lecture 9: family and peer relationships Flashcards
define discipline
the set of strategies parents use to teach their children how to behave appropriately
when is discipline effective
effective if child stops engaging in inappropriate behaviour and engages in appropriate behaviour instead
ideally, disciple leads to what
what is the definition of internalization
the process by which children learn and accept the reasons for desired behaviour
what is the desired outcome of discipline
what is the best stategy for fostering internalization
reasoning that focuses on the effects of a behaviour on someone else is best strategy for promoting internalization
what is an example of reasoning that could help promote internalization
pulling someones hair is wrong because it hurts the other persons body and feelings
what does reasoning teach
what is the most common form of discipine
in order to foster internalization, what does reasoning have to be combined with
psychological pressure
what is psychological pressure
certain level of disapproval about an action
explain the sweet spot of psychological pressure
too little = child disobeys and ignores message
too much= child is obedient but only because they feel forced to do it (wil only comply if there is a risk of being caught)
just right= slightly raised voice and disapproving look is oren enough
explain the too little pyscholigcal pressure
too little = child disobeys and ignores message
explain the too much psychological pressure
child is obedient but only because they feel forced to do it
-wil only comply if there is a risk of being caught
eg: punishment
explain the just right psychological pressure
slightly raised voice and disapproving look is often enough
what are the 2 dimensions of parenting
explain the control/discipline dimension of parenting
extent to which parents monitor and manage their children behaviour through rules and consequences
explain the warmth/sensitivity and support dimension of parenting
extent to which parents mirror their children and are responsive to them
if someone has high warmth and high control, what parental style are they
if someone has high warmth and low control, what parental style are they
if someone has low warmth and high control, what parental style are they
if someone has low warmth and low control, what parental style are they
authoritative parents are high in what
warmth/support and control
explain an authoritative parents
high in support and control
attentive and responsive to childs needs and concerns and respect the childs perspective
set clear standards and limits for their children nd are firm and consistent about enforcement
but allow autonomy within those limits
what pareting style is this:
high in support and control
attentive and responsive to childs needs and concerns and respect the childs perspective
set clear standards and limits for their children nd are firm and consistent about enforcement
but allow autonomy within those limits
true or false: authoritative parents have high warm low control
false, that is permissive
explain the standards parents that are authoritituve show
set clear standards and limits for their children and are firm and consistent about enforcement
=but also allow autonomy within those limits
what are the 5 effects of authoritative parenting on kids
self condience
socially skilled
have many friends and are well-liked
behaviour in accordance with adults expectations
do well academically
what type of parenting style should you strive for
true or false: children who had authoritative parenting style are more sociallly skilled and do well academically
authoritarian parents are high in what and low in what
high in control but low in warthh
explain authoritarian parents
high in control low in warmth
cold and unresponsive to childs needs
expect child to comply with parents desires without question
exercise power by using threats, punishments and psychological control
what type of parenting is this:
high in control low in warmth
cold and unresponsive to childs needs
expect child to comply with parents desires without question
exercise power by using threats, punishments and psychological control
whicg type of parent expects child to comply with parents desires without question
true or false: permissive parents exrercise power by using threats, punishements and psychological contrpl
false, authoritarian do
what are the 5 effects of authoritarian parenting on kids
1) create hostility in children and a refusal to internalize parents’ message
2) lower in self confidence
3) high levels of mental health problems
4) lower social competence
5) more behavioural problems, like aggression and delinquency
what parenting style usually leads to rebellion effect
permissive parents in high in what and low in what
high in warmth, low in control
what parenting is opposite of authoritarian
what is the difference between authoritative and permissive
permissive parents are responsive to childs needs and wishes BUT are overly lenient
explain permissive parenting
high in warmth, low in control
responsive to childs needs and wishes but are overly lenient
do not require child to regulate themselves or act in appropriate ways
what type of parenting is this:
high in warmth, low in control
responsive to childs needs and wishes but are overly lenient
do not require child to regulate themselves or act in appropriate ways
what are the 4 effects of permissive parenting
1) high impulsivity
2) low in self regulation
3) more behavioural problems, like aggression and delinquency
4) low academic achievementt
which toy of parenting style makes kids show higher impulsivity
explain uninvolved parenting
low in control and warmth
generally disengaged from parenting
no limits and no support
sometimes rejecting and neglectful
focused on their own needs instead of children needs
what type of parenting style is this:
low in control and warmth
generally disengaged from parenting
no limits and no support
