Lecture 9: Architectural Barriers Flashcards
What is the goal for awareness of architectural barriers?
Barrier Free environment
Barrier Free Environment:
What are 4 types?
Barrier Free Environment:
What are public barriers? (2)
Federal building
Barrier Free Environment:
What is a type of private barrier?
Religious institutions
Barrier Free Environment:
What are types of home barriers?
Kitchen, bathroom
Barrier Free Environment:
What is an example of a school barrier?
Public Access Barriers:
Curbs- should have what?
_____ of things such as water fountains, phones
_____ of doorways, passageways
Other challenges: ______ especially for blind or hearing impaired
Curb cuts
Private buildings:
_____ and ____ to facilities
Home accessibility includes:
___ into the house
bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms
Laws: laws prescribe the ____ acceptable standard
Must adhere to the strictest code: ____, ____, ____
Certain exclusions: _____, historic buildings
Federal, state, local
Architectural Barriers Act of 1968:
First federal law to require ____ ____ ____.
Applies where buildings are constructed, altered, leased, or financed in whole or part with ____ ____.
Barrier free designs
Federal funds
Rehabilitation Act of 1973:
Section ____: prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities.
Precursor to the ______ of 1990.
Applies to private and public entities that receive ______.
May be stricter than the ____.
Federal funds
Comparison of Barrier Free Design Characteristics:
ADA: A 2 story private school with federal funds: ____ elevator required, religious colleges, federal departments, federal agencies are ____
Rehab Act of 1973: A 2 story private school with federal funds: ____ elevator required, religious colleges, federal departments, federal agencies are _____.
NO, exempt
YES, not exempt
Fair Housing Amendments of 1988:
Extends the _______ _______ of the Fair Housing Act to persons with disabilities and persons with families.
The accessibility guidelines are the only guidelines and do not have the force of ____.
Non-discrimination protections
The ADAAG are used for most ADA construction. What is ADAAG?
Americans with Disabilities Accessibility Guidelines
ADA Sections
What is Title I-V?
I: Employment II: Public Services and Transportation III: Public Accommodations IV: Telecommunications V: Other provisions
Title I: Employment Workplace ADA: Employers with \_\_\_ or more employees. Prohibited against discrimination in the following areas. Job \_\_\_\_ procedures Hiring, advancement, and \_\_\_\_ Job \_\_\_\_\_
ADA: ____ ____ is
Modifications or adjustment in the job application process, work environment, and employment benefits and privileges that would allow a qualified individual to be able to perform the essential functions of the job provided it does not impose any undue hardship on the operation of the covered entity’s business.
Reasonable Accommodation
Reasonable Accommodation May Include: Making \_\_\_\_\_ facilities accessible Job \_\_\_\_\_ Part-time or modified \_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_ Reassignment to a \_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_ Acquisition or modification of \_\_\_\_\_ Appropriate adjustments or modifications or examination, training materials, or policies Provision of qualified readers or \_\_\_\_\_\_
Existing Restructuring Work hours Vacant position Equipment Interpreters
Action requiring significant difficulty or expense: ____ ____
Undue Hardship
Undue hardship:
Nature and cost of _____
Financial resources of the ____
Impact of such _____ on the financial resources of the _____
Accommodations, employer
Cost of Reasonable Accommodation:
____% of employees with disabilities need accommodations at the workplace.
Qualified Individual with a Disability:
An individual who, with or without ____ ____, can perform the ____ functions of the employment position.
Reasonable Accommodation
____ ____ ____: the fundamental job duties of the employment position the person with a disability holds or desires.
Essential Job Function
What is medical testing performed AFTER an offer of employment has been extended called?
If given, must be given to ____ applicants. _____ testing is not permitted.
Post-Offer Testing
What is FCE?
Functional capacity evaluation
What is a functional capacity evaluation?
Comprehensive physical (and sometimes mental) eval of a person’s functional ability to perform job-related tasks. Can be generic or tailored to specific job.
Is current use of drugs protected by the ADA?
ADA protection is afforded to those who have completed a drug rehab program. T/F
Employers may not use drug testing to ensure that individuals enrolled in a drug program remain drug free. T/F
FALSE- they may use drug testing
Title II: Public Services and Transportation
TRAINS- _____ of key stations must be accessible by 2013.
____ car per train must be accessible.
____ cars purchased must be accessible, grace period to convert old equipment.
Title III: ______ Accommodations
The following _____ entities are considered _____ for ADA:
-inn, hotel, motel, lodging
-restaurant, bar, food/drink services
-auditorium, convention center, lecture hall
-theater, concert hall, stadium
-bakery, grocery store, clothing store, mall
-laundromat, dry cleaner, funeral parlor
-station for public
-museum, library
-park, zoo, place of recreation, gym, spa
-school, day care, senior center
Private, public
Title IV: Telecommunications
By July 26, 1993 each carrier had to provide telecommunications relay services for persons with ___ and ___ impairments.
Hearing, speech
Accessible Route:
___ accessible route must be provided:
Minimum width ___ inches.
Passing spaces provided if width is ________.
Head room ____ inches. If less, a warning system is necessary to warn people. Ground and floor surfaces shall be stable, _____ and ____ ____.
ONE 36 < 60 inches 80 Firm, slip resistant
Space allowance/reach range:
Wheelchair passage width-
One chair _______ inches
Two chairs ______ inches
Space allowance/reach range:
Wheelchair turning space
_____degree turn requires ___ inches of clear space or a ____ shaped space
180, 60, T
Space allowance/reach range:
Clear ground/ground space
______ inches
Minimum reaches- open door/swings all the way open to fit through
Shortest accessible route from adjacent parking to an accessible entrance.
