lecture 13: mcardle ch 21: training for aerobic power Flashcards
what is the main objective of exrecise training
Stimulating structural and functional adaptations to improve performance in specific physical tasks
true or false: The basic approach to physiologic conditioning applies similarly to men and women within a broad age range
The basic approach to physiologic conditionn applies to who
applies similarly to men and women without an broad age range
explain how both men and women
adapt similarly to physiologic conditionanng
thhey both responde and adapt to training in the same way
in order to improve performance in physcial activtiy you must apply what…
exercise trainning principles
what is the definitinon of exrecise training specificity
refers to adaptations in metabolic and physiologic functions that depend upon the type and mode of overload imposed
=only the specific tissue being traininng will be positively affected
when does the most effective evaluation of sport specficic performan occur?
occurs when the laboratory measurement most closely simulates the actual sport activity and/or uses the muscle mass and movement patterns required by the sport
true or false: laboratory measurements that do not close stimulate the actual sport still give a good evaluation of performance
false, they measurements must closely stim the actual sport in order to be effective evaluation
what does specfificty refer to
refers to specific adaptations to imposed demands
the fact that in The most effective evaluation of sport-specific performance occurs when the laboratory measurement most closely simulates the actual sport activity is dependant on what principle
specificity principle
explain tthe relationship bewteen CO and specifificity
depending on what exercise/activtiy you are doing will affect where the blood flow goes and where the CO goes
(ie: muscles thatt you are using for the actitviy will be the one consuming/extracting o2)
When training for specific aerobic activities, the overload must engage what
engage the appropriate muscles required by thr actitiy
When training for specific aerobic activities, the overload must provide what
Provide exercise at a level sufficient to stress the cardiovascular system
trtue or false and explain: Little improvement occurs when measuring aerobic capacity with dissimilar exercise
true because of the specifificty of VO2 the greatest improvement occuts when the ttest exrceise duplicates the training exercise
when do the greatest improvement in aerobic capacity occur and what training principle is that relfelctive of
when the test exercise duplicates the training exercise
overloading specific musle groups with endurance training enhances what and how
exercise performance and aerobic power by facilitating oxygen transport and oxygen use at the local level of the trained muscles
how is there facilitated oxygen transport and oxygen use at the local level of the trained muscles during overloading specfiic muscles
beacuse of increased blood flow in activte tissues
how can you get greater blood flow in actite tissues
increased microcircualtion
more effective redistribution of cardiac output
the combined effect of both factors ^^
adaptattons like icnrease in microcirculation and redistribution of CO occur in in all muscles during exercise?
false, only in the specifically training muscles and only become apparent in exercise that activates this musculature
the fact that adaptation like increased microcirculation and redistrubition of CO only occur in specifically trainined muscles reflects what principle
explain specificity of local changes
specific muscles performance increases by facilitating oxygen transport bcause of adaptations due to greater blood flow
=these adaptations can only occur in the specifically trainning muscles and in the exrcise that activates these muscles
true or false: all individuals respond similarly to a given training stim and explain
false, they respond different because of the principle of individual differences
what principle explains that a homogenous group can perfrom the same training regimen but will not acheive the same state of fitness
because of individual differennces prinnciple
=everyone has different body phsyiology
optimal training benefits occur when exercise programs focus on what
on individual needs and capacities of the particpants
to see the best exrecise results you must take what type of approacch
an individualistic approach
true or false: when someone terminates participation in regular PA, their positive effects last long
false, detrainig occurs very rapidly when someone terminates participationn in PA
after 1/2 weeks of detraining, what reduces
both metabolic and exercise capacities and many imprivements fully lost within several weeks
highly trained athletes do not expereinnce detraining?
false they do
are the beneficial effects of many years of prior exercise training are always present even after stopping training
no the beneficial affects remain transient and reversible
what do athletes do in order to combat detraining effects
Most athletes begin a reconditioning program several months prior to the start of the competitive season or maintain some moderate level of off-season, sport-specific training to slow the decline
can athletes maintain any level of moderate off season training and still keep their training benefits?
