Lecture 9- Gram positive bacteria – Topic 4A The endospore formers Bacillus Flashcards
The Firmicutes Low GC Gram-positive bacteria
Non Spore forming bacteria
The lactic acid bacteria
The spore forming bacteria
Actinobacteria –
the high GC Gram positive bacteria
The endospore forming bacteria
these bacteria create a specialised cell called an endospore and these are produced when conditions for growth become unsuitable such as nutrient limitation and so the cell goes into a spore form which is basically a dormant version of the bacteria that is highly reistant to different extreme stresses like heat, UV radiation or toxic chemicals and pressure so is a way for bacteria to protect themselves when conditions for growth are not suitable
typical habitat for endospore forming bacteri is soil
Main genera: Bacillus - aerobic or facultative anaerobes
Clostridium - anaerobic
*Form a distinctive type of dormant cell - the endospore.
*Usually formed when a population reaches conditions of nutrient
*Highly resistant to heat, uv, toxic chemicals, ionising radiation.
*Heat resistance is used for selection.
*Typical G + cell wall, but stain variably.
*Typical habitat is soil.
The sporulation
cycle of Bacillus
germination occurs when conditions are favourable for growth
Spore Structure
Exosporium – thin delicate layer of mostly protein
Spore coat(s) – multiple layers of spore specific proteins
Cortex – loosely packed peptidoglycan
Spore protoplast or core – normal cell wall
plasma membrane
cytoplasm and nucleoid
Properties of the Core- important fcats
- Dipicolinate (dipicolinic acid)– protects DNA- 10% of mass of spores is dipicolinic acid; very specific to these spores; this compound is not commmonly found elsewhere
- Dehydrated – only 10-30% of the water content of the vegetative cell
–gives heat and stress resistance - pH is more acidic than vegetative cell
- Abundant small acid-soluble spore proteins, SASPs – give resistance
to dry heat, dessication, UV – protecting DNA Carbon source during
Properties of the Core
they are a dormant cell in a state of suspended animation
* Low metabolic activity (low O2 uptake)
* No macromolecular synthesis
* Low enzymatic activity
* Low or absent mRNA synthesis
Spores will remain dormant for decades, even if placed in optimal conditions.
State of dormancy can be broken by a variety of treatments - activation.
heat shock. eg. several hours at 65C
storage at low temperature (4C)
When activated spores are placed in favourable conditions - germination
- Activation of cell
- Germination
- Outgrowth from the spore
How old are the oldest living cells in Nature?
The oldest living cells in nature are generally considered to be microorganisms, particularly bacteria and archaea, which can live for extremely long periods of time. While it is difficult to pinpoint the exact age of individual cells, some of the oldest living cells include:
- Microbial Life in Dormant States
Sporulation: Certain bacteria, like Bacillus and Clostridium species, can form endospores that allow them to survive in extreme conditions for potentially millions of years. Endospores can remain dormant and viable for extraordinarily long periods until they find favorable conditions for growth.
Permafrost Microbes: Microbes found in permafrost (frozen soil) have been shown to survive for tens of thousands to possibly millions of years. For example, bacteria isolated from the Siberian permafrost have been estimated to be up to 600,000 years old.
Salt Crystals (Halophiles): Halophilic bacteria and archaea have been found in salt crystals that date back to the Permian period, around 250 million years ago. These microorganisms remained viable in a dormant state, protected by the crystal environment, and can be revived when the conditions are suitable. - Deep-Sea and Subsurface Microbes
Subsurface Bacteria and Archaea: Microbes living deep within Earth’s crust or in oceanic sediments can have incredibly slow metabolic rates, allowing them to live for extremely long periods. These microorganisms can remain active for millions of years, sustaining themselves on minimal energy in nutrient-poor environments.
Ancient Seafloor Sediments: Some microbes have been found in ancient marine sediments that are estimated to be up to 100 million years old. These organisms survive with very low metabolic activity, using trace amounts of nutrients in the sediment. - Stromatolites
Stromatolites are layered structures formed by the growth of cyanobacteria and other microorganisms. While the structures themselves are not individual cells, cyanobacteria within modern stromatolites are thought to be descendants of some of the oldest forms of life on Earth, dating back 3.5 billion years.
