lecture 7- Gram+ 1 Mycoplasmas, lactic acid bacteria and Streptococci Flashcards


Gram positive vs gram negative bacteria test difference


the purple colour comes from the complex of crystal violet and iodine which gets stuck in the cell wall of gram positive bacteria

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difference in the membrane of gram positive and gram negative bacteria


the gram positive has a thick layer of peptidoglycan which keeps hold of the iodine stain

gram negative has a inner and outer mmebrane which contains a periplasmic space that contains the smaller amount of peptidoglycan

the peptidglycan is what allows for the possibility to do a gram stain

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The Firmicutes- Low GC gram-positive bacteria


-Non Spore forming bacteria

-The lactic acid bacteria




-The spore forming bacteria

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Actinobacteria –
the high GC gram positive bacteria



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The Mollicutes


Latin mollis, soft; cutis, skin

Completely lack cell wall - only plasma
Therefore they stain gram negative but
sequencing of their genes reveals that they are clearly phylogenetically related to the low GC gram positives( Lactobacillus-Clostridium branch)

Sensitive to osmotic lysis.
Plasma membrane is strengthened by
inclusion of sterols.

Plasma membrane also includes lipoglycans (heteropolysaccharide linked to the membrane lipids) and lipoproteins – involved
in avoiding the immune response.

Pleomorphic – big, small, long, branched (they come in many shapes)…… the coccoid cells 0.12µm -0.25µm in diameter are probably the smallest living cells.

Easily deformable cells that can squeeze into different shapes

Most mycoplasmas are non-motile, except some human and animal pathogens (eg. M. pneumoniae, M. genitalium)

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Growth of Mycoplasmas


All mycoplasmas are parasites of eukaryotes
-some if not most of them live on the outside of eukaryotic cells

Many can be grown outside of cells in lab media

Mycoplasma can have complex growth factor requirements due to their
Limited biosynthetic capabilities
All require sterols except Acholeplasma, Asteroleplasma and Mesoplasma
Many require a variety of vitamins, fatty acids, amino acids, purines and pyrimidines

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Mycoplasma Genomics


GC content approx 25-35 % depending on the species. so low amount

Mycoplasma genitalium has the smallest known genome of any self-replicating
Organism measuring only 580 kbp and encoding 472 genes. it was possibly the first living organism to have its genome sequenced
Close to the smallest amount of DNA capable of encoding a living cell

The genome of Mycoplasma pneumoniae is larger at 816 kbp, containing 679 putative genes.

For comparison: Escherichia coli genome = 5440 kbp Human genome = 3,300,000

During the evolution of mycoplasma, multiple reductions in genome size have occurred
and the overall rate of evolution uncharacteristically high.

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During the evolution of mycoplasma, multiple reductions in genome size have occurred
and the overall rate of evolution uncharacteristically high. but why?


they are parasites so do not need the other capabilities provided to them by a larger genome, they can give up the other genes as they are able to rely on host cells

The evolution of Mycoplasma species is characterized by significant genome reduction and a high rate of genetic change. This phenomenon can be attributed to several factors linked to their lifestyle, adaptation, and evolutionary pressures:

