkinson-white Syndrome (WPW)