Lecture 1 Flashcards
What is Marketing?
The process of planning & executing the conception, pricing, promotion, & distribution of ideas, goods & services to create exchanges that satisfy individual & organizational objectives.
What is the Marketing Mix (controllable variables)?
The 4 P’s : Product, Price, Promotion, Place.
What is Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)?
The process of using promotional tools in a unified way so that a synergistic communications effect is created.
IMC focuses on the process of using ALL forms of promotion to achieve maximum communications impact.
The growth of the IMC approach is fuelled by changes in the marketing strategies that are slowly modifying the role of the traditional advertising agency.
IMC is a strategic business process used to plan, develop,
execute and evaluate coordinated, measurable, persuasive brand communication programs with consumers, customers, prospects employees and other relevant external and internal audiences.
The goal of IMC is to
generate short-term financial returns and build long-term brand value.
The Promotional Mix (Tools for IMC)
- Advertising
- Sales Promotion
- Personal Selling
- Publicity/Public Relations
- Direct Marketing
- Internet/Interactive Marketing
“Any paid form of non-personal communication about an
organization, product, service or idea by an identified sponsor”.
“A paid, mass mediated attempt to persuade.”
*The T.V. advertising cost/1000 households reached is $14.
Sales Promotion
“Marketing activities that provide short term incentives to the sales force, middlemen or the consumer to stimulate immediate sales”. Also known as ‘forcing techniques’.
There are 2 distinct types of Sales Promotions:
Consumer Sales Promotion techniques.
Trade Sales Promotion techniques.
Sales Promotion Tools: Consumer-oriented
[For end-users]
Events Loyalty Programs Bonus Packs Refunds/Rebates Contests/Sweepstakes Premiums Samples Coupons
Sales Promotion Tools: Trade-oriented [For resellers]
Coop Advertising Trade Shows Training Programs POP Displays Trade Allowances
Personal Selling
“Form of inter-personal communication used to assist and/or persuade prospective customers to purchase the
company’s product or service”. Some companies rely almost entirely on personal selling.
(eg: Avon & Mary Kay vs. Revlon & Max Factor).
“Non-personal communications regarding an organization, product, service or idea not directly paid for by an identified sponsor”. News releases, feature articles, photographs, films, press conferences, etc.
Public Relations
“The management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies & procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest, & executes a program of action to earn public understanding & acceptance”.
Public Relations has a broader role than publicity, as its purpose is to
create & maintain a positive image of the company among its publics.
Publicity Vehicles
Feature Articles Press Conferences News Releases Special Events Interviews
Direct Marketing
“Direct communications with target customers to generate a response &/or a transaction”.
- Traditionally Direct Marketing has not always been considered part of the promotional mix.
Some companies rely primarily on Direct Marketing.
(e.g. : Amway, Tupperware, L.L. Bean, Land’s End, J. Crew, etc.)
Direct Marketing is mainly mail-order catalogs & direct mail ….. but also includes
Data Based Marketing, internet selling, shopping channels, telemarketing, direct response ads, etc.
Direct Marketing Vehicles
Internet Sales Shopping Channels Catalogs Telemarketing Direct Response Advertising Direct Mail
Interactive/Internet Marketing
A “back & forth” flow of information between seller & buyer where users can participate in & modify the form & content of the information they receive in real time.
Other than the internet, these also include kiosks, CD-ROMs, interactive television, etc.
The ___ is a rapidly growing advertising medium.
In fact, the ___ can be used to perform & execute all the elements of the promotional mix.