Lecture 8 Flashcards
Basic task in media planning & strategy is to determine …
…the best matching of media to the target market, given budget constraints. Must be able to efficiently & effectively deliver the message developed by the creative team.
Media Planning
A series of decisions involving the delivery of
messages to audiences
Media Objectives
Goals to be attained by the media strategy and
Media Strategy
Decisions on how the media objectives can be
Media Class
The various categories of delivery systems
available, including broadcast, print, direct mail,
outdoor advtg, etc.
Broadcast Media
Either radio or television network or local station
Print Media
Publications such as newspapers, magazines,
direct mail, outdoor, etc.
Media Vehicle
The specific carrier within a medium category
The number of people that will be exposed to a
media vehicle at least once during a given
period of time. Usually expressed as a %age
The potential audience that might receive the
message through the vehicle
The average number of times an individual is
exposed to the media vehicle in a specific time
Developing the Media Plan
Situation Analysis -> Marketing Strategy Plan -> Creative
Strategy Plan
- Setting Media Objectives
- Determining Media Strategy
- Selecting Broad Media Classes
- Selecting Media Within Class
- -Media Use Decision — Broadcast
- -Media Use Decision — Print
- Media Use Decision — Other Media
Problems in Media Planning
Measurement Problems
Lack of Information
Inconsistent Terms
Time Pressure
Analyze the Market ->
Establish Media Objectives -> Develop Media Strategy -> Implement Media Strategy -> Evaluate Performance
Brand Development Index
BDI = { Percentage of brand to total U.S. sales in market / Percentage of total U.S. population in market} x 100
Category Development Index
CDI = { Percentage of total product category sales in market / Percentage of total U.S. population in market } x 100
High BDI and high CDI
High market share.
Good market potential.
The market usually represents good sales potential for both the product and the brand.
Low BDI and High CDI
Low market share.
Good market potential.
The product category shows high potential but the brand isn’t doing well; the reason should be determined.
High BDI and Low CDI
High market share
Monitor for sales decline
The category isn’t selling well but the brand is; may be a good market in which to advertise but should be monitored for sales decline.
Low BDI and Low CDI
Low market share.
Poor market potential.
Both the product category and the brand are doing poorly; not likely to be a good place to advertise.
Three Scheduling Methods
Gross Rating Points =
Reach x Frequency
Marketing Factors
Brand Loyalty – Brand Share – Usage Cycle
Brand History – Share of Voice – Purchase
Cycles – Target Group
Message or Creative
Message Complexity Message Uniqueness New Vs. Continuing Campaigns Image Versus Product Sell Message Variation Wearout Advertising Units
Media Factors
Scheduling Clutter Repeat Exposures Editorial Environment Number of Media Used Attentiveness
Cost per thousand (CPM)
CPM = { Cost of Ad Space (absolute cost) / circulation } x 1000
Cost per rating point (CPRP)
CPRP = { Cost of commercial time / Program rating }
Television Pros
Mass Coverage High Reach Impact of Sight, Sound and Motion High Prestige Low Cost Per Exposure Attention Getting Favorable Image
Television Cons
Low Selectivity Short Message Life High Absolute Cost High Production Cost Clutter
Radio Pros
Local Coverage Low Cost High Frequency Flexible Low Production Cost Well-segmented Audience
Radio Cons
Audio Only
Low Attention Getting
Fleeting Message
Magazine Pros
Segmentation Potential Quality Reproduction High Information Content Longevity Multiple Readers
Magazine Cons
Visual Only
Long Lead Time for Ad Placement
Lack of Flexibility
Newspaper Pros
High Coverage Low Cost Short Lead Time for Placing Ads Ads Can Be Placed in Interest Sections Timely (Current Ads) Reader Controls Exposure Can Be Used for Coupons
Newspaper Cons
Short Life Clutter Low Attention Getting Poor Reproduction Quality Selective Reader Exposure
Outdoor Pros
Location Specific
High Repetition
Easily Noticed
Outdoor Cons
Short Exposure Time
Short Ads
Poor Image
Local Restrictions
Direct Mail Pros
High Selectivity Reader Controls Exposure High Information Content Repeat Exposure Opportunities
Direct Mail Cons
High Cost Per Contact
Poor Image (Junk Mail)
Internet Pros
User Selects Product Information
User Attention and Involvement
Interactive Relationship
Direct Selling Potential
Internet Cons
Limited Creative Capabilities Websnarl (Crowded Access) Technology Limitations Few Valid Measurement Techniques Limited Reach