Lecture 9 and 10 - causes and risk factors Flashcards
Set point theory
Biological: bodies resist marked variation playing a role
Genetic contribution of AN (research)
Strober (2002) - EDs 3x more common among relatives of AN and BN patients comapred to relative controls - some transmissibility
How is genetic influence mediated?
via the determination of…
- body weight/shape/size
- brain chemistry
- personality traits
Neurotransmitter dysfunctions:
Seretonin: AN have low levels of 5HT metabolites (specific abnormalities not identified yet)
Dopamine: hyper - sensitivity of the DA system
Neurotransmitter dysfunctions research
Kaye et al 2009 - In AN dieting reduces eating, leads to weight loss, leads to changes in neurotransmitter
puberty and role of sex hormones
- arise from psychological effects (dystatisfcation w body etc)
- before puberty 0% genetic influences but genetic factors influenced 50% after puberty
- Oestradiol (ovarian hormones) may activate genetic risk of eating disorder
Role of leptin and grehlin
Leptin is satiety hormone and grehlin is hunger hormone - disrupted in AN patients
ABA model (activity based anorexia)
Rodent studies show caloric restriction combined with access to running wheel leads to rapid increase in loco - motor activity - reduce food intake and eventually death
Research: ABA - hyperactivity in AN
40-80% AN patient’s excessive levels of activity to motor restlessness - deliberate calorie-burning weight reduction strategy, coping strategy to suppress neg states and form of thermoregulatory behaviour (Carrera et al 2012 warming is beneficial treatment)
Individual risk factors (8)
- Gender and age
- Negative body image
- Internalization of thin ideal
- Perfectionism
- Neurocognitive impairments
- Dieting
- Negatively emotionally
- Childhood sexual abuse (debateable)
Reserach: Internalization of thin ideal
Women rate their own body shape as heavier than their ideal and what they think is attractive (fallon and rozin 1985)
neurocognitive impairments
difficulties may be an intermediate phenotype triggered by a specific neurocognitive profile - poor set shifting, weak central coherence
Research: neurocognitive impairments
Lang et al 2015 - no diff in IQ but AN showed more errors on WCST and lower styles on central coherence scores (inflexible thinking etc)
Research: social and emotion processing
Kanakam et al 2013 - disordered eating is a maladaptive strategy to regulate emotions which is reinforced with the temporary reduction of anxiety - twins with AN have difficulty w emotion recognition and stronger attentional bias to social threat
Sociocultural: family characteristics of AN
- limited tolerance of disharmony, tension or poor conflict resolution skills
- propriety and rule-mindedness
- parental over - direction of child, discouragement
- preoccupations with thinness, dieting etc
Research: fam characteristics
Not always the mothers to blame - one study found that eating and weight problems were predicted by low parental affection, communication and time spent with child, Johnson, et al. (2002)
Media influences
- female idols
- pro ED sites
increase in dieting/weight websites - changes in ‘ideal’ women
Research: media influences
Katzmarzyk and Davis 2001 - shows trend of women’s actual weight comapred to play boys and miss America
Research: peer influence negative self-image
McLean et al (2015) - girls engaging in social media photos, reported higher overvaluation of shape weight etc - - Active SM use may be a maintaining factor for body-related/ eating concerns – not likely to be the sole cause for Eds
Socio cultural: culture
western cultures historically associated with EDs - thinness desirable but EDs becoming more common among females in high-income asian societies and more.
Research - Socio cultural: culture
Becker et al 2002 - natural environment, Fijian adolescents exposed to westernised tv for the first time - - Within 3 years the number of girls who vomited to control weight rose from 0% to 11% and increased score on EAT-26 scale
Research - socio cultural: Keel & Klump (2003) – historical survey and meta-analysis
AN more historically and culturally reported (sometimes lacking western influence) - strong genetic basis for AN less so for BN
The Cognitive Interpersonal Maintenance Model of AN
(Treasure & Schmidt, 2013) - Model proposes that cognitive, socio-emotional, and interpersonal elements act together to cause and maintain AN. Includes premorbid traits, cognitive processing style, socio emotion impairments, shared fam traits
Obesity DSM - 5?
obesity is not ED but central problem is habit/addiction to food - controversial that it is a mental disorder however is an increasing acceptance
Binge eating disorder DMS - 5
- frequent episodes of binge eating disorder
- typically overweight/obese - no compensatory weight loss behaviour
- unhappiness and lack of control
Fam influences: obesity
- high fat/ calorie diet
- eating to alleviate distress/ show love
- overfeeding
- “Socially contagious” obesity – if around someone who is obese a lot, it may influence our behaviour due to influencing our social norms
stress and comfor food
- watching TV
- attending parties
- becoming anxious, angry, or bored