no it has to be sport specific traininng to slow the declinen
what are the important changes that occur with anerobic training (3)
1) increased levels of anaerobic substrates
2) Increased quantity and activity of key enzymes that control the anaerobic phase of glucose catabolism
3) Increased capacity to generate high levels of blood lactate during all-out exercise
Increased capacity to generate high levels of blood lactate during all-out exercise is the result from
Increased levels of glycogen and glycolytic enzymes
Improved motivation and tolerance to “pain” in fatiguing physical activity
aerobic training improves the capacity for what control in skeletal muscle
what do endurance trainied skeletal muscle fibers contain in comparison to less active fibrs
larger and more numerous mitochondria
what is the positive effect of having larger and more numerous mitochondria in endurance trainined skseltal muscle
1) increase the muscles ability to extract oxygen which consequently improves the a-vO2diff
2) This greatly increases the capacity of the muscle mitochondria to generate ATP
endurance training increases the oxidation of what during rest and submax
fatty acids for energy during rest and submaximal exercise
true or false; Endurance training increases the oxidation of fatty acids for energy during rest and Maximal exercise
false, rest and submaximal exercise
what are the 4 factors that contribute to training induced increased lipolysis
1) Greater blood flow within trained muscle
2) More fat-mobilizing and fat-metabolizing enzymes
3) Enhanced muscle mitochondrial respiratory capacity
Decreased 4) catecholamine release for the same absolute power output
what is the function of catecholine relrease
preserves adipose
exercise training induced lipolysis decrases or increase catechlonine release
since endurance training increases the oxidation of fatty acids durinng rstt and submax
what is the effect of endurance trianing at maximal levels?
Trained muscle exhibits enhanced capacity to oxidize carbohydrate during maximal exercise
during aerobic training do we get increased carb or fatty acid oxidation in SUBMAX levels
increase fatty oxifation and decrased carb as fuel
Reduced carbohydrate as fuel and increased fatty acid combustion happens in what level of exrcise
submaximal exercise
Reduced carbohydrate as fuel and increased fatty acid combustion in submaximal exercise results from what factors (3)
1) Decreased muscle glycogen use
2) Reduced glucose production
3) Reduced use of plasma-borne glucose
true or false: Aerobic training elicits metabolic adaptations in only fast twitch fibrs
false, in all types of muscle fiber
during aerobic training, what happens to the muscle fibers?
they maximize their already existing aerobic potential
which fibers have better improments/adaptations slow or fast ttwitch
slow twitch
highly trainied endurance athletes have large BLANK fibers
larger slow twitch fibers
Slow-twitch muscle fibers with high capacity to generate ATP aerobically contain relatively large quantities of what
myoglobin is what type of molecule and what does that mean
it is a heme molecule that will bind oxygen
what makes muscles types have different colours
which muscles fiber types are more red and why
slow twitch because they have a large quantity of myoglobin which allows them to generate alot of atp areobically
what muscle fiber ttypes take up a larger portionn of muscles cross sectional area
fast ttwitch
slow twittch fibers are aerobically or anaerobic
fast twitch are anaerobic or aoeribic
are muscles that are trained anerobically or aerobically bigger in girth
do endrance trainied (aerobic) or RT (anaerobic) habe a larger capallary density
enduurance trained (slow)
do muscles trained in resistance or endurance have a better shortt term endruance
is there a higher mitochonndiral density in endurance trained or resistance trained muscles
endurance trainined
true or false: resistance trained muscles and aerobic trained muscle systems pull in opposite directeies
what is the concept of interference betweenn resistance and aerobic training
endurance trainning and RT can cancel each other out sicne the systems pull in different directions
long term aerobic training increases what in terms of size of the heart
increases heart mass and volume
what does long term aerobic training that increases heart mass and volume do to volume
because of greater left ventricular end diastolic volumes during rest and exrcise
what is heart enlargement chracterized by (how does it happen)
=ie what type of exrecise
by eccentric hypertrophy and some concentriic hypertrohpy
endurance trainers have a larger or smaller heart volume than sedenetary counterpairs
25% larger heart volume
whta affects cardiac size and structure in terms of exrise
training durection
in resistance training: how are sarcomores alligned and what does that mean for the heart muscle
they are alligned in parallel which causes a smaller heart cavity since it is anerobic
in aerobic training: how are sarcomores alligned and what does that mean for the heart muscle
they line up in serires which allows for better stretch (starling) but it icnreases the heart mass outwards (larger heart cavity)
does RT or endurance training create a larger heart ventricle cavity and why
endurance traning because of the way the sarcomeres line up in series
cardiac enlargement is the greatest amount what types of ahtletes
college wrestler and shot putters
true or false: is the only way that tjere can be cardiac enlargment is thorugh exercise?
