Lecture 6 Flashcards
What is the improvising society?
A diffrent perspective as:
A diffrent way to view:
- society itself (social reality), social order (how do we organsie social reailty), public administrattion
What are the three pillars/conditions of the improvising society accoridng by boutellier?
- Network society
- Information society
- World without borders
What is the network society?
Refers to the infrastructure of nodes (individuals and organizations) and
the relations among them
What is the information society?
Points to the technological conditions for networks
What is a world without boundaries?
Global dimensions of current society
How does Boutellier view social order?
- Society is complex, without clear direction
- Social order therefore is not given
- No direction, so order is “to be found in routines, work patterns, and experience”
> “Life goes on” – mentality
Certain measure of sustainability
> = “Responsible continuity or conservation”
Develops within multitude of activities
“Dynamic continuity
Hoe does Boutellier view public administration?
- Public administration as the ordering/organisation
of society > How to order/organise social complexity?
Boutellier’s answer: improvisation!
Not just as spontaneity….
But also as fine-tuning, or rather attunement
Improvisation is not: ‘just do something, anything’
But: ‘just do something, but in accordance with
circumstances, conditions and surrounding people’
Improvising society” refers to all improvising
= The totality of tuning processes
Governance (intervention) in an improvising society
is the organisation of fine-tuning, or rather attunement (afstemming)
Under what three events does attunement/givernace take place accoridng by Boutellier?
- Incidents
- Initiatives
- Centers of gravity
What are incidents according by Boutellier?
> Contingencies
> Sense of urgency
What are initiatives according by Boutellier?
Intentional actions (from individuals)
What is center of gravity according by Boutellier?
Organizations or institutions that matter the most in certain policy
> Creators of the social/political field
Very important organisations or institutions in our societal
make up
What is improvisation in de context of governance accorrding by Boutellier?
- The spontaneous formation of interventions
(through policy), which takes place in… - A specific historically determined and embedded setting/practice and…
- A given common way of doing/dealing with things
What is the impact of the improvising society?
The improvising society makes us both free and organized
What is the impact of the improvising society?
The improvising society makes us both free and organized
What is the impact of the improvising society?
The improvising society makes us both free and organized
What does the centers of gravity create?
The policy ‘playing field’:
Form landmark for policy formation & execution
> E.g.: hospitals create health care policy conditions.
What is practiced in
institutions = striving for
morally desired
How does institutional ‘practices’ determine ‘public morality’
It creates the way how we think about what is right and wrong
Why do institutions have a special role?
Institutions are important anchors (‘centers of
gravity’) when designing interventions
…Because they are the places & organisations in which
we collectively strive for morally desired outcomes
…This striving is what institutions practice
…And these practices are key to our improvisations
How can the art (Fukuyama) of Improvisation (Boutellier) be summarised?
Governance = improvisation = organising attunement
- The spontaneous formation of interventions, which
takes place in… - A specific historically determined and embedded
setting/practice and… - A given common way of doing/dealing with things