Lecture #8 - Linear Phase Flashcards
What is a distortionless transmission?
System gives distortionless transmission if the form of the signal passed through that system is unaffected.
i.e. the o/p signal is a delayed and scaled replica of the input signal
What must be done to the system to get distortionless transmission in frequency
- System must amplify or attenuate each frequency component uniformly.
- The magnitude response must be uniform within the signal frequency band.
- System must delay each freqeuncy component by the same number of samples.
Outline the equations and graph for an ideal delay system
What is the phase delay?
The relative delay imposed on individual frequency components of the input signal
What happens if the phase delay is constant?
There’s distortionless transmission
What is a linear-phase filter?
Phase varies linearly with /omega (frequency)
This means linear-phase filters do not introduce distortion to the shape of the waveform.
A symmetry impulse response means what in phase?
Linear phase
What is the difference between necessary and sufficient conditions?
- Necessary; has to be fulfilled
- Sufficient; other conditions must be fulfilled
What does nonlinearity of the phase mean?
Results in time dispersion
What’s the reality of implementing linear-phase in filters?
- IIR filters transfer function; nearly impossible to implement
- FIR filter transfer function; always possible to design with an exact linear-phase response
What happens to the impulse response of the linear-phase FIR when the phase is linear?
- The impulse is symmetric
- IR is antisymmetric