sometimes rejecting and neglectful
focused on their own needs instead of children needs
uninvolved parenting is low in what
low in control and warmth
what parenting style is disengaged from parenting
what parenting style focusses on their own needs instead of children needs
what are the effects of uninvolved parenting on kids
struggle with self worth
insecure attachment
poorer mental health
low in social competetnce
low in academic achievement
more behavioural problems
kids raised with this parenting style are more likely to show insecure attachment
uninvolved parenting
what are some examples of behavioural problems of kids with uninvolved parents
substance abuse
which gender spends more time with kids
moms spend on average, even those that work, 1.5 hours more with their children than dads
over dads, moms are more likely to provide what to kids
physical care and emotional support to children
dads are more likely to do what with children in comparison to mom
play with children
true or false: parenting by moms and parenting by dads are equally important and affect children in similar ways
and example
warmth and responsiveness from both is important for children mental health
what are some of the similarities of parenting across cultures
all parents teach about good and bad behaviour very often and are least likely to use low withdrawal (deprive kids of love)
what are the differences of parenting across cultures
italian parents are more likely to yell or scold
Kenyan parents are most likely to threaten or use punishment, but least likely to take away privileges
what nationality are more likely to yell or scold
kenyan parents are most likely to threaten or use physical punishment, but least likely to do what
take away privileges
explain the study about discipline techniques in european american vs chinese parentsing
authoritarian style: is more likely to be used by chinese parents and has few negative consequences on chinese children
authoritative parenting: is linked witth positive outcomes in both european americans and chinese kids but this link is stronger for European american kids
what does the study about discipline techniques in european american and chinese parenting
suggests that authoritative parenting is best across cultures, but authoritarian parenting is less harmful in cultures where that is the norm
authoritarian parenting is less harmful when
in cultures where that is the norm
what percentage of children experience regular physical punishment
where is regular physical punishments rates higher
in countries where authoritarian parenting is the norm
metaanylisis of studies across 50 years shows that the more children are spanked, the:
less they comply and the more aggressive they are
more mental health problems they have
more problematic relationships with parenting
lower their self esteem
lower their cognitive ability
true or false: negative outcomes from spanking are found cross cultural grousp
is spanking really that bad
explain what united nations aaid about spanking
spanking is a form of violence against children that violates human right to be protected from violence
rue or fales: spanking is illegal in canada according to united nation
false, it is not
true or false: parent-child interactions tend to be bidirectional
explain how parent-child interactions tend to be bidirecitonnal
each influences and reinforces the other behaviour
can create both positive and negative cycles
ex: baby smiles, parent smiles, then baby smiles
explain the coercive cycle
parent makes request or says no
child disobeys
parent get angry and yells
child yells/throws tantrum
parent yells
parent gives up or succeeds
gives up: reinforces child tantrums
succeeds: reinforces harsh parenting
child with difficult temperment is more likely to what (according to coercive cycle)
more likely to disobey and provoke harsh parenting
explain childs problem behaviour reinforces what (according to coervcive cycle)
parents hardh parenting which unintentionally reinforces the child behaviour
do shared genes play a role in child and parent bahaviour
parents and children behaviour can also both be caused by the genes they share
a correlation between parenting and children behaviour/outcomes could be due to what
parenting practices
children beahvior
and shared genes
true or false: parenting practices are solely responsible for children outcomes
false, they are not (genes also play a role)
internalization of appropriate behaviour is fostered by what two things
reasoning and a sweet spot of psychological pressure
warmth x contro creates 4 parenting styles: what are they
authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and uninvolved
parenting style has an important impact on what
children outcomes
authoritative parenting style is best for promoting what
internalization, well-being and social competencies across cultures
parenting varies somewhat by culture, so sometimes spanking is useful
false, it is never a useful strategy
parenting practices are not solely responsible for children outcomes, what other 2 factors effect
children behaviour and shared genes
what was the average age of first time moms n canada in 2001
what was the average age of first time moms n canada in 2016
average age of firm times moms in canada is increasing or decreasing
older first time parents (vs younger parents) tend to have what in terms of education income
more education and higher income
older first time parents (vs younger parents) tend to have fewer or more children
true or false; older first time parents (vs younger parents) are less likely to get diverosed in the first 10 years
which type of parents, old or young, show more positive parenting
explainn how older first time parents have more positive parenting
lower rates of harsh parenting compared with people that became parents at 18-25 years old
what percentage of same sex parents in 2001
what percentage of same sex parents in 2016