false also disease
disease can cause a hypertrophied heart and what does that mean for the function of the heart
enlarged, distended, and functionally inadequate organ unable to deliver sufficient blood to satisfy minimal resting requirements
why is exercise training okay for increaeing heart mass
because Exercise training imposes only a temporary myocardial stress so rest periods provide time for “recuperation
exercise training allows for superior functional capacity for what
for stroke volume and cardiac output
if there is an incrase in plasma volume and increased red blood cell mass, what does that lead to
increase blood volume
if there is an icnrease blood volume, what 4 effects does that have
1) increase in ventricular complicace
2) increse internal ventricular dimensions
3) icnrese venous return
4) increase myocardial contractility
increased venous return and myocardial contractility does what to the end disatolic volume
it increases end diastolic volume (and increase ejection fraction)
increasing end diastolic volume does wwhat to SV and CO
increase SV and CO
if you can icnrease maximum CO what effect does that have on the rest of the body
increases effectiveness of CO distribution
increases optimzation of peripheral flow
increase blood flow to activte muscle
what happens to blood volume after 3-6 areobic training sessions
12-20% increases
true or false: plasma volume does not increase after exreise
false there is a 12-20% icnrease in plasma volume after 3-6 aerobic training sessions
what are some consequences of having a larger plasma volume
1) enhances circulatory reservse
2) increases EDV\
3) increases SV
4) increases oxygen transport and vo2 max
5) increases temp regulation during exrecise
true or false: expanded plasma volume remains permanent after stopping training
false, An expanded plasma volume returns to pretraining levels within 1 week following training
how does training effect the SA node
Training decreases the intrinsic firing rate of sinoatrial nodal pacemaker tissue
what explains the resting and submaximal exercise bradycardia in highly conditioned endurance athletes or previously sedentary individuals who train aerobically
training decreases the intrinsic firing rate of the sinoatrial pacemaker tissue
submaximal heartt rate for a standard exrecise task frequently icnrease or decrase with training
decreases by 12-15 bpm with endurance training, while a much smaller decrease occurs for resting heart rate
is there the same decrese for submaximal heart rate and resting heart rate after exrecise training ?
no . there is a much smaller decrease for resting heart hard
why is there a reduction of HR after trainingi
because of an icnreaed max stroke volume
this increase also subsequently increse CO
=if there is an incrase CO the heart works less hard to pump the blood therefore hr decreases
endurance traiing causes the SV to increase of decrease
true or false: Endurance training causes the heart’s stroke volume to increase during rest only
false, during rest and exercise
does SV increase after endurance training only for men or women?
