lecture 8 Flashcards
what are the three district spaces related to different social groups according to the model of Sjoberg (1960)?
- elite
- merchants
- outcasts
what was something withing the merchant and outcast area?
clear socioeconomic clusters related to their jobs, for example, neigborhoods with shoemakers.
who questioned the idealized model of sjoberg?
what did vance questioned about the model of sjoberg?
- to much focus on exclusive central core
- occupational clustering based on socioeconomic organizations
- not one center, but many distinct craft quarters
- within occupational districts: class and status stratification
what were the 5 concensus on social geography in the pre-industrial city?
- walking city
- working organization constrained by patriarchal (men) and familial (family) structure
- social order immutable: based on tradition and non-materialistic value system
- existence of districts based on occupation, but socially mixed
what are 3 characteristics of cities during the industrialization?
- spatial seperation of classes
- england: innermost zone most severe crowding and extreme poverty
- US: zoanl pattern> reflects different economic competitive power
what two elements does the mode of production have?
- force of production (labour, raw materials, tools/machinery)
- social relations of production (legal system)
what has changed since the 19th century?
- much more stratification and social mobility
- skilled labour and knowledge more important than unskilled labour
- state has increasing role in regulating economy
- increasing welfare and well-being
what is fordism?
key concept used to analyze changes in cities from the 1920s
what is the basic question from fordism?
why do capitalist- economies manage to survive?
why do capitalists economies manage to survive?
- regulations govern commerce, trade labour, relations
- mode of regulations
- regulatory mechanisms vary from one country to another
what is taylorism?
- planning and control are allocated to management
- production according to specialized tasks
- link between technical division of labor and the social division of labour
new interpretation of fordism after the economic depression according to keynes:
- governments need to intervene to regulate economic fluctuation
- government should spend on public works
- create more demand for good and service
what was the result of keynes new interpretation of fordism?
- process of suburbanization
- huge growning demand for domestic consumer products
what problems were there with fordism since 1970s?
- declining productivity
- regulations hindered flexibility
- role of national governmnets less effective, because of global information technologies, transnational corporations and networks
what is the result of deindustralization of the city?
- decline in the output of manufactured goods or in employment in the manufacturing sector
- a shift from manufacturing to the service sector
- manufactured goods comprise a declining share of external trade
- service growth leadds to increasing competition among cities
what is the defenition of globalization?
growing importance and integration of transnationa; production and consumption on a global scale. products are made in multiple locations, resources come from different places, components manufactured in different places
how to define a global city ?
- Variety of international financial services and existence of financial headquarters
- Headquarters of several multinational corporations
- Domination of the trade and economy of a large surrounding area
- Major manufacturing centres with port and container facilities
- Considerable decision-making power at a global level
- Centres of new ideas and innovation
- Centres of media and communications for global networks
- Dominance of the national region with great international significance
- High percentage of residents employed in services and information sector
- High-quality educational institutions, legal and medical facilities
- High diversity in language, culture, religion, and ideologies