Lecture 9 - how to learn Flashcards
Performance equals:
Motivation x Ability x Environment
Gladwell 10 000 hour rule (2008)
what is science response?
The 10 000-hour rule suggests that individuals can succeed in a task through fundamental practice (Gladwell, 2008).
but : Deliberate practise: only explains 30% according toHambrick, D. Z., Oswald, F. L., Altmann, E. M., Meinz, E. J., Gobet, F., & Campitelli, G. (2014).
Ability :
some people are more gifted than others
Explaining talent with the AMO model:
The influence of the social environment, e.g. parents
Module 7.1: Foundations of Training & Learning
-Systematic acquisition of skills, concepts, or attitudes resulting in improved performance in another environment
-Basic foundation for training programs is learning
Relatively permanent change in behavior & human capabilities produced by experience & practice
3 broad categories of learning outcomes
Cognitive outcomes
- An example of a cognitive outcome is declarative knowledge: knowledge
of rules, facts, and principles.
Skill-based outcomes
-Skill-based outcomes, which are similar to procedural
knowledge as defined by Campbell and colleagues, concern the development of motor
or technical skills.
Affective outcomes
-Affective outcomes include attitudes or beliefs that predispose a person to behave in a certain way.
Actions or behaviors relevant to organization’s goals; can be measured in terms of each individual proficiency
Can often be directly observed
We assume learning takes place from observing performance
Training, Learning, & Performance
Training increases probability of learning, and learning increases probability of better job performance.
Training Needs Analysis
3-step process
Organizational analysis
Task analysis
Person analysis
Organizational Analysis
Examines org. goals, available resources, & org. environment to determine where training should be directed
Task Analysis
Examines what employees must do to perform job properly
Can consist of
Developing task statements
Determining homogeneous task clusters
Identifying KSAOs required for job
May also include assessment of competencies
Person Analysis
Identifies which individuals within organization should receive training & what kind of instruction they need
Characteristics Affecting Learning & Transfer Outcomes
picture in file
Learning & Motivational Theories Applied to Training
Reinforcement theory
Learning results from association between behaviors & rewards
Positive reinforcement
Desired behavior followed by reward
Behavior modification
Simple recognition & feedback can be effective in increasing performance
Learning & Motivational Theories Applied to Training (cont’d)
Social learning theory proposes that there are many ways to learn including:
Behavioral modeling
- Observe actual job incumbents demonstrate positive modeling behaviors
- Rehearse before using role-playing
- Receive feedback on rehearsal
- Try behavior on the job
Cognitive & Social Learning Theory
Broad approach including:
Goal setting
Broad approach including: Self-efficacy Belief in one’s capability to perform Goal setting Specific, difficult goals direct attention & improve performance Feedback Knowledge of results of one’s actions Enhances motivation, learning, & performance
Extent to which task trained is similar to task required by job
Physical fidelity
Extent to which training task mirrors physical features of task performed on job
Psychological fidelity
Extent to which training task helps trainees develop KSAOs necessary to perform job
Whole learning
When entire task is practiced at once
More effective when complex task has relatively high organization
Part learning
When subtasks are practiced separately & later combined
More effective when complex task has low organization
e.g., surgeons & pilots
Massed practice
Individuals practice task continuously & without rest (e.g., cramming for test)
Distributed practice
Rest intervals between practice sessions
Content & Methods of Training
Training methods
4 basic principles
- Present relevant information & content to be learned
- Demonstrate KSAOs to be learned
- Create opportunities for trainees to practice skills
- Provide feedback to trainees during & after practice
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other characteristics
Utility Analysis
Benefits of training programs based on:
- # of individuals trained
- Difference in job performance between trained & untrained employees
- Length of time training expected to influence performance
Variability in job performance in untrained employees
Training Evaluation Designs
Strongest training evaluation designs include:
Random assignment of participants to conditions
Control group
Measures obtained before & after training
Pretest Posttest Control Group Design
Specialized Training Programs
Formal education, job experiences, mentoring relationships, & assessments of personality & abilities that help employees prepare for future
Management & Leadership Development
Practical, goal-focused form of personal, one-on-one learning for busy professionals