8/20/13 Lecture Flashcards
WHat are 3 maternal changes before onset of labor?
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Increase cervical &/or Blood-tinged mucus “bloody show”
What three things are included in the initial evaluation?
Prenatal record review
Vitals signs (maternal and fetal heart tones)
Focused history
What are the 4 keys things of a focussed history for intrapartum care?
UC’s- how often, how long?
ROM/LOF- how much fluid leaking
VB- vaginal bleeding
Decreased FM (fetal movement)
What is presentation?
Presenting part of the fetus in maternal pelvis. (usually the occiput)
What is the most typical positions for a baby to be delivered in?
left occiput transverse
right occiput transverse
What do you look at on a SVE (sterile vaginal exam)?
Effacement (shortening of the cervical canal)
What is the longest journey in a new mom?
What happens at the same time in a multigravida mom?
cervix effaces and dilates at the same time
Where is 0 station?
Where baby is at the ischial spines
What is anything above the spines?
A negative number
What are the 2 stages of the first stage of labor?
Latent phase
Active phase
What is the latent phase of the first stage of labor?
Cervical effacement to 4 cm
What is the active phase of the first stage of labor?
Starts at 4-5 cm to 10 cm
What is the transition part of active phase?
Where they get to 8 cm to 10 cm
What is the second stage of labor?
Pushing and birth of the infant
What is the third stage of labor?
Placenta expulsion
What is the fourth stage of labor?
Recovery 2 hours after placenta
What time frame should the placenta come out within?
30 minutes
What are the 7 mechanisms of labor?
Engagement Flexion Descent Internal rotation Extension restitution/ external rotation explusion
In order for the baby to descend what must the baby do?
Flex their head
What is the mechanism of labor for descent beyond pelvic inlet?
What is the mechanism of labor where the small diameter of vertex presents into pelvis?
What is the mechanism of labor where the vertex goes deeper into the pelvis?
Internal rotation
What is the mechanism of labor where the vertex reaches the introitus?
What is the mechanism of labor that occurs after delivery of the head. Rotation of shoulders are aligned with pelvic outlet?
Restitution/ external rotation
What is the mechanism of labor where there is birth of the anterior then posterior shoulder and then rest of the body?
What can occur in supine maternal position?
Supine hypotension
Obstructs venous return
What maternal position allows gravity to facilitate descent?
upright position
What maternal position is where the uterus is off teh vena cava and allows for improved cardiac output and uteroplacental blood flow?
Left lateral position
What is the most common position used in the US for spontaneous vaginal births (NSVD)?
Dorsal lithotomy (tilted to the left)
How is fetal heart rate monitored?
Intermittently by doppler (not as common)
or continuous EFM
What is a doulas?
“female servant”
birthing coach
helps a women relax and focus