Lecture 8 Flashcards
What is klerotarian?
Using random selction to slecet citizens to public office and jury service in ancient athens
What are the four models of representation?
- Trusteeship
- Delegation
- Mandate
- Resemblance
What is trusteeship?
Experts (knowledge, education and experience) who act in the best intrest of constituents without necessarily consulting them.
What is delegation?
Delagtes that have little or no capacity to exercise his or her own judgement or preferences. They only mirror the views of their constituents, making regular consultations before deciding on behalf of constituents.
What is mandate?
Representatives adhere to the policy prescriptions of the larger group to which they belong to represent the intrest of the group.
What is resemblance?
Representatives need to have characteristics of the larger group to which they belong to represent the intrests of.
What is preequiste, rule of law?
A democracy that requires a constitution, that also limits action and rule of the power
What are functions of constitutions?
- Guanrantee political and econmic freedoms of citizens.
- Constitutions restrict power between legislative and the excutive
- Constitutions limit the duration if the excution of power
- regulate ordely method of change of the excutive power
- garantee regular, free, fair and competetive eltions of repesentatives of the people on the basis of universal and equal
- Compel governement to be accountable to the people
What are the four basic features of an electoral system system
- The electoral formula
- The district magnitude
- The ballot structure
- The electoral treshold
What is the electoral formula?
How votes are counted to allocate states
What is the district magnitude
The number of seats per district
The ballot structure
How voters can express their choiches, for a list or candidate to both or ranking them.
What is the electoral treshold
The minum votes needed by a party to secure representation
What are the three main types of electoral formula?
- Majoritarian
- Proportional
- Mixed.
What is a majoritarian system/ First oast the post?
Person with the most votes is elected.
A party has as many seats as candidates per district. ( Wins only 1 district in the whole country= 1 seat)
What is the “real” majoritarian system?
Multiple rounds until their is a actual majority ( France)
What is a ranked-choice ballot?
First choice and then second choice candidate ( UK)
What is a closed list?
A ranked parties list.
Spaine, portugal, italy
What is open list
A parties list based on preference of the representative.
netherlands, slovakia, austria
What is a mixed member proportial system?
Citizens vote for a local representative and for a political party.
What is Duverger’s law
That there is a systematic relationship between electoral systems and party systems.
Simple majority, single ballot = Two party system
proportioal representation= multiple systems
What are the two effects of electoral systems?
- Mechanical effect
- Psycological effect
What is a mechanical effect?
Disproporionality pershishes minority party sovereigity
What is a psycological effect?
Voters are reluctant to vote for a party with low chance of winning seats
What are the five theroies of voting behavior?
- Party identification model : habits en social
- Sociological model: group membership, social alignment and identity
- Patioral- choice model : calculations of self intrest
- Dominant- ideology model: Ideologial manipulation and control
- partisan dealignment : A decline in the effect to which people allign themself.