increase regardless of age of gender
what are the factors that increase SV after endurance training
Increased internal left
ventricular volume and mass
Reduced cardiac and arterial stiffness
Increased diastolic filling time
Improved intrinsic cardiac contractile function
explain how Increased internal left ventricular volume and mass can increase SV
lining up of the sarcomeres causes heart remodelling which can increase sinxe of the ventricles
explain how
Reduced cardiac and arterial stiffness can increase SV after endurance training
if the heart is constantly working, it allows it to mainntain its flexibility and compliance and allows it to easier fill
how is there an increased dialistolic filling time after endurance training
because of a decrease in the HR
endurance trainning heats exhibits a larger what during rest and exrcise in comparison to untrained indivudals
when does the greatest stroke volume increase during upright exercise for trained and untrained occurs
in transition from rest to moderate exercise
max stroke volume occurs between BLANK percent of vo2 max in untrained persons
Maximum stroke volume occurs between 40-50% of what
VO2max in untrained persons
for untrained individuals, there is a small or large increase in SV during rest to exercise transitonn
a small increase (increased CO due to hr increase)
for untrained indiviauls, is the icnrease CO because of an icrease in SV or HR
increase in HR
for endurance athletes, does heart rate or stroke volume increase to increase cardiac output
both HR and SV
from rest to submax exercise for untrained individuals, increased CO is because of …
increase HR
from rest to submax exercise for trained individuals, increased CO is because of …
increased SV (and hr as well)
what is the most significant cardiovascular adaptation with aerobic training
incrnease in max cardiac output
An increase in maximum cardiac output is the most significant BLANK
cardiovascular adaptation with aerobic training
an increase in maximum cardiac output (a cardiovascular adaptation that comes from aerobic traninng) results directly from what
from improved stroke volume
in trained atheltes what is the relationship b/w CO and oxygen consumption
In trained athletes, cardiac output increases linearly with oxygen consumption throughout the major portion of the exercise intensity range
true or false: during rest both untrained and trained ind. have a CO of 5L
submax exercise CO is unchanged or slight lower because of what two reasons
1) Rapid training-induced changes in vasoactive properties of large arteries and local resistance vessels within skeletal and cardiac muscle
2) Muscle cells enhance their capacity to generate ATP at a lower tissue PO2
maximal exrcise CO increase because of what 3 reasons
1) Larger maximal cardiac output (mainly SV)
2) Distribution of blood to muscle from non-active areas
3) Enlargement of cross-sectional areas of arteries and veins, 20% increase in capillarization/gram of muscle
true or false: Aerobic training increases the quantity of oxygen extracted from circulating blood
Aerobic training increases or decreases the quantity of oxygen extracted from circulating blood
how does aerobic training increase the quantity of oxygen extracted from blood>?
more effective cardiac output distribution to active muscles
enhanced capacity of trained
muscle fibers to extract and
process available oxygen
oxygen consumption lies mostly in cardiac output or avo2 diff
what are the vascular modifications of myocardial blood flow that are driven by lack of oyxgen during training
1) increase cross sectional area of proximal coronary arterires
2) possible arteriolar proliferation
3) longitunal growth of CA
4) icnreased capilary density
what do all the vascular modifications of the CA provide
Provide adequate perfusion for the increased blood flow and energy demands
aerobic training increases or decreases coronary blood flow
aerobic training does what to the capillaries
increases capillary exchange capaicty
explain how Aerobic training increases coronary blood flow and capillary exchange capacity
Improvements in myocardial vascularization by formation of capillaries that develop into arterioles
More effective control of vascular resistance and blood distribution within the myocardium
what does regular aerobic training do to BP
Regular aerobic training reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure during rest and submaximal exercise
where does the largest reductionn of BP occur (systolic vs diastole) and in what populationn
The largest reduction occurs in systolic pressure, particularly in hypertensive subjects
why does The largest reduction occur in systolic pressure, particularly in hypertensive subjects
because there is icrease number of blood vessels (angiogenesis)
=increase CSA
=decreases TPR
true or false: 1 month of trainnig does not do many adaptions
when does significant muscle adaptions and icnrease in aerobic capacity occur
after 10-12 weeks
positive adaptation get lost quicky or slowly with detraining
very quickly
what are the 4 factors that affect aerobic training responses
Initial level of aerobic fitness
Training intensity
Training frequency
Training duration
what is the FITT principle
the magnitude of the training response depeonds on what
the initail fitness level
true or false: person who rates low at the startt of training has no room for improvement
false, considerable room for improvement
if capacity already rattes high, the magnitude of imporvement for aerbic fitness is small or large
relatively small in cvomparison to newbies
