Lecture 4 - Specific and Social Phobia Flashcards
What is Fear
Basic emotion involving the activation of the flight or fight response of the automatic nervous system
What is anxiety
different kind of emotions that is a complex blend of diffuse and unpleased emotions/cognitions
Adaptive value of anxiety
Anxiety is adaptive as it selectivly favored evolutionary perspective - gives ability to respond quickly and effectively to threatening situations.
What are anxiety disorders
Chronic or sever anxiety that occurs without environmental change is pathological/maladaptive. Anxiety disorders are characterised by unrealistic irrational fears/anxieties of disabling intensity
Criteria for specific phobia (4)
- Marked fear/anxiety about a specific object or situation
o The phobic object or situation almost always provokes immediate fear or anxiety
o The phobic object or situation is actively avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety
o The fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the actual danger posed by the specific object or situation and to the sociocultural context
What are phobia types (5)
o Animal type o Natural environment type o Blood injection injury type* o Situational type o Other type
What are specific phobias underpinned by?
Evolutionary preparedness (like avoiding spiders etc)
Specific phobias from psychoanalytical perspective
defence against anxiety that stems from prepressed impulses from the ID. This repressed impulse from the ID is ‘too dangerous’ for us to know
Specific phobias: behaviorist perspective
Conditioning (classical - where it is formed - and operent - where it is reinforced)
Example study: Watson and Raynor)
Vulnerabilities to fear conditioning when…
familiarity with fear in past experiences, environment of fear conditioning, experience after conditioning experience
Systematic Desensitization (wolpe 1958)
Controlled, increasing exposure to fear, participant modelling (bandura 1977,97), virtual reality environment
evaluation of systematic desensitisation
Capafons (1998) found clinees fear of flying decreased after 12-25 week treatment
Criteria for Social Phobia (4)
o Marked fear or anxiety about one or more social situations in which the individual is exposed to possible scrutiny by others
o The individual fears that he or she will act in a way or show anxiety symptoms that will be negatively evaluated
o The social situations almost always provoke fear or anxiety
o The social situations are avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety
Social Phobia: Evolutionary perspective
evolved as a product of dominance hierarchy
- Schupp et al (2004) found that threatening faces are processed more quickly and readily than others
- Dimberg and Ohman (1996) found that threatingin faces are associated with a stronger conditioned response compared to neutral or friendly faces
Behavioural perspective
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social phobia: cognitive persepctive
Social situation, activating assumptions (high standards, expectations of rejection and neg beliefs about self), perceived social danger, processing self as a social object (detailed monitoring of self in social situation) leading to safety behaviours and romantic/cog symptoms.
Social phobia: CBT
exercises that manipulate the focus of attention, trying to stop safety behaviours, watching video/audio feedback to help restructure cognition