  1. Parasitic or Symbiotic Lifestyle
    Obligate Parasitism: Mycoplasma species are often obligate parasites, meaning they rely on a host organism for survival. As a result, they can lose genes that are not essential for their life cycle within the host. This process, known as genome streamlining, reduces the genome to only the genes necessary for parasitism.
    Dependence on Host: Many metabolic functions that free-living bacteria require are not necessary for Mycoplasma because they obtain nutrients and other essential molecules directly from their host. This allows them to lose genes responsible for biosynthetic pathways.
  2. Genetic Drift and Relaxed Selection
    Genetic Drift: In small populations or populations with reduced genetic diversity, genetic drift can play a significant role. Genetic changes that would normally be selected against might persist because of random fluctuations rather than natural selection.
    Relaxed Selective Pressure: Because Mycoplasma species live in stable environments (like the host organism), the selective pressures that typically maintain the integrity of complex metabolic pathways are relaxed. This makes it easier for non-essential genes to be lost over time.
  3. High Mutation Rates
    Lack of DNA Repair Mechanisms: Mycoplasma has a reduced repertoire of DNA repair enzymes compared to other bacteria, leading to an increased mutation rate. Mutations can accumulate more rapidly, which accelerates the rate of evolution.
    Evolutionary Adaptability: High mutation rates can be advantageous for organisms that need to quickly adapt to changing environments or host immune responses. This allows Mycoplasma to evolve rapidly in response to host defenses or antibiotic treatments.
  4. Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT)
    Gene Exchange: Mycoplasma species have been shown to engage in horizontal gene transfer, which can bring in new genes or regulatory elements from other organisms. This process can introduce variability and contribute to the high rate of evolutionary change.
    Loss of Non-Essential Genes: Over time, genes that are not useful or beneficial in their specific host environment may be lost, resulting in a smaller genome.
  5. Specialization to a Specific Niche
    Niche Specialization: Mycoplasma species have adapted to live in very specific environments, such as the respiratory or urogenital tracts of their hosts. This specialization reduces the need for genes that are not directly involved in exploiting their niche, leading to genome reduction.
    Metabolic Minimization: As Mycoplasma becomes more specialized, it relies more heavily on its host for nutrients and energy, eliminating the need for genes related to independent metabolism.
  6. Genome Reduction as an Evolutionary Strategy
    Energy Efficiency: A smaller genome can be advantageous because it requires less energy and resources to replicate. This energy-efficient strategy can be beneficial in nutrient-limited environments like the host organism.
    Increased Replication Speed: Smaller genomes can be replicated faster, which may give Mycoplasma a competitive advantage in rapidly dividing populations.
    The genome reduction and high rate of evolution in Mycoplasma are mainly driven by their parasitic lifestyle, genetic drift, relaxed selection pressures, high mutation rates, horizontal gene transfer, and adaptation to specific ecological niches. These factors combined allow Mycoplasma to evolve quickly and adapt to the host environment, but at the cost of losing many genes that are no longer necessary for survival. This evolutionary strategy is what enables them to thrive as efficient and specialized parasites
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Overview of the Mollicutes
(Mycoplasma-like organisms)
- different genera


Mycoplasmas - require cholesterol. Parasites of animal mucous membranes.
Facultative anaerobes. Over 60 species recognised.

Ureaplasma (T-Strain Mycoplasmas) - microaerophilic. Require cholesterol and
urea for growth as they have Urease which breaks down urea -> ammonia and CO2. Tiny colonies that are not
visible with naked eye. May be associated with nongonococcal urethritis but can
be isolated from genital tract of 15% asympomatic people. Maybe disease only
on initial exposure?
if you have urethritis and it is not gonorrhea then there is a good chance it is ureaplasma
However transmitted by sexual contact. Also been associated with arthritis
animal models - but not isolated from tissue.

Acholeplasma - widely distributed animal parasites. Facultative aerobes. Able to
grow in absence of sterols. Common contaminants of cell lines in tissue culture.

Anaeroplasma - strict anaerobes. Inhabit bovine or ovine rumen.

Spiroplasma - helical, motile. parasites on arthropods and plants, but a few
cause disease in animals

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Mycoplasma pneumoniae


*Causes primary atypical pneumonia in humans, PAP, sometimes called
“walking pneumonia“ as it is a respiratory lung infection that gives a patchy diffuse pneumonia that people walk around with for up to a month until it hopefully resolves

*Usually in individuals 5-20 years old

*Symptoms: Range from mild flu-like disease headache, sore throat, cough
to severe pneumonia characterised by fever, chills and malaise

Protracted course with gradual resolution (month)

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Mycoplasma pneumoniae: respiratory pathogen


Mycoplasma pneumoniae is communicated through close personal contact via
respiratory droplets. May be a prevalence of infections occurring in autumn. it is epidemic

