Lecture 8: Mechanisms of evolution Flashcards
Any change in gene frequency
Gene frequency:
The relative proportional representation of a gene in a population
When calculating gene frequency of alleles if it changes then
evolution has occurred
Mendelian Inheritance; important points
1) Heredity is NOT blending
2) Acquired traits are not inherited
3) It does not produce a directional change in gene frequencies
Mendelians experiment was about
Weismanns Principle:
Germ cells –> Germ cells –> Germ cells
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Germ Cells:
any biological cell that gives rise to the gametes of an organism that reproduces sexually
cell body
The Central Dogma:
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Protein Protein Protein
Hardy-Weinburg Equilibrium:
the gene frequency in a population that is not evolving
At H-W Equilibrium
The gene frequency does not change
-i.e. there is no evolution
Conditions for the H-W equilibrium
1) Infinite population size (therefore no genetic drift)
2) No mutation
3) No selection
4) Mendelian inheritance
5) Random mating
Genetic drift:
Genetic drift occurs because Mendelian Inheritance is not exact
Genetic drift is more likely to occur in _____ ______
Small population
- if population <100 drift is v. important
- if population is >100,000 drift is negligible
E.g. of Genetic Drift
Human blood groups in Italy.
-between villages blood group frequencies vary a LOT!
BUT between cities blood group frequencies are v similar
a heritable change in genetic material
Mutation might involve:
- change in chromosome
- change in a single gene
Mutation as a mechanism of evolution:
occurs at a very slow rate so is relatively unimportant as a mechanism of evolution
Non-mendelian Inheritance
- Meiotic drive
- Molecular drive
- Inheritance of Acquired Characertistics (lamarckism)
Meiotic drive
MD genes distort gene segregation so that gametes that don’t carry the MD genes die.
-MD is rare so is relatively unimportant as a mechanism of evolution
Molecular Drive:
MD genes are able to convert slightly different genes into identical copies of themselves.
-MD is rare so is relatively unimportant as a mechanism of evolution
Inheritance of Acquired characteristics
-doesnt work = NO MECHANISM
when does selection occur?
when genotypes differ in their ability to pass genes on to the next generation
types of selection:
1) Artificial selection
2) ) Natural selection
3) Sexual selection
Artificial selection:
Chosen by man, keep reproducing idealistic traits
Natural selection:
survival! those traits aiding survival will be reproduced & passed on-survival of the fittest
Sexual selection:
e.g. males fighting / growing extensive tail feathers to attract mates. Unappealing mates will not reproduce