Lecture 4 Flashcards
What are the main institutions of the EU?
What are the three basic functions of the EU Commision? How long are Commisioners elected? When are they selected?
What is the composition of the European commission?
What is Council of the EU?
Who precides over EU council meetings?
How does Qualified Majority Voting (QMV) work?
How do European Parliament elections work?
What are the 9 political groups in the EP?
How does the Court of Justice of the European Communities work?
What can be said about the influence of the European commission? What do neofunctionalists and intergovernmentalists think about it?
What is a Cabinet in the context of the EU Commission?
How is the EU comission administrated?
When does the European Council have a meeting?
At least twice a year and wheneven deemed neccessary because of a crisis.
What is a Coreper?
They prepare the meetings for the council and most of the work is done here. There are two different ones, the second is more senior.
Why does the European Council rarely vote?
Voting is unpopular, since it breaks the system of consensus.
Who is president of the European Council?
The council presidency is rotated every 6 months.
What is a short history of the EP (European Parliament)?
What are some of the powers of the EP?
What are the three most important positions in the EP?
How is the EP elected? What are some critisisms?
What is special about the Court of Justice? Can it be described as a supreme court?
What are the four types of actions that the CJEU (Court of Justice) can take?
- Direct actions, memberstate vs. memberstate/Commission
- Actions in annulment, EU institution/member state beliefs EU law is unlawful
- Preliminary references, when referred to by national court if they do not know
What has been the effect of th CJEU? Was this initially expected?