Lecture 8 Flashcards
What steps for European Political Cooperation were taken in the 1970’s?
What was agreed the Single European Act (1987)?
On the Foreign Policy front
What was decided in the Maastricht Treaty?
On the foreign/security policy front
What was decided by the Amsterdam Treaty (1997)
On the foreign/security policy front
What security decisions/agreements did the EU close in the 1990s until early 2000s?
What was the new European Security Strategy (2003)?
What were Europe’s security actions until the Lisbon Treaty?
What is the EEAS?
How is the EU’s global strategy named?
What is the European Defense Agency?
What is PeSCo? What does it stand for?
Permanent Structured Cooperation
How are decisions made in PeSCo?
What are some PeSCo projects?
Name at least six
What are some PeSCo projects?
Name at least six
How does PeSCo work together with 3rd party states?
How does the War in Ukraine impact European security?
Who are mainly in charge in th CFSP?
The member states, since they have right of initiative, veto power and they decide on the implementation
Who is the main instutitional actor of the CFSP?
The European Council
How do realists, liberals and constructivists look at the CFSP?
Realist: Either bandwagoning, or balancing the US
Liberal: Working together to increase security
Constrictivist: It has normative power