Lecture 9 - Influencer marketing Flashcards
What are the two parts of parasocial engagement?
Parasocial interaction
Parasocial relationships
What is a parasocial interaction?
Its often a short term one-sided connection between a famous figure and a person. It often has single interactions
What is a parasocial relationship?
it is a long term one-sided relationship between a famous person and a other person. This is developed by parasocial interactions
What are the phases of the Model of Interpersonal Relationships?
- Initation > Initial impression
- Experimentation > Desire to see person
- Intensificiation > Look up everything about them
- bonding > They feel like a friend
What is stronger for PSR with social media influencers? Followers or non followers
What does a stronger connection of PSR result in
More trustworthyness
Reduced level of reactance and counterarguing
Enhanced persuasive impact and behavior change
Why do sponsored post work so well?
Because they are integrated with the media they are presented in
On what do consumers rely when seeing a sponsored post?
Discolsures and labeling
What is the paradoxal effect of the Persuasion Knowledge Model when talking about disclosures?
- People will feel that they know they are being persuased by this ad
- Peoples’ perception of deceptive intent will decrease > Because they added the disclosure you feel like they are not lied to
How do people learn persuasive knowledge
by previous experiences
When is persuasion knowledge needed?
When they are confronted with an ad and they need to cope.
How does a disclosure make you feel?
It increases your perception of persuasive intent, and lowers the feelings of being decieved
In a strong parasocial relationship, the Social media influencer will..
Feel more trustworthy > Which relates to a positive character scheme > leads to less reactance and counterarguing > leads to more persuasion
What is our persuasion knowledge based upon?
conceptual knowledge > perception of persuasive attempt
Attitudinial knowledge > deceptive intent (you do not like it + you are aware you ar being diceived)