Lecture 9 & 10: Anterior Triangle Flashcards
- Superior thyroid vein
- Middle thyroid vein
(both drain to int. jugular)
- Inferior thyroid vein (drains to brachiocephalic)
A: Region V
B: Region III
C: Region VI
D: Region IV
E: Region II
F: Region I
What are the four reasons for knowing the anterior triangle?
- Thyroid examination
- Central vein catheterisation
- Penetrating trauma
- Cricothyroidotomy / Tracheastomy
Define the ant. triangle:
The region beyond the ant. border of sternocleidomastoid to the midline.
Top: Inf border of mandible
Post: Ant. border of sternocleidomastoid(s)
Imaginary midline defines left and right.
Describe the superifical veins of the ant. triangle:
Many many superficial veins branch out of the anterior triangle.
What are the infrahyoid muscles of the ant. triangle?
- Sternohyoid + Omohyoid
- Thyrohyoid + Sternothyroid
What provides innervation to the anterior triangle muscles?
Ansa cervicalis (comes off the cervical plexus), consists of:
- Superior root of ansa cervicalis (C1)
- Inferior root of ansa cervicalis (C2+C3)
These provide motor innervation to all muscles in ant. triangle EXCEPT: Thyrohyoid (C1+C12 do this)
What provides cutaneous innervation of the cervical plexus?
- Transverse cervical n.
- Supraclavicular nerve
- Lesser occipital n.
- Great auricular n.