Lecture Exam 3 Flashcards
What is the science concerned with the study of joints?
What are the joints between carpals and tarsals known as?
What type of joint would have a joint capsule with synovial fluid and ligaments?
Which organ systems depend on the skeletal system for their function?
What is the big toe called anatomically?
The medial malleolus is a feature of what bone?
What bone has a eternal and an acromial end?
What does the appendicular skeleton consist of?
Each upper limb consists of 30 different bones of which how many are phalanges?
What is the most common fracture site on the humerus?
The epiphanies of the femur articulates with the pelvis where?
The Galia apáneurótica is a term used to describe an appronousis that connect what two muscles and what is its action?
ABD duction and ADD duction always refers to movement of what part of the skeleton?
A muscle is composed of many ____ a muscle fiber is composed of many ____ and a myofibril is composed of many _____.
Have to know the muscles of the rotator cuff—
All of the following are muscles of the rotator cuff are except?
The flexor of the leg are collectively known as ___ and they have a common origin on the ___.
What are the muscles that help us maintain an upright posture called?
What are the criteria to help you name a muscle?
What is the common insertion of the gastrocnemius and the soleus called?
Standing on your tiptoes is an example of what?
T or F
The proneus or fabularus longus everts the foot?
T or F
The diaphragm and intercostal muscles do not effect respiration?
T or F
The biceps brachial muscle extends the elbow joint?
T or F
The illiacus and the sodas major muscle make up the illiopsoas muscle?
T or F
The masetero muscle is important for smiling and frowning.