Lecture 9: Fairness and Justice Flashcards
types of fairness
- true fairness
- instrumental fairness
- application of fairness rules
what is fair
- equality in input (both pay equal)
- proportionality (pay percentage of salary)
- equality in outcome (pool incomes)
ranking of allocation models
- auction (argued to be best by economics, but ranked lowest by individuals)
- lottery (moderate)
- queue (ranked as most fair)
fairness in ultimatum games
- people have a preference for acting fair
- people have a preference for being treated fairly
- people are willing to incur costs to punish unfair behaviors (altruistic punishment)
what makes an economic transaction seem fair
starting point: beer on the beach scenario
dual entitlement
transactors have an entitlement to the terms of the reference transaction, and firms are entitled to their reference point (endowment effect for both traders)
- governs community standards of fairness
tacit coordination
the ability of individuals to align their decisions or actions without explicit communication, relying instead on shared expectations, common knowledge, or social norms
strong versus weak situations
strong situations
- salient cues to guide behavior
weak situations
- no salient cues to guide behavior (importance of dispositions)
- importance of social value orientation
true fairness vs instrumental fairness
free-rider hypothesis
suggests that people may be less likely to contribute to a collective good or effort when they believe others will contribute, allowing them to “free ride” on the efforts of others without putting in their own resources or effort
- economists might be less likely than others to donate to private charities
prisoner dilemma game
showed that economics majors are more likely than non majors to behave self-interestedly
self-interest model
tends to inhibit cooperation
fair allocation in an ultimatum game
could be explained by the allocator’s fear that the recipient might reject a small positive offer
cost-plus rule
a simple pricing method where the price of a product is set by adding a fixed percentage (markup) to its production cost, often seen as a fair and straightforward way to determine price
2 general rules that were found to govern fairness judgements
- it is unfair for a firm to exploit an increase in its market power to alter the terms of the reference transaction at the direct expense of a customer, tenant, or employee
- it is acceptable for a firm to maintain its profit at the reference level by raising prices or rents or by cutting wages as necessary