Lecture 8- PapSmear/ Vulvovaginitis Flashcards
What is when cells are scraped from the cervix and examined under a microscope to check for cancer or other problems ?
Pap smear
What age should women get a pap smear?
21 and older
Do women with a total hysterectomy need a pap smear?
No as long as it wasn’t done as treatment for cervical pre-CA or CA
Is a Pap Smear a diagnostic test?
No- it is only screening
What is a diagnostic test to get a tissue biopsy to confirm the findings of the pap smear?
Testing for what other conditions can also be obtained if the Pap is liquid based?
Gonorrhea and chlamydia
When can paps normally be stopped?
After age 65 with a normal history
Most HPV infections clear the immune system within how many months?
24-36 months
how many subtype of HPV are there?
More than 100
What are the 2 most high risk strains of HPV?
16 and 18 cause 2/3 of cervical cancer
how long does it take for invasive cervical CA to develop after detection of a precancerous state (CIN2/3)?
average of 10 years
What can increase the risk of getting HPV?
Multiple sexual partners Engaging in intercourse at a young age Multiparity Immunodeficiency Smoking
What does ASC-US stand for?
Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance
what is the advantage of testing for HPV over 30?
Immune system isn’t as robust, most susceptible to infection
What does the HPV vaccine have?
viral like particles which lack viral genetic
material and are non-infectious.
What does CIN stand for?
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
What 2 strains are most commonly associated with genital warts?
Types 6 and 11
What are encapsulated HPV virons expressed as morphologically?
What are the two types of cervical epithelium?
Columnar (glandular)
Stratified non-keratinizing squamous epithelium
Where do most neoplasms arise?
Squamocolumnar Junction (SCJ)
What is the are b/w the original SCJ and teh active SCJ (area of squamous metaplasia)
Transformation Zone (TZ), area most vulnerable to oncogenic changes
What is a cyst that happens when glands within the columnar epithelium becomes trapped causing these cysts.
Nabothian Cysts
What does LGSIL stand for?
Low grade squamous interepithelial lesions
what determines the grade and extent of the lesion
colpo (coloposcopy)
What are options for abnormal pap results?
Repeat Pap in 6 months (for low grade)
HPV testing (already done with reflexive testing)
Colposcopy (most common(
Endocervical curretage (ECC)