Lecture 8 - Process Safety Management Flashcards
What is process safety?
Process Safety is a technical and operational discipline focusing on the identification and mitigation of the hazards associated with the physical and chemical properties of the material being processed.
What are process hazards?
Process Hazards can expose groups of workers to serious injury or death. They may even expose members of the public. Management systems and safeguards (risk treatment) typically address operational integrity and aim to avoid loss of containment.
What is process safety management?
Process Safety Management is the application of management systems to the design, operation and maintenance of facilities that handle hazardous materials in a sustainable manner to control the identified process hazards over the facility life cycle.
Effective management of process safety can ensure facilities are appropriately designed, correctly operated and adequately maintained to prevent the catastrophic release of hazardous materials
Why is process safety management important?
- Accidents related to process safety failures continue to happen across multiple industries with major impacts on people (both employees and the community), the environment and assets.
- Effective process safety management is key to eliminating these types of outcomes.
What are the elements of process safety management?
Refer to slides (layed out in table)
What is the ALARP Principle?
As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP): is a principle that risk reduction should be continued until the incremental sacrifice in doing so is grossly disproportionate to the value of the incremental risk reduction achieved (r2p2)
* ALARP represents “criteria where the test for acceptability or tolerability of a risk is whether it is reasonably practicable to do more to reduce risk” (AS ISO 31010)
* Incremental sacrifice is defined in terms of time, effort, cost or other expenditure of resources.
* Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP): is a principle that in addition to ALARP all equipment must be documented to demonstrate that good engineering practice has been applied. This includes application of codes and standards
* The ALARP principle allows regulators to avoid setting prescriptive standards, but rather set goals for duty-holders.
What is the ALARP Triangle
- Intolerable level of risk: high risks which are considered unacceptable. Activities causing such risk would be prohibited or would require further risk reduction.
- Tolerable level of risk: risks tolerated in order to secure certain benefits. Risk reduction may be implemented if not considered ALARP
- Broadly acceptable level of risk: risks considered acceptable. If practicable, risk are reduced further to ALARP
How can you tolerate ALARP risks
The zone between the unacceptable and broadly acceptable regions is the tolerable region. Risks in that region are typical of the risks from activities that people are prepared to tolerate in order to secure benefits, in the expectation that:
* the nature and level of the risks are properly assessed and the results used properly to determine control measures.
* the residual risks are not unduly high and kept as low as reasonably practicable (the ALARP principle); and
* the risks are periodically reviewed to ensure that they still meet the ALARP criteria, for example new knowledge about the risk or the availability of new techniques for reducing or eliminating risks.
What is the swiss cheese model?
The slices of the “Swiss Cheese” model represent the controls in place that modify risk by prevent an initiating event becoming an incident In process safety we typically refer to these controls as “safeguards”, which identifies their role in creating safe outcomes Safeguards are the hardware and human actions that directly prevent or mitigate an incident or impact
What is the bowtie model?
Refer to slides (better visual with text)
Why do we do risk assessments?
- To understand risk
- To identify safeguards currently in place (existing controls)
- To identify gaps between current risk and tolerable risk
- To identify new safeguards required to meet tolerable risk levels (recommendations)* To know which safeguards are most important and must remain effective (assurance)
- There are many ways to do this including:
o Standard industry checklists
o What-if?
o HAZOP/LOPA (qualitative)
o LOPA (quantitative)
Why chose layer of protection analysis (LOPA)
- Identification of most important safeguards (especially when there are lots available)
o E.g. for a particular scenario there may be multiple alarms, trips based on different process parameters, mechanical protection systems, multiple mitigation systems - Identification of required safeguard performance
- Enable development of a maintenance system which prioritises the most important safeguards
- Enable the workforce to understand risks and respond appropriately to safeguards
o E.g. what action do I need to take on alarm initiation? do I need additional safeguards in place if this safeguard is unavailable? - Update safeguard information as part of a management of change process
WHat is LOPA
- Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) is a semi-quantitative risk assessment tool for analysing and assessing the risks of the scenarios with higher consequence of concern (e.g. major incident
o Single cause–consequence scenarios are identified and analysed
o Risk is compared against company’s risk tolerance criteria
o If risk unacceptable, additional independent protection layers are identified and suggested for implementation
—- - Consequences of LOPA scenarios are the same as those on the company’s risk matrix
o Typically, consequence development does not end at loss of containment, but continues to potential harm to personnel / environment
—- - If one layer fails, the remaining layers are expected to continue to provide protection
What can LOPA be?
A LOPA can be:
* QUALITATIVE – using order of magnitude estimates for risk reduction factors
* QUANTITATIVE – using calculated risk reduction factors e.g. Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD)
WHat are IPLs
Independent Protection Layer (IPL)
* A layer of protection that will independently prevent an unsafe scenario from progressing to its stated consequence regardless
of the initiating event or the performance of another layer of
- Examples include:
o “Interlocks”
o Alarms and Operator Intervention
o Relief Systems
o Containment Systems
o Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)
o Other Safety Related Protection Systems
o Basic Process Control system (BPCS)
What are layers of protection
Refer to slide (for better visual)
How are LOPA results used?
- LOPA will assess the risk reduction effectiveness of the existing
safeguards as IPLs
o Is the safeguard independent and proven to respond quickly enough to prevent the scenario developing? - LOPA will identify if there are any gaps that need to be filled to achieve the required risk tolerance criteria
- If additional safeguards are required, LOPA can help determine the type of safeguard required, e.g. mechanical protection device or if a Safety Instrumented System (SIS) is required and if yes, the required risk reduction factor