Aerobic fitness improvements with endurance training range between what
5 and 25%
training induced adaptions rely on what
intensity of overload
aerobic capacity imporves if exrcise intensity regularly maintaines heart rates between what values
55-70% of maximum
during lower-body exercise, this heart rate increase (55-70# of HR max) equals about what percentage of vo2 max
40-55% of the VO2max
what is the karvonen method
HR threshold=HR rest +0.60(HR max-HR rest)
what needs to be done in order to To keep pace with physiologic improvement as aerobic fitness improves
, the exercise level must increase periodically to achieve the desired exercise heart rate
the exercise level must increase periodically to achieve the desired exercise heart rate in order to keep pace with what
tthe physiological improvements as aerbic fitness improves
if exercise training progression does not adjust to training improvements, what does the training program become
the exercise program essentially becomes a lower-intensity maintenance program
when does the exercise program essentially becomes a lower-intensity maintenance program
if the exrcise itnesity progression does not adjust to traininng improvements
Hr max during swimming or upper body exercises averages lower or higher tthan while running
HRmax during swimming or performing other upper-body exercises averages BLANK lower for trained and untrained men and women than while running
about 13 bpm lower
why is HR max lower in UB and swimming in comparison to LB
1) Less feed-forward stimulation from the motor cortex to the medulla during swimming
2) Less feedback stimulation from the smaller, active upper-body muscle mass
3) The horizontal body position and cooling effect of the water in swimming (makes more blood avaible to ecercising muscles)
4) Central venous pressure (better venous return because not working against graavity)
The higher exercise levels produce the greatest or smallest benefits, particularly for fit individuals
exrecisinng at or slightly above lacttate threshold produces greater or lesser benefitts
what relationship needs to be evaluated as fitness improves
Blood lactate/exercise intensity relationship should be evaluated with intensity adjusted as fitness improves
what does Exercise intensity from lactate threshold reflects
the capability of the peripheral vasculature and active muscles to sustain steady-rate aerobic metabolism
what does %of HR max establish in terms of circulation
establishes a level of exercise stress to overload the central circulation
what does Maintaining constancy for exercise intensity, duration, and frequency produce
a similar training response independent of training mode, provided exercise involves relatively large muscle groups
ex: biking, running, wlaking, climbing etc
the magnitude of training improvement varies considerably depending on training and testing mode… what concept is that bsed on
based on the specfifity concept, the magnitude of training improvement varies considerably depending on what
training and testing mode
improvments in aerboic fitness occur within how long
several weeks
when do adaptive responses level off during trainign
as subjects approach their “genetically predisposed” maximums
cardiovascular adaptions occur with what type of exercise in young men and wome
short term exrecise
true or false: A strenuous exercise program enhances a person’s level of fitness regardless of genetic background
what do the limits for developing fitness capacity appear to link closely to
natural endowment
one’s sensitivity in responding to maximal aerobic and anaerobic power training, including adaptations of most muscle enzymes is due to a dependency of what
A genotype dependency
cardiovascular overlead must be intensitve enough to do what in order to formula aerboic traininnng
intense enough to increase stroke volume and cardiac output
cardiovascular overload must occur from what to enhance local circulation and the muscle’s “metabolic machinery
sport specific muscle groups
Cardiovascular overload must occur from activation of sport-specific muscle groups to enhance what
local circulation and the muscle’s “metabolic machinery
trtue or false: only continnous long duration efforts enhance aerobic capacity
false, also brief bouts of repeated ecrecise as long as they reach the sufficent intensity to over load the aerobic system (exc; HIIT)
what is overtraining
Represents when athletes fail to endure and adapt to training so that normal exercise performance deteriorates, and they encounter increasing difficulty fully recovering from a workout
overttarining relates to what 3 things
1) increased incidence of infections and injuries,
2) persistent muscle soreness,
3) general malaise and loss of interest in sustaining high-level training
what are the two clinical forms of overtraining
sympathetic form
parasympathetic form
what is the definition of overload
A planned, systematic, and progressive increase in training to improve performance
what is the defintion of overreaching
Unplanned, excessive overload with inadequate rest. Poor performance is observed in training and competition. Successful recovery should result from short-term interventions
true or false: you can get succesfful recoverd from overeaching if there are short term interventions
what is the defintion of overtraining syndrome
Untreated overreaching that produces long-term decreased performance and impaired ability to train. Other associated problems may require medical attention.
what does untreated overreaching lead to
overtrainning syndrome