Lecture 8- Stress, Coping, and Health Flashcards
What are the perspectives of stress?
1) Stimulus-based
2) Response-based
3) Interactional
What is stimulus-based stress?
focus on work place environmental stressors.
What is the contamination hypothesis of stress?
Some life events may be stress-related outcomes e.g. changes in sleeping habits
Define a Hassle and an Uplift (Kanner et al,1981)
1) Hassles- irritating, frustrating, distressing demands
2) Uplifts positive experiences
They better predict psychological symptoms than life event scores
Describe hassles
may mediate the association between life events and health outcomes
life events may also disrupt coping processes
Describe Uplifts
1) positive emotional experiences can buffer against stress disorders (Lazarus)
What is the response-based perspective of stress?
focus on the physiological responses to stress
What is the General adaptation Syndrome? (Hans Selye)
1) Alarm reaction- body’s defence mobilized
2) Resistance stage- the body adapts to the stressor
3) Exhaustion stage- body’s capacity resistance is depleted
What happens when an individual is in the resistance stage for a long period of time?
develop disease adaptations
What are the psychosomatic medicines? (Franz Alexandra)
1) Flight of fight (temporary & biologically adaptive behaviours)
2) Chronic stress
What is chronic stress?
over activation of sympathetic branch of the automatic nervous system
How does chronic stress cause type 2 diabetes?
1) hyper-activation of the sympathetic branch
2) cause HPA axis activation- hypercortisolism
3) greater intra-abdominal fat, larger waist circumference
What is the interactional perspective of stress?
focus on coping and resources
Name the interactional models (Lazarus & Folkman)
1) Primary appraisals- evaluation of stressor
2) Secondary appraisals- identify coping options and resources
List the 4 coping strategies
Active coping
Positive reframing
Describe the conservation of resources theory
1) values resources (objects, personal characteristics, energies)
2) this allows you to have resource stability which contributes to the level of stress
What is PTSD?
- a specific stress response when a person is exposed to extreme stressors
- distress, insomnia, flashbacks
Name some of the predictors inn developing PTSD?
1) perceived life threat
2) peritraumatic emotions
3) prior trauma
4) Psychological difficulties
5) Family history
What is post-traumatic growth (PTG)?
1) Experience a positive change as a result of the struggle with a highly challenging life crisis
2) high appreciation of life, more meaningful relationships and strong personal strength
What is the Growth phase of PTG?
cognitive rebuild after trauma
What are the detriments of PTG?
1) personality characteristics (extraverted)
2) managing distressing emotions (constructive cog processing schema change)
3) Support and disclosure (others offer perspective
Can stress cause physical illness?
stress may cause individual to smoke and drink which may cause illness