Lecture Exam 3 Vocabulary Pt. 3 Flashcards
What is a localized disease where surgery/radiation alone are inadequate? What is something used in addition to local methods such as radiation/surgery to prevent metastasis?
- Neoadjuvant
- Adjuvant
What affects the entire GI tract, is well-circumscribed superficial ulcers and may be associated with irritable bowel disease?
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
What is a relaxation of gastroesophageal sphincters along with gastric acid reflux, has complications that include Barrett’s Esophagus and medical treatment involves antacids, H2 blockers and proton pump blockers?
- Reflux Esophagitis
What are duodenal and pyloric ulcers that may lead to cancer in the stomach?
- H. Pylori Gastritis (Chronic Gastritis)
What are punched out ulcers in the stomach and are usually caused by H. Pylori and NSAIDs?
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
What is a congenital defect of the small bowl/colon that is a lack of ganglia cells that causes an inability to pass meconium, and has missing ganglion cells to stimulate smooth muscles?
- Hirschprung’s Disease (intestinal obstruction)
What is an immune mediated disease triggered by gluten that blunts villi and causes oral problems such enamel defects, delayed eruptions and recurrent aphthous ulcers?
- Celiac Sprue
What is a relapsing pain, bloating, constipations, diarrhea, yet has no gross microscopic abnormalities?
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
What is a small bowel/colon disease that is caused by salmonella and E. Coli?
- Infectious Self-Limiting Colitis
What is a small bowel/colon disease that is caused by Clostridium Difficile, spread via person to person, follows antibiotic therapy, and is the most common nosocomial infection in older adults?
- Pseudomembranous Colitis
What is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease that is similar to ulcerative colitis but has skipped areas that are non-lesioned but can lead to cancer?
- Crohn’s Disease
What is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease that is similar to Crohn’s Disease, but is more continuous and more superficial?
- Ulcerative Colitis
What is 15% of cancer death in the US and can be due to a low vegetable/fiber diet and a high fat/carbohydrate diet?
- Invasive Colonic Adenocarcinoma
What is a hepatic disease caused by gallstones and obstructions, can become chronic, and where the gallstones are made of cholesterol?
- Cholecystitis
Fatty liver, Hepatitis, Biliary Disease, Metabolic Disease and Vascular Disease can all lead to what?
- Cirrhosis
What is destruction of the liver usually due to Fibrosis that leads to a collagen scar and permanent injury and ends with cirrhosis?
- Fatty Liver-Steatosis
What is lobular inflammation with no fibrosis and is cause by Viral A and E forms?
- Acute Hepatitis
What is portal inflammation (necroinflammatory), fibrosis that bridges to cirrhosis and caused by Viral B, C, and D forms?
- Chronic Hepatits
What is fibrosis surrounding hepatocyte nodules?
- Cirrhosis
What is found in obese middle aged women that often goes on to advanced fibrosis?
- Autoimmune Hepatits
What is caused by ETHOH, obesity and diabetes, liver becomes yellow? This involves two properties one that is fat accumulation in the liver that is temporary and the other is damage to the liver due to fibrosis, what are these?
- Fatty Liver Disease
- Steatosis
- Steatohepatits
What is often associated with iron overdose and can progress to cirrhosis? What is a form of this due to a copper metabolism defect and goes on to hepatitis and cirrhosis?
- Metabolic Disease
- Wilson’s Disease
What is the destruction of bile ducts due to bile backing up into the liver and causes the inflammatory cells to surround the ducts?
- Biliary Disease
What is Chronic acid reflux that is referred to as heartburn?
- GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
What is not a structural defect and the causes is unknown but is usually associated with episodic pain and bloating and is the MOST common GI disorder?
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)