Spaces are to be a minimum of ______ inches (____ space width)
____ to note accessibility
96, 1.5
Parking: Number of spaces — 1-25 = \_\_ \_\_-\_\_ = 2 \_\_-\_\_ = 3 501-1000 = \_\_\_\_ of total Medical facilities: \_\_\_ of total number of parking spaces
1 26-50 51-75 2% 10%
Curb Ramps:
Minimum width of a curb ramp is ____ inches
Not obstructed by ____ ____.
____ ____ on the sides, or protected by handrails/guardrails.
Parked vehicle
Flared edges
Any slope greater than __:__ is a ramp.
____ possible slope shall be used for any ramp
Maximum slope of ramp is __:__.
Maximum rise for any run shall be ___ inches.
Where space is an issue a slope between 1:_ and 1:_ is allowed for maximum rise of _ inches.
Slope of > 1:_ is not permitted.
1:20 Least 1:12 30 8, 10, 3 8
Minimum clear width ____ inches.
Landings, level landings at the bottom and top of each ramp and ramp run.
Length minimum of ___ inches.
If direction changes, ramp must be ___x___.
Doorway must have adequate clearance.
Handrails are required for ramps with rise greater than ___ inches.
Uniform riser heights and tread width. ____ risers are not permitted. Handrails on ___ ___ of stairs. Extend __ inches above and below the last riser. Clearance between handrail and wall should be _____ inches. Outside stairs designed so ____ does not accumulate.
open Both sides 12 1-1.5 Water
Automatic operation. Self-leveling features within __ inch of floor. Call buttons ____ inches above the floor. ____ and ____ signal for the cars
Raised and ____ characteristics. Door protective and reopening device. Sufficient clearance for _____ maneuvering. Car controls should be ___ and ___. Emergency communication.
.5 42 Visible and audible Braille W/C Visual and tactile
Doors: revolving doors and turnstiles (can/can’t) be only means of passage.
Minimum space between doors in a series: ___ inches plus width of door swinging into space
Thresholds- shall not exceed ____ inch.
Door hardware- each ___ hardware.
Door closers- At least ___ seconds to move ___ inches.
Door opening force- Maximum force __ lbs.
3, 3
Drinking fountains: Spout height: \_\_\_ inches from floor Spout location: \_\_\_\_\_ of the unit Controls \_\_\_ or \_\_\_ mounted near front edge. Clear floor space \_\_\_x\_\_\_ inches.
Front, side
Water closets:
At least ___ should comply with accessibility requirements.
Clear floor space for a ____ or ____ approach.
Height ______ inches
Grab bars: ___ and ___
Flush controls: ___ operated or automatic not higher than ___ inches from floor.
Dispensers: within reach and permit continuous ____ ____.
One Left/right 17-19 Side, behind Hand, 44 Paper flow
Grab bars:
Spacing at _____, _____, _____, ____.
Diameter of gripping surface = ____ - ____ inch
Space between wall and bar ___- ___ inch
Water closets, sinks, shower, tub
No higher than ___ inches above floor.
Clear floor space ___x___ inches in front to allow forward approach.
Extend maximum of ___ inches under lavatory.
Exposed pipes: insulated and protected from contact.
Faucets: lever operated, push type electronically controlled, remain open for ____ seconds.
Mirrors mounted with bottom edge of reflecting surface no higher than ____ inches above floor.
34 30x48 19 10 40
Bath Tubs:
Clearance in front of tub is minimum of ___ inches.
In tub seat at head of tub.
Grab bars- ___ inch minimum
Faucets and controls
Shower spray unit with at least ___ inch hose.
Bath tub enclosure: if used will not obstruct ____. Will not have tracks mounted on the rims (hazard!).
May need to remove ___ ___ for transfer ability.
More falls happen in bathtubs than ____.
60 48 60 Transfers Glass doors Anywhere else
Shower stall: Stall will be minimum of \_\_\_x\_\_\_. Shower seat mounted \_\_\_\_ inches from floor and running entire depth of stall. Grab bars. Controls on \_\_\_ wall, opposite seat. Shower spray unit with \_\_ inch hose.
Toilet facilities:
On an ___ route.
Doors shall not swing into __ __ __.
Water closets where more than __ are provided, ___ fully accessible shall be provided.
Clear floor space
6, 1
Detectable warnings:
Different in ___ or ___ from other surface to alert person to difference in height or conditions.
Color, consistency
Detectable warnings:
Audible alarms-
Sound at least ___ dbA for minimum of ___ seconds. Shall not exceed ___ dbA.
15, 60
Detectable warnings:
Visual alarms- ____ strobe or equivalent. Clear of white light. Flash rate minimum of __ hz. max __ hz.
1, 3
Signage- Character \_\_\_\_ Character \_\_\_\_ Raised and \_\_\_\_ characters \_\_\_ and contrast Mounting \_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_ Symbols of \_\_\_\_
Proportion Height Braided Finish Location, height Accessibility
Special telephones including ____ control, ___ telephones, ___ listening.
Volume, text, assisted
Accessibility- clear floor space __x__.
Mounting height: high reach ___ inches, low reach ___ inches.
Bases, enclosures, and seats cannot impede access. ___ ___ compatible. Push button controls. __ __ at least 29 inches.
48, 15
Hearing aid
Cord length
Other accessibility considerations:
Fixed seating, assembly areas, ATMs, dressing and fitting rooms.
Assembly areas-
Seating capacity Wheelchair locations
4-25. _____
26-50. _____
Over 500 _____ + __ for every 100 over
6 + 1
Other accessibility standards:
Business- check out lines 1-__ aisles, __ must be accessible
Transient lodging: 1-25 units, __ accessible room. 51-75 units, ___ roll in shower.
4, 1