Lecture 5 Individual Differences And Assessment Flashcards
Behavioral change
- Specifying
- Measure
- ABC analysis
- Feedback
- Goalsetting
- R+
conscious v. unconscious in decision making
Simple decisions are best made by the conscious
Complex decisions are best made by the unconscious mind
Individual Differences:
Dissimilarities between or among 2 or more people
1890 –
Cattell & concept of “mental test”
what disciplines are concerned with individual differences?
Differential psychology
validity in recruitment
false positive, correct positive etc.
Incremental validity
Value in terms of increased validity of adding a particular predictor to an existing selection system
Cognitive Abilities
Intelligence as “g”
Involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, comprehend complex ideas, & learn from experience
Value of GMA (general mental ability)
intelligence leads to knowledge leads to performance
Work sample test has the highest validity, however it is
- Expensive
2. Not usefull for candidates without experience
The Five Factor Model (FFM)
Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion, Openness and emotional stability
Controversial Assessment Practices
Assumes traits can be assessed from various characteristics of a person’s handwriting
Machine that measures person’s physiological reactions & signals deception
Additional ProposedIndividual Differences
- Skills
Practiced acts
Technical & non-technical - Knowledge
Collection of discrete but related facts & information about a particular domain
Procedural knowledge → knowing “how”
Declarative knowledge → knowing “that”
- Competencies
Sets of behaviors instrumental in accomplishing various activities
Combination of individual difference characteristics
Emotional intelligence
Awareness of our own & others’ emotions
Controversial construct
What is a Test?
Objective & standardized procedure for measuring a psychological construct using a sample of behavior
What is the meaning of a test score?
Norming & norm groups used to interpret & give meaning to a score
Test users & test interpretation
Importance of training test administrators to correctly understand & interpret results
Testing & Culture
Situation in which a given test results in statistical errors of prediction for a subgroup
Value judgment about actions or decisions based on test scores
Emotional intelligence
Controversial construct with continued research investigating its links with Big 5, cognitive ability, and work outcomes
Ability-based EI measures have lower overlap with Big 5 personality measures, whereas self-report EI measures overlap strongly with Big 5
Integrity Testing
Overt Integrity Test
Personality Based Integrity Test
Overt Integrity Test
Asks questions directly about past honesty behavior (stealing, etc.) as well as attitudes toward various behaviors (employee theft, etc.)
Personality Based Integrity Test
Test that infers honesty and integrity from questions dealing with broad personality constructs (conscientiousness, reliability, and social responsibility)
Structured interview
Situational interview
Unstructured interview
Tend to cover job knowledge, abilities, skills, personality, & person-org. fit