Lecture 3- Health Inequalities Flashcards
What are the macro-social influences on health?
historical legacies
organised religion
What social factors affects an individuals health?
where ppl are born, grow up, live, work, and systems put in place to deal with illness
What is neoliberalism?
1) political ideology involving reducing state oversight and control
2) individuals and markets will interact to optimise personal wellbeing
How will neoliberalism negatively effect the economy?
1) increase income inequality
2) poverty
3) Health inequalities
What does Healthism suggest? (Crawford 1980, 2006)
1) health is a moral good
2) Individuals must maximize their health
3) illness is the fault of the individual
What are micro-social influences on health?
1) factors specific to the individual
What is the role of psychologist for health?
Working through social change and social justice
2) build resilience and facilitate behaviour change with awareness
3) listen
What is Stigma?
a mark or label signifying membership of devalued group
What is prejudice?
negative attitudes and beliefs towards devalued group
What is discrimination?
unequal treatment based on membership of a group
How does stigma linked to socioeconomic status?
unequal access to:
1) Money, knowledge, power
2) education, quality
3)Employment, opportunities, and wages
4) housing
5) Health care
How stigma linked with social isolation?
1) associated with high social isolation
2) low health outcomes
3) fear of rejection
4) social support allows better health outcomes
What are the Psychological and behavioural responses to stigma?
1) low psychological resources
2) maladaptive behavioural responses (Avoidant coping styles)
3) self- stigmatization
Types of stress
What are the effects of social stress?
1) negative impact on health = perceived as racial discrimination, increased risk of coronary events, breast cancer
2) stress response associated with hypertension, heart disease