The bacterium settles on a respiratory epithelial cell and binds to it.
Polar tip organelles - specific adhesion P1 protein, interactive proteins, and adherenceaccessory proteins.
Result – colonization of mucous membranes and eukaryotic cell surfaces

The bacterium produces hydrogen peroxide
which is thought to be responsible for much of the initial cell disruption in the respiratory

Mycoplasma interacting
with an epithelial cell

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M. pneumoniae:
Diagnosis and treatment


-Diagnosis is generally hard to give

Clinical symptoms
including a patchy diffuse bronchopneumonia by X-Ray

Serological tests (Serum cold agglutination, Complement fixation test, ELISAs) “Old
fashioned, not used commonly”

DNA test (PCR) is used for definitive diagnosis

Microbiological detection: Not that useful because culture is slow. Take sputum, or throat
M. pneumoniae can be grown in media containing serum with penicillin to inhibit growth of
other bacteria. Beta-hemolytic
Fluorescent antibody

N.B. Accurate diagnosis is important since organism is resistant to antibiotics that act on the
cell wall (such as amoxicillin, penicillins, cephalosporins).

Erythromycin, doxycycline (not children), azithromycin,
levofoxacin. Erythromycin is often used as it is also effective
against legionella.

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Mycoplasma genitalium
M. hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum


important as any inflammation in the GU tract (urinary system) can result in infertility in men and women and this can cause this

50% of normal adults have antibodies

Causes of non-gonnococcal (non-chlamydial)
urethritis NGU

May also be associated with infertility in men
Woman – associated with cervicitis and endometritis
and serologically with tubal factor infertility
Transmitted by direct venereal contact.
Also vertically transmitted from mother to offspring at
delivery or directly to the fetus – pneumonia,
bacteremia and meningitis.

Detection relies on molecular techniques (PCR) due to difficulty in culturing

UK recommended Treatment with doxycycline pretreatment then azithromycin (or moxifloxacin)

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Antibiotic resistance is high!


(azithromycin is a macrolide, moxifloxacin is a fluoroquinolone)
there is lots of resistance to macrolide antibiotics

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The lactic acid bacteria


contain very important human pathogens from the genus streptococcus

The lactic acid bacteria produce lactic acid as a product of fermentation- a product of their metabolism that helps them make energy andf this
can be useful if trying to form selective media that allows for the production of certain bacteria; we can possibly lower pH and allow lactic acid to grow and produce lactic acid bacteria
Non spore forming non motile.
They lack cytochromes and obtain energy by substrate level phosphorylation and not by
Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation
Normally obtain energy only from sugars
Only limited biosynthetic capability and require many vitamins, amino acids
purines and pyrimidines
Aerotolerant anaerobes. Growth not affected by presence of air.
Usually grown on media containing yeast, peptone, supplemented by a fermentable
carbohydrate. Even when grown on rich media, the colonies are usually small, rarely
They are also tolerant of acid - many other bacteria cannot grow at pH 6.
The ability to produce and tolerate high concentrations of lactic acid is of great selective
value. - eliminates competition - also used in selective media

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The main genera


Streptococcus - chains of cells - divides in one plane.
Lactobacillus - rods
Pediococcus – pairs or tetrads
Leuconostoc - spheres in chains


Lactic Acid Bacteria can be grouped by their fermentation patterns


important to know that they can be split into homo and heterofermenters
Homofermentative – produces a single fermentation product – lactic acid
Embden- Meyerhof (glycolytic) pathway

Heterofermentative – produces lactic acid and other products, mainly CO2 and
ethanol, uses pentose phosphate pathway


Lactic acid bacteria and dairy products


useful in food and probiotics




*Spherical cells divide only in one plain and so form chains important to know
*Require complex media for growth
*Unable to make haem group of cytochromes or catalase
*Grown on blood agar (good source of catalase)


Grouping of Streptococci I: Hemolysis


Hemolysins: toxins
Beta - complete hemolysis of blood cells -> clear zone.

