lecture17: diffusion of o2 and co2 Flashcards
what is the formula for ventilation perfusion ratio
ventilation-perfusion ration=Va/Q
va=alverolar ventilate rate (ml/min)
Q= rate of pulm blood flow (ml/min)
what is something that would create a decreaing VP ration
a physiological shunt: inaqedate air flow but good blood flow
=high concentration of PCO2 beacuse there is an icnnrease of CO2 in the blood beacuse of bad air flow but not expelled because of the blockage
what is something that increases the VP ratio
if there is a blocked vessel/physiological dead space
=fully functional lungs with good air flow but not enough blood for gas exchange
true or false: in a physiologic dead space, gas exchagne is possibleF
false it is not possible
the part of the respiratory portion where gas should happen, but isnt, is called what
physioollic dead space
what is the VP ratio for physiologic dead space
Va is adequate but Q is low
ventilation in a physiooligc dead space is BLANK
when Va is adequate but Q is low and ventilation is wasted, what does that contribute to
physiologic dead space
what happens when the physiologic dead space is large
much of the work of breathing is wasted
is there a greater physiologic dead space at the base of the lugs or the apex
at the apex
what is the VP ratio in a physiologic shunt
When VA/Q is below normal (i.e. inadequate VA), certain
fraction of venous blood passes through pulmonary
capillaries without getting oxygenated
what happens when there is inadequate Va in a physiologic shunt
certain fraction of venous blood passes through pulmonary capillaries without getting oxygenated
what is the fraction of venous blood that passes through pulmonary
capillaries without getting oxygenated called
shunted blood
what is shunted blood
fraction of venous blood passes through pulmonary
capillaries without getting oxygenated
Total quantitative amount of shunted blood per minute is
called BLANK
“physiologic shunt”
the greather the physiolofic shunt the greater the BLANK
the greater the amount of blood that fails to be oxygenated as it passes
through the lungs
true or false: physiologic shunt is a type of physiologic shunt
at the apex of the lungs, is the VP ratio too high or too low
it is 2.5x greater than the ideal value
At the top of the lung VA/Q is 2.5x greater that as the ideal value = which means it is what type of space.
physiological dead space (i.e. more alveoli are being ventilated than perfused)
at the base/bottom of the lungs, is the VP ratio too high or too low
too low
there is too little ventilation in relation to
blood flow, VA/Q is as low as 0.6x the ideal value
in the area at the bottom of the lungs, a small fracttion of the blood falls to become normally oxygenated… why
there is too little ventilationn in relation to blood flow
=physiologic shunt
durinng exercise, is the physiological dead space decreased or incresed
it is decreased (more blood flow to apex) and inncrease breathing to lungs
explain how the VP ration is mismatching/opposing at the top vs bottom of the lungs
– At the top of the lung VA/Q is 2.5x greater that as the ideal value = physiological dead space (i.e. more alveoli are being ventilated than perfused)
– At the bottom of the lung, there is too little ventilation in relation to blood flow, VA/Q is as low as 0.6x the ideal value. In this area, a small fraction of the blood fails to become normally oxygenated = physiological shunt
why is there bad blood flow but good ventilatio nat the apex of the lungs
gravity sends the blood downwards
what is the next step once the alveoli is venttilated with fresh air
next step in
respiratory process is diffusion of O2 from alveoli into pulmonary blood and diffusion of CO2 in opposite direction
what does diffusion of O2 from alveoli into
pulmonary blood and diffusion of CO2 in opposite direction depend on
– Concentration of ambient air
• 20.9% O2, 78.6% N2, 0.04% CO2
– Pressure of ambient air
what is diffusion
randpom melcules of molecules
are the gases involved in respiratory physiology different from other gases molecules in the body
no tthey are l ike other
gases dissolved in bodily fluids and tissues) = simple
molecules, free to move among each other
what is needed for diffusio nto occur
an energy source is needed;
provided by kinetic motion of molecules themselves
what is the energy source for diffusion
kinetic motion of molecules themselved
the gas molecules do Linear movement at high velocities until collision; then
bounce away in other direction until other collision
which means what in terms of velocity of the particles
– This means that molecules move fast and randomly
what are gas pressures caused by
Caused by impacts of moving molecules against surface
if there are more impacts of moving molecuels against the surface, is there higher or lower pressure
the air inspired innto the alveo is a mix of different gases: name some
carbon dioxide
others: he and water
what is the gas partial pressure
Pressure caused by each gas alone is called partial
pressure (Px)
• E.g., PO2, PN2, PCO2
what is the diffusion ratte of each gas directly proportionnal to
Diffusion rate of each gas is directly proportional to its
partial pressure gradient (concentration)
Total gas pressure of a mixture of gases (Ptot) equals what
the sum of the partial pressures of all gases
=dalton law
what is daltons law
Total gas pressure of a mixture of gases (Ptot) equals the sum of the partial pressures of all gases
Dalton’s Law: Ptot = PO2 + PN2 + PCO2 + Pother
does gas dissolved in water exert its own partial pressure like gases on air
Gas dissolved in water and tissues exerts its
own partial pressure on surface of membrane in
same way as gas does in gas phase
what is partial pressure oof a dissovled gas depend on
Partial pressure of a dissolved gas is determined
not only by its concentration, but also by its
solubility coefficient
what is the formula for partial pressure of a dissolved gas
partial pressure =
concentration of dissolved gas/solubility coefficent
what is the sollubility coefficient
how easy the molecule can go from a gas to diffuse versionn
=Measure of electro-chemical attraction that a dissolved gas has to
water molecules
what is henrys law
The mass of a gas
that dissolves in a fluid at a given temperature varies in direct proportion to the pressure of the gas over the liquid
what are the 2 factors that govern the rate of gas diffusion into a fluid
– The pressure differential between the gas above the fluid and the gas dissolved in the fluid
– The solubility of the gas in the fluid.
if there is more pressure on the gas molecules what happens
increased pressure, more gas molecules in solutionn get dissolved
what happens if there is a high attraction between a dissolved gas to water molecules
high solubility of gas, i.e more gas molecules can
be dissolved before partial pressure of that gas within the solution