Lecture 8 Flashcards
Fold that dips into the longitudinal fissure
Falx cerebri
Runs along the vermis of the cerebellum
Falx cerebelli
Horizontal dural fold extends into the transverse fissure
Tentorium cerebelli
Pathway of CSF
Choroid plexus > lateral ventricle > foramina of monro > 3rd ventricle > aqueduct of Sylvius > 4th ventricle > foramina Lushka or Foramina Magendie > subarachnoid space of spinal cord > brain > arachnoid villi
What are the cranial nerves?
(I) olfactory (II) optic (III) oculomotor (IV) trochlear (V) trigeminal (VI) abducens (VII)facial (VIII) vestibulocochlear (IX) glossopharyngeal (X) vagus (XI) spinal accessory (XII) hypoglossal
Narrowest point of larynx
In adult, b/w vocal cords
In children, below cords at cricoid
Aortic cross clamping can disrupt the flow through _____
Artery of Adamkiewicz
May lead to paraplegia
Cranial nerve (I)
Function: smell
Type: sensory
Cranial nerve (II)
Function: sight
Type: sensory
Cranial nerve (III)
Function: eye movement, pupil constriction, accommodation, eyelid opening
Type: motor
Cranial nerve (IV)
Function: supplies superior oblique
Type: motor
Cranial nerve (V)
Function: mastication, facial sensation
Type: both
Cranial nerve (VI)
Function: supplies lateral rectus
Type: motor
Cranial nerve (VII)
Function: facial movement, anterior 2/3 taste, lacrimation, salivation, eye lid closing
Type: both
Cranial nerve (VIII)
Function: hearing, balance
Type: sensory
Cranial nerve (IX)
Function: posterior 1/3 of taste, swallowing, gag reflex, salivation, monitoring carotid bodies/sinuses
Type: both
Cranial nerve (X)
Function: taste, swallowing, palate elevation, talking, thoraco-abdominal viscera
Type: both
Cranial nerve (XI)
Function: head turning, shoulder shrugging
Type: motor
Cranial nerve (XII)
Function: tongue movement
Type: motor
Damage to optic nerve
Injury to oculomotor nerve
Strabismus, ptosis, loss of light reflex
Trigeminal Neuralgia
“Tic Douloureux”
Most severe face pain- “suicide pain”
Involves V and IX
Tx: carbamazepine
Paralysis of facial nerve
Bell’s Palsy
Loss of taste
Paralysis of facial muscles
Herpes simplex virus type 1 possible cause
Wide open eye- infection, ulcers, “save the eye”
Resolves spontaneously
Surgical decompression of VII nerve
Damage to VIII nerve
Nerve deafness
Damage to vagus nerve
Hoarseness, loss of voice, impaired gut motility
Damage to XII nerve
Tongue deviates to affected side
Where are tracheostomys made?
Median cricothyroid ligament
Largest cartilage of larynx. Forms Adam’s apple
Thyroid cartilage
Inferior most cartilage of larynx. Beginning of trachea
Major motor nerve of larynx
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Laryngeal nerve supplies all intrinsic muscles EXCEPT?
Cricothyroid- supplied by superior laryngeal nerve
_____ tightens the vocal cord; _____ relaxes the cord
______ abducts the vocal cords; ________ adducts the cords
Posterior cricoarytenoid
Lateral cricoarytenoid
Injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve
Paralysis of cricoarytenoid > vocal cord cannot come together, hoarseness
Most common injury after subtotal thyroidectomy
Injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve
What cranial nerves are involved in Trigeminal Neuralgia
V and IX
Lateral rectus
moves eye laterally
Medial rectus
moves eye medially
superior rectus
elevates eye and turns it medially
inferior rectus
depresses eye and turns it medially
superior oblique
depresses eye and turns laterally
inferior oblique
elevates eye and turns it laterally