Lecture fMRI data analysis Flashcards
From scans to blobs
Terminology - Subjects
Participants that participate in the experiment
Terminology - Session
Terminology - Run
Image you receive of the measurement
Terminology - Volume, slices & voxels
The brain (image) is made out of a volume, that is made up of slices, that is made out of voxels (3D pixel = volume element)
Field of View (FOX)
Field of the image that you see, you can see different slices inside the FOV.
Thinner slices -> higher resolution
fMRI signal - Functional images (T2*)
The grey value in a voxel is the BOLD signal. There are about 20-25.000 voxels.
The spatial resolution is about 2-4 mm and the temporal resolution is seconds (time series; every few seconds)
fMRI signal - Anatomical image (T1)
High(er) resolution (~1 mm) and be able to distinguish different tissue types
Used for normalization, localization (analysis)
EEG signal
Signal from an electrode on the scalp (compared to a voxel in fMRI); 32/64/128 electrodes
Low spatial resolution (cm) and time series with high temporal resolution (ms)
fMRI analysis
- Registration
- Normalize, smooth
Model specification/estimation
Statistical inference
fMRI analysis - Preprocessing
- (Slice-timing correction)
- Motion correction (realignment)
- Co-registration anatomy-functional scans
- Normalisation to standard brain (MNI space)
- (spatial) Smoothing
→Data ready for analysis
fMRI analysis - Preprocessing: slice-timing correction
If you want to correct the analysis to the fact that the signal of the slices is not acquired at the same time (this is only a problem if you have a quick design)
fMRI analysis - Preprocessing 1: registration
Realignment aka registration
- Motion correction (within the same image)
- Intrasubject registration (within subject)
- Correct with 3 translations (x, y, z) and with 3 rotations (pitch, roll, yaw)
-> Problematic when movement is bigger than voxel (displacement: rotation around anterior commissure)
- Intrasubject, intermodality registration
- Coregister anatomical MRI with functional MRI (different images with different contrasts)
fMRI analysis - Preprocessing 2: normalize, smooth
Spatial normalization: bring all participants into the same space
- Intersubject registration (between subjects)
- Register subject anatomy to atlas space:
MNI- or Talairach space
- Localization
Spatial smoothing:
- Blur data with Gaussian kernel (6-10 mm
- To satisfy random field theory assumptions
- Averages out noise/fluctuations (>SNR)
- For intersubject analyses
fMRI analysis - Model specification: design matrix
Design matrix: a mathematical description of your experiment
E.g. ‘stimulus on = 1’ , ‘stimulus off = 0’ : a
simple ‘block design’
Visual depiction of what the task looked like. We use a linear model for each voxel. Use expected shape of BOLD response.
Model: Y = X * B + E, in which Y is the observation, X the predictor, B(eta) is a parameter estimate and E is the error