These ancient microbes have evolved over time, but the cellular lineage of cyanobacteria is one of the oldest on the planet, making them among the earliest forms of life. - Methuselah Cells
While not a specific organism, the concept of Methuselah cells refers to microbial cells that can remain in suspended animation or extremely slow metabolic states for extensive periods. These cells can potentially remain alive for millions of years under the right conditions.
Key Factors for Longevity of Cells
Dormancy and Low Metabolism: Cells that can enter a dormant state, reduce their metabolic activity, or form protective structures (like spores) are more likely to survive for long periods.
Extreme Environments: Cells found in extreme conditions (cold temperatures, deep-sea sediments, or highly saline environments) are often protected from damage and have reduced metabolic needs, contributing to their longevity.
Protection from DNA Damage: Dormant cells have mechanisms to protect their genetic material from damage caused by radiation, desiccation, or other environmental stresses, increasing their chances of long-term survival.
The oldest living cells are primarily microorganisms that have adapted to survive in extreme environments or enter dormant states to withstand the test of time. Some microbial life has been revived after being dormant for millions of years, making these ancient cells the longest-lived known life forms on Earth.
Longevity of spores.
Spores are extremely stable and can survive for long periods. Previously
the best documented is 70 years however recently (1995!) spores have
supposedly been revived from the gut of a bee preserved in fossil amber
25-40 million years old! Sequenced rRNA genes - related to extant
Bacillus sphaericus.
New record is (maybe!!!) the halophilic spore forming bacterium isolated
from salt crystals over 250 million years old.
genus Bacillus
*Aerobic or facultative anaerobes.
*Variable Gram stain.
*Habitat: mainly soil organisms, although some parasites
and pathogens.
Bacillus anthracis produces mucoid colonies because they have capsules
Bacillus anthracis
Agent of anthrax. Disease of sheep, goats & cattle, that is
also transmissable to humans. Isolated by Koch in 1877 - first
bacterial pathogen. Survive in soil for 30 years or more.
bacillus has a classic bacillus shaped block end it is a large bacteria, in an elongated bacillus form
diagnostic feature in endospore forming bacteria is where the spore forms and here it forms in the centre of the cell and refractile; spores do not stain very well
Cutaneous Anthrax
-Most common form (2000ish cases per year)
-common in ungulates (hooved animals)
*Animal workers mostly- can be infected if they have cuts on their hands that get contaminated by spores of bacillus anthracis that then germinate and start replicating to release their exotoxins to create a necrotic lesion that will then allow the bacilli to become systemic and start spreading throughout the body
*Spores germinate in skin abrasions
*Skin ulcer – black eschar – can become systemic
*Untreated 20% mortality, responds well to antibiotic
Gastrointestinal Anthrax
*ingestion of undercooked contaminated meat
*2 types - oral-pharyngeal (most rare) and abdominal (rare)
*Spores germinate in lower gastrointestinal tract
*primary intestinal lesion forms
*Symptoms - nausea, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea
*Intestinal perforation or anthrax toxemia are the usual causes of death
*Mortality very high as perforation of the gut means lots of bacteria will start leaking into the body cavity and causing lots of infections leading to toxic shock, but even if you don’t get perforation in the gut the effects of the toxin will be felt around the body so death is likely
Pulmonary anthrax
*Inhalation of spores that then land on the alveolar surfaces in your lungs
*Some spores are mopped up by
macrophages which then move around the body and travel to lymph nodes
*Others are trafficked to the
draining lymph nodes
*Germination in the lymph nodes
may take up to 60 days
*Anthrax bacilli replicate in the lymph nodes forming a necrotic lesion and disease immediately follows as bacteria starts spreading systemically. the Capsule inhibits phagocytosis.
*Hemorrhage, edema, and necrosis are the results of bacterial exotoxins released during replication
*Symptoms- flu-like with fever, myalgia, cough, headache, vomiting, chills,
abdominal pain, and chest pain. Cyanosis and hypotension result in death
-regardless of the type of anthrax the symptoms in common will be haemorrhaging blood vessels, oedema and necrosis of tissue
*80% mortality in 2 to 4 days whether antibiotics given or not. Inhalational
anthrax is 99% lethal in unvaccinated individuals.
*Biological warfare
Virulence of Bacillus anthracis
Capsule made of poly-D-glutamate polypeptide, this capsule protects the bacteria from phagocytosis and from being destroyed by the macrophage. produces Smooth mucoid colonies.
capsule genes are encoded in pX02 plasmid. Resists phagocytosis and complement system.
Toxin encoded on plasmid pX01. 3 parts
all these parts are needed for the bacteria to be virulent
- PA (binding domain)
- EF (Edema factor)
- LF (Lethal factor)
Bacillus anthracis diagnosis
G+ rod. Central (non-staining spore) occurs in soil and in culture, but not
in clinical samples. Sometimes occur in chains. Identified in blood, skin lesions, or
respiratory secretions or by measuring specific antibodies in the blood. Extreme
caution is required when handling samples.
the bacteria will not be in spore form during infection
Treatment - penicillin, doxycycline, and fluoroquinolones (such as
ciprofloxacin). To be effective, treatment should be initiated early.
Pasteur demonstrated efficacy of vaccine. Attenuated vaccine possesses
some toxicity. Used for occupational exposure.
Control also relies on sterilisation of wool etc. from areas where anthrax is endemic.
There are presently three vaccines:
the Georgian/Russian, the UK, and the US vaccines.
All derived from an avirulent strain of B. anthracis - lacks the plasmid pX02 which
encodes the protecive coating of the bacteria. The Russian vaccine is inoculation
with live spores - high of side effects.
UK and US is dead cell free preparation of bacterial filtrates
Bacillus cereus
One of the most abundant aerobic sporeformers found in soil.
Distinctive loosely spreading (Medusa) colonies, superficially resembling
Bacillus cereus – food poisoning
for the emetic version, the heat spores may be activated by the boiling which wakes them up and causes them to germinate and the toxin produced is heat stable so it does not matter if you reheat the food after
the diarrheal form is caused by live bacillus cereus, this type of poisoning is caused by a different toxin, the toxin is produced by the bacteria replicating in the gut
Gram positive
Topic 4B
The endospore formers
these are all anaerobes
very good at decomposing proteins
Clostridia - Fermentation
- Clostridia lack a cytochrome system and a mechanism for
electron transport phosphorylation – therefore they obtain
ATP only via substrate-level phosphorylation. - The wide variety of fermentable substrates used and
mechanisms to derive energy from these can be used to
group the clostridia. - Some ferment sugars producing end products which may
include butyric acid, butanol and acetone (once industrially
Pathogenic Clostridia
Natural habitat is soil and the intestinal tract of man and
animals. Invasive capability of pathogenic clostridia varies
At one end the organisms remains at the site of inoculation
(tetanus) or may not even enter tissue at all (botulism)
whereas at the other extreme the organisms elaborates
destructive enzymes that allow progressive invasion of
necrotic tissue.
Toxins are amongst the most powerful poisons known to
man - 1 million times more toxic than rattlesnake poison.
C. Botulinum - Botulism
*C. botulinum is found in soil, water and decaying vegetation.
*Fatal food poisoning that follows on ingestion of preformed toxin from growth
of organism in food. Intoxification.
*Animals are frequently affected from feeds.
*Endospores are very resistant to heat and may withstand boiling for several
*Anaerobic conditions (incompletely sterilised
canning) may germinate spores - grow into
vegetative cells and eventually produce the
deadly toxin.
causes botulism food poisoning in humans and also animals, it is an intoxication where the animal or person ingests botulinum toxin in animals it can be related to botulinum toxin-containing feeds
the spores are very resistant so it is important to understand how hot and for how long you need to heat food to produce long term sterilisation for products in canning (tinned food)
Botulinum toxin
botulinum toxin comes along to block the release of acetylcholine to prevent muscle contraction- this causes flaccid paralysis and if muscles cannot be contracted this can prevent breathing and thus death