Alpha- incomplete hemolysis of red blood cells
to produce a greenish-brown zone

Y (gamma) hemolytic bacteria- no hemolysis


Grouping of Streptococci II:


Lancefield Groups of ß-hemolytic Streps so this is further grouping

Named after Rebecca Lancefield
A, B, C, D…H and K-W based on the specific carbohydrate antigen extracted
by heating cells up to 150°C (About 20 groups)

Group A - S. pyogenes
Group B - Cattle and humans eg S. agalactiae
Group D - Intestinal tract of man and animals Enterococcus
Etc etc


lancefield Group A Strep. = Streptococcus pyogenes
Beta hemolytic


It causes many of the streptococcal diseases of humans.
can be further grouped by the Antigenicity of M-proteins in the cell wall which provides sub-classification of group A into over 100 sub-serotypes.
Habitat: 5 - 30% of healthy people may be carriers of group A, beta hemolytic
Streps in their throat and nasopharynx; however numbers usually low.

Bacitracin sensitivity test


Strep Throat


About 20% of sore throats are caused by streptoccocus pyogenes and its not given antibiotics as symptoms usually pass unless they are very severe,

common charachteristics are

Acute tonsillitis

swollen uvula

your tonsils have little holes in them which means that if you have white follicles (exudate) on tonsils in the holes on them then it is an indicator that you likely have a strep throat caused by a group A strep)




strep pyogenes can also cause more invasive diseases of the skin such as
Streptococcal impetigo (impetigo is a term that refers to an infectious skin infection). Mostly in young children.
Small pussy vesicles on the skin to form a thin amber crust

