Lecture 6 Flashcards
The primary role of advertising is to
Advertising is a source of both entertainment &
It motivates, stimulates, fascinates, teases….. just plain
Advertising shapes our
needs, desires, attitudes, beliefs & goals as well as creates brand image, positions a brand, creates brand awareness, induces product trial, etc.
Creative Strategy
Determining what the
advertising message will say
or communicate
Creative Tactics
Determining how the
message strategy will be
The 2 opposing viewpoints:
- Advertising is only ‘creative’ if it SELLS the product.
- ‘Creativity’ of an ad should be evaluated in terms of its
artistic or aesthetic value & its originality.
The ability to generate
fresh, unique and appropriate ideas that can be used as
solutions to communication problems.
The ‘Silhouettes’ campaign for the iPod is an example of
Creative Advertising
One of the most popular approaches to creativity in advertising was developed by
James W. Young (former creative V.P. at the J. Walter Thompson agency).
The Creative Process
Immersion Digestion Incubation Illumination Verification
Gathering raw materials & info through background research & immersing yourself in the problem
Taking the info, working it over, & wrestling with it in the mind
Ceasing Analysis, putting the problems out of your conscious mind & turning the info over to the subconscious to do the work.
A Sudden Inspiration or Intuitive Revelation
About a Potential Solution. The birth of an idea - the “Eureka! I have it!” phenomenon.
Studying the idea to see if it still looks good or
solves the problem - then shaping the idea to
practical usefulness..
Account Planning
Process of conducting research & gathering all relevant info about a
client’s product or service, brand & consumers in the target audience.
Conducted by account managers, account executives, account planners, etc
Inputs to the Creative Process
Background Research Product/Service-Specific Research
Qualitative Research input
Background Research
Agencies provide creative people with ‘General
preplanning input’. Also use informal fact finding techniques.
Includes information on client’s product, the target mkt, the competition, general
trends, mktplace developments, specific ads & ad techniques that could be useful, etc.
Product/Service-Specific Research
Agencies provide creative people with ‘Product/service-specific preplanning input’.
‘Problem detection’, ‘perceptual maps’, psychographic studies, etc.
Qualitative Research input
Techniques used are:
In-depth interviews,
Focus groups,
Ethnographic research, etc.
Verification & Revision
Evaluate ideas generated so far (in the illumination stage), reject inappropriate ones,
refine & polish remaining ideas & give them final expression.
Techniques used are: Directed focus groups, Portfolio tests, Storyboards & Animatics, Message communication studies, etc.
Verification and Revision of Ideas: OBJECTIVES
Evaluate Ideas Generated
Reject Inappropriate Ideas
Refine Remaining Ideas
Give Them Final Expression
Verification and Revision of Ideas: TECHNIQUES
Directed Focus Groups
Message Communication Studies
Portfolