Lecture 8 Flashcards
What are story worlds?
“Story worlds are defined as “places people can visit and live in for a time”
○ You feel like you live there, this is very immportant
○ Immersive experiences make you want to like there
What are the other worlds for story worlds?
subcreated worlds, secondary worlds, diegetic worlds, constructed worlds, and imaginary worlds, media worlds,
What is the interface?
The concept of the interface (used within media studies and fan studies scholarship) offers a productive means to examine theme parks.
“The interface is a concrete material object that helps open the door to another’s imaginary universe.
It makes concrete the imaginary”
-○ Concrete reminder of the place when you go home, make you feel like you’ve gone to the place
-Is a physical thing you purchase that connedct you to thee fantasy wrorl
What do interfaces potentially allow fans to do?
allow fans to see, hear, touch, taste, smell, and interact with story worlds.
What should we not confuse interface with?
It is important not to confuse Lancaster’s use of the term “interface,” a material object allowing physical interaction with story worlds, with computer, new media, or other electronic interfaces that allow virtual interaction with story worlds
What re the 2 kinds of immersion?
Physical and conceptual
What us physical immersion?
in a theme park ride or walk in video installation; the user is physically surrounded by the constructed experience.
○ Physically immersed in the space
What is conceptual immersion?
relies on the user’s imagination; for example, engaging books are considered ‘immersive’ if they supply sufficient detail and description for the reader to vicariously enter the imagined world.
Via multisensory material interfaces, theme parks enable not only the most basic physical immersion of rides or attractions…
…but also conceptual immersion in story worlds that inspire those forms of entertainment.
What can you find in an immersive theme park?
all of the material things—the streets, the bricks, the tables and chairs, the lights, the fountains, etc.—that make up the themed or immersive space can be used to tell immersive stories and/or create specific feelings or moods in guests
What are fan activities?
Corporate-created and controlled theme parks frame and market ‘fan activities’ to encourage consumption. Consumption of the spaces
Yet fans and other visitors, active as always, often use such merchandise as additional interfaces to participate in WWoHP’s attractions and to facilitate immersion in the wizarding story world
What is the suspension of disbelief?
“the willingness to accept the world of the imagination as real…which allows [fans] to renew and extend their belief in the imaginary beyond the confines of the book or film.”
Not only a fan’s mind but also a fan’s body experiences immersion in a story world via such suspension of disbelief: both conceptual and physical immersion.
What are theme parks?
are the multidimensional descendant of the book, film, and epic” in which… “…rides are mechanisms designed to position the visitor’s point of view, much as the camera lens is aligned, moving riders past a series of meticulously focused vignettes to advance the narrative.”…have changed their emphasis from rides perceived as spectacles where guests passively view wonders letting a story unfold around them…to understandings of rides…featuring interactivity and immersion…
• Immersed. Into the world and participating ..allowing visitors active participation or even taking the lead role in the adventure.
What happened to the set of Popeye?
Paramount Pictures and Walt Disney Productions, selected the hitherto-undeveloped inlet of Anchor Bay to construct a set for the film Popeye, a musical based on the cartoon character created by Elzie Crisler Segar.”
After the completion of locational work in 1980, the set’s future was uncertain. The filmmakers
painted the buildings with grey protective paint and left, passing ownership to the Malta Film Facility
The Malta Film Facility hesitantly decided to
retain Sweethaven as an attraction, seeking to generate revenue by drawing in tourists interested in visiting the sites of the film’s production.
What did the movie people do to the landscape to make the Popeye movie?
The film-makers forever altered the landscapes of the bay. By creating the village
The attractions of the ‘Popeye Village’ are now consumed by paying tourists who visit what is effectively a 20,000-square-metre theme park…
…with the additional expectations that the experience of theme parks elsewhere bring.
Taken together, there has clearly been no fixity surrounding the interpretation of the
landscapes of this…
…paradoxical, fictional-yet-existing place.
Popeye dooesnt exist but you can view this woorld
How did Santa become an industry?
Though Santa Claus has a longer history of living in Lapland, the idea of using this connection as a tourism marketing tool was realized only in the 1980s.
The Finnish Tourist Board, eager to promote Finland’s
tourism image, wanted to create some new marketing program that would reflect positively on Finland in general and on Lapland in particular. Used santa as a hook to attract tourist
The Santa Claus idea, though focused only on Lapland,
would attract tourists in greater numbers and would have spill-over benefits in the rest of Finland…
…since foreign tourists inevitably pass through Helsinki and might be convinced to visit other parts of the
country as well.