Scarlet Fever
pus forming infections like impetigo are called suppurative infections Usually result of Strep sore throat caused by a pyrogenic toxin-producing organism -Superantigen toxin encoded by a phage. these super antigen toxins can non-specifically stimulate, produce and activate T cells; those T cells then produce their cytokines that then stimulate other immune cells to produce inflammatory cytokines and this can result in people going into toxic shock Symptoms- Fever, toxic shock, erythematous rash. Three antigenically distinct toxins (A, B and C) genes for these toxins are carried on a bacteriaphage, not all strep pyogenes will carry this phage and toxins but if it did then after your strep throat you are likely to develop scarlet fever- immunity to one does not protect against the others. Resurgence in UK - in 2014/15 a total of 5,746 cases were recorded. 2018 highest rates for 50 years other invasive infections caused by strep pyogenes are Cellulitis - infection of the deep layers of the skin. the bacteria can spread through the layers of the skin causing necrosis and damage Necrotizing fasciitis – highly invasive, toxigenic, infection of soft tissues and fascia, kills layers of skin and tissue and is flesh eating when tissue dies and becomes necrotic the only treatment is to remove and jopfully place skin grafts
Non-suppurative diseases- Rheumatic fever.
rheumatic heart disease is a major cause of heart disease in the world rheumatic fever is the result of an immune response against a strep pyogenes infection that is cross reactive with connective tissue in the joints or in the heart valves that can result in permenant damage to the heart valves and once youve had damage to the heart valves they become suseptible to picking up more infections and endocarditis which will cause more damage to the heart and as a result increase susceptibility to more damage It occurs in a small percentage of individuals, 2 - 3 weeks after an untreated pharyngeal infection that was caused by a  hemolytic group A Strep. Joints and heart affected Recovery occurs without residual injury to the joints but serious damage to heart valves cause rheumatic heart disease – used to be one of the most common heart conditions. Still a major problem in developing countries and in overcrowded conditions. Approx 470,000 cases per year worldwide May be an immunological reaction - antibody to Strep also binding to heart tissue.
Non-suppurative diseases- Glomerulonephritis
Most cases of glomerulonephritis occur about a week after group A Strep infection (skin or throat). Also thought to be an immunolgical reaction in which a Strep-directed antibody reacts with the glomerular basement membrane by blocking the glomerular basment membrane; or antibody-antigen complexes are deposited onto basement membrane. when blood comes to the kidneys and blood enters the glomerulas, the bowmans capsule they form a glomerulas network of capillaries and the blood is filtered across the basement membrane of the glomerulas into the bowmans capsule and into the proximal and distal tubules of the kidneys glomerula structure- the infection results in an immune response against the strep blocks the basement membrane and so you do not get the filtering so a symptom will be a lack of kidney function and blood in the urine or and coffee coloured urine and hypertension as there is an inability to filter the blood Leads to loss of protein (blood initially in urine) through kidneys and hypertension. Can lead to chronic glomerulonephritis and kidney failure.
Other Streptococci
Group B Streptocci: S. agalactiae is the predominant species in this Lancefield group Present in vaginal flora of 25% of woman. May cause serious infections in newborn - septicaemia, pneumonia, meningitis with high fatality rates. if mothers tested positive for it they were often given antibiotics before birth infection of neonates can be split into early onset and late onset- early onset is when the strep agalacitiae is passed to the neonate before or during birth, late onset is a nosocomial infection that is acquired after birth maybe in the hospital by workers or equipment Group D Streptococci - faecal flora - enterococci. these are carried in our guts and are problems for wound infections and infections after surgery Urinary and wound infections. Major problem of vancomycin-resistance. this is a common antibiotic strain in gram positive bacteria In just ten years resistance has increased from virtually zero to nearly 50% in some communities. Hippurate test can be used to identify strep agalacitiae Some streps can Hydrolyse sodium hippurate to produce the purple colour
α-hemolytic Streptococci
Viridans group: Strep. Viridans is not a species but a large group of bacteria include many species that are normal inhabitants of throat and nasopharynx of humans. One example of a viridans species is S.mutans which causes dental caries Viridans Strep are a significant cause of bacterial endocarditis - infection of heart valve - invariably fatal if not treated. these bacteria are lactic acid producing and when eating sugars it can use the sugar to produce lactic acid and the acid them demineralises the enamel on your teeth and expose them to the proteases and enzymes produced by the bacteria that are then capable of causng tooth decay all the bacteria on the teeth are capable of causing endocarditis (bacterial infection of the heart)
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Lancet shaped organism - usually arranged in pairs. not in a chain but on a plane still with the pair Virulent organisms are encapsulated. -resist phagocytosis. the capsule makes them virulent, the capsule makes them slippery as it is a method used by the bacteria to stop phagocytes from grabbing a hold of the bacteria as the polysaccaride capsule makes it slippery Subdivided into 90 types on the basis of antigenicity of capsular polysaccaride. Habitat: normal commensal of the upper respiratory tract.
How does a bacterial capsule protect streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcal pneumonia symptoms and
Acute lung inflammation. pneumonia is when there are inflammatory fluid and immune cells filling the airways of the lungs so preventing breathing and eliminating airspaces in 25% of cases the bacteria will then move into the blood and cause bacteremia which can then lead to sepsis as there is a build up of inflammitory cells in the blood which can cause inflammitory shock and thus lysis of blood cells and necrosis of tissue Chills, fever and pleural pain. Alveoli fill with exudate. Bacteremia occurs in 25%. Pneumococci may invade other tissues, eg. sinuses, middle ear and meninges. Recovery is abrupt and coincides with appearance of circulating antibodies. [Note: many other causes of pneumonia - Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella, etc.] Accounts for about one million deaths per annum worldwide. Has a 10 - 20% mortality Pneumococcus is also the second most common cause of meningitis in adults. Also cause of middle ear infection – otitis media. Also causes acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis.
Diagnosis S.pneumoniae
to diagnose we must look for bacteria with the capsuleusing antibodies specific to the polysaccaride capsule of the strep pneumonia Direct smears of sputum are examined for G+, encapsulated cocci. Also perform quellung test - encapsulated bacteria + type-specific antibody -> capsular swelling - capsule becomes more visible and refractile due to antiboby attachment. Growth of organism on blood agar – a-hemolytic mucoid colonies, sunken in center - doughnut shaped (autolytic enzymes). Colonies then tested by: bile solubility test (10% deoxycholate drop onto colony - colony dissolves). Optochin disks - inpregnated with ethylhydrocuprine hydrochloride - are laid on the surface of an agar plate inoculated with unknown organism. Pneumococci are extremely sensitive to compound and will fail to grow in proximity of disk.
Treatment and vaccination S.pneumoniae
Usually treated with penicillin G, except for meningitis which is often treated with chloramphenicol. However, strains of multiple-resistant pneumococci have appeared and are becoming increasingly common in some parts of the world (Spain). These are presently treated with vancomycin but there are fears that resistance will spread from enterococci. Vaccine has been made containing polysaccharide from 23 of the most prevalent types. Gives 75 - 95% protection. Recommended for high-risk groups, eg. those with chronic respiratory disease. Given to all children in UK (since 2006) and elderly age groups.
1. Are Mycoplasma high or low GC gram +ve bacteria? 2. What is peculiar about the Mycoplasma cell wall? 3. What shape are Mycoplasma? 4. What do Mycoplasma colonies look like on agar media? 5. Why are Mycoplasma a problem to the pharmaceutical industry? 6. What is the distinguishing feature of Mycoplasma genomes? 7. Name a nutritional requirement for most Mycoplasma? 8. What is the causative agent of primary atypical pneumonia? 9. What antibiotic cannot be used to treat Mycoplasma infections? 10. What antibiotic is commonly used to treat many Mycoplasma infections? 11. What disease is caused by M. genitalium?
The image contains questions about the characteristics and properties of Mycoplasma bacteria. Here's a summary of the key points related to each question: 1. Are Mycoplasma high or low GC gram-positive bacteria? Mycoplasma are generally low GC-content gram-positive bacteria, even though they do not stain as typical gram-positive bacteria due to the absence of a cell wall. thye have a GC content of about 25-30% depending on species 2. What is peculiar about the Mycoplasma cell wall? Mycoplasma lack a cell wall, which makes them unique among bacteria. They only have a plasma membrane, which makes them resistant to antibiotics that target cell wall synthesis, such as penicillin. 3. What shape are Mycoplasma? Because they lack a cell wall, Mycoplasma bacteria have a pleomorphic shape, meaning they can vary in form and do not have a fixed shape. thye are not a rigid shape 4. What do Mycoplasma colonies look like on agar media? Mycoplasma colonies often have a "fried-egg" appearance on solid agar media, with a dense center and a more translucent, flattened outer zone. 5. Why are Mycoplasma a problem to the pharmaceutical industry? Mycoplasma are a problem because they can contaminate cell cultures in laboratories and biotechnological production processes, which can affect experimental results and the quality of biological products. they are pleomorphic and very small so are very hard to remove during sterilisation as they can pass through filters. 6. What is the distinguishing feature of Mycoplasma genomes? Mycoplasma have small genomes compared to other bacteria, due to genome reduction during evolution, which makes them highly dependent on their host for nutrients. they have undergone reductive evolution as they are parasites 7. Name a nutritional requirement for most Mycoplasma. Most Mycoplasma require cholesterol for membrane synthesis, which is essential for maintaining their cellular integrity due to the lack of a cell wall. 8. What is the causative agent of primary atypical pneumonia? Mycoplasma pneumoniae is the causative agent of primary atypical pneumonia, also known as "walking pneumonia." 9. What antibiotic cannot be used to treat Mycoplasma infections? Antibiotics like penicillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics are ineffective against Mycoplasma because they target the cell wall and peptidoglycan synthesis, which Mycoplasma lack. 10. What antibiotic is commonly used to treat many Mycoplasma infections? Antibiotics such as tetracyclines (e.g., doxycycline) or macrolides (e.g., azithromycin) are commonly used to treat Mycoplasma infections as they inhibit protein synthesis and or target translation 11. What disease is caused by Mycoplasma genitalium? Mycoplasma genitalium is associated with diseases like nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) and can also cause other genital infections in both men and women and possibly cause infertility due to inflammation of the GU tract These characteristics of Mycoplasma contribute to their role as pathogens and their ability to evade traditional antibiotic treatments.