Lecture 10 Flashcards
Consumer magazines generate an ave of _ of their
revenues from advtg.
54 %
Business magazines generate an ave of _ of their
revenues from advtg.
Newspapers generate _ of their revenues from advtg.
Over _ of US households subscribe to or buy magazines.
Print media are considered __ __ media.
Classifications of Magazines By Audience
•Consumer Magazines
Over 2700 consumer magazines in 80 classifications.
Eg: People, Time, Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, etc.
•Farm Magazines
Over 300 publications on farming & agricultural interest.
Eg: Progressive Farmer, etc.
•Business Magazines Nearly 5,000 publications in
200 classifications
Eg: Forbes, Chemical Week, National Law Review, etc.
Classifications of Magazines By Geography
- Local
- Regional
- National
Over _ of adults 18+ read print and digital magazines
They read average of 7 issues/month
P&G and L’Oreal spend over __ on magazine advtg
Business Magazines Target Professions or Industries
Nearly 5,000 print & 4,800 digital magazines classified into _ categories
Consumer Magazines Target Specific Interests
2,800 Consumer magazines classified in 80 categories.
a Farm Publication Can target
specific Farm and agricultural segments efficiently.
300 farm magazines – eg: Farm Journal, Progressive Famer, etc. Divided into 9 categories
Advantages of Magazines
Selectivity Reproduction Quality Creative Flexibility Permanence Prestige Receptivity, Involvement Services
Disadvantages of Magazines
Limited Reach Long Lead Time Costs Limited Frequency Clutter
Consumer magazines have _ ad pages and _ editorial.
40%, 60%
Split runs
Creative Flexibility of Magazines
- Special Features
Cover Positions Inserts Creative Space Buys Gate Folds Inserts Bleed Pages
Quarter Page Ads Can __ a Media Budget
Consumers Rely on Magazines for…
Use of Various Media for Insight and Ideas
- Magazines & Newspapers are highest
Magazine Circulation & Readership Concepts
Primary Circulation Guaranteed Circulation Circulation Verification Pass-Along Readership Total Audience
People magazine has 3.5 M
circulation but an audience
of 35 M readers
Alliance for Audited Media
formerly known as Audit
Bureau of Circulations
Characteristics of Newspapers
-Wide Audience
Read by Almost All Consumers
Read Daily in an Ordered Way
Readers Look at Over 3/4of all Pages
Characteristics of Newspapers
-Offer Flexibility
Few Limitations on Ad Size
Spot and Full Color Available
Many Shapes, Sizes, Paper, & Printing
Characteristics of Newspapers
The dominant advertising vehicle Account for 15% of ad dollars About 900 daily papers in print Main community medium Local ads provide most of revenue
Classified advtg in newspapers had dropped from…
…$20 B in 2000 to $3B in 2020.
Unique Newspaper Features
Mass audience Cross-section of population Wide range of content, subjects Timely coverage, daily issues Permanent, durable record Local geographic coverage Selective readership by area Readership concentrated in time
Newspaper Classifications
Publication Frequency
Audience Type
Publication Frequency
Audience Type
Ethnic, Religious, Etc
Business, Financial, Etc
Printed Inserts Help Marketers…
…Reach Consumers.
Newspaper Advantages
Extensive Penetration Flexibility Geographic Selectivity Involvement, Acceptance Services Offered
Newspaper Disadvantages
Production Quality May Be Low They Have a Short Life Span Not Demographically Selective There's Heavy Ad Competition Potentially Poor Placement May Be Overlapping Circulation
__ __ Break Through Clutter
Island Ads
Agate line:
unit of newspaper space measurement.
1 column wide by 1/14 inch deep. 14 agate lines = 1 column inch.
There are 14 agate lines per inch. Ad rates are typically …
…“per line, per column,” thus a 2-column, 2-inch ad would be 56 agate lines (2 x 14 x 2 = 56).
‘Standard advertising units’ (SAUs) started in 1984.
Under this: column widths are 2 1/16 inches wide.
Tabloid-size papers - 5 columns wide.
Standard papers – 6 columns wide.
Nowadays 1,400 (90%) newspapers use the SAU system.
Local advertisers are usually still charged by…
Rate Structures (terms of the trade)
Flat rates,
Open-rate structures,
Run of Paper (ROP),
Preferred position rate
__ __ are also available to advertisers.
“Combination rates”
Flat rates
Offer no discount for quantity or repeated space
Open-rate structure
Discounts are available based on frequency or bulk
purchases of space
Depend on the number of column inches purchased
in a year
Run of paper (ROP)
Paper can place the ad on any page or in any
position it desires
Preferred position rate
Allows advertisers to choose a specific section
and/or position on a page
Combination rates
Advertisers get a discount for using several
newspapers as a group
Consumers Tend To Trust…
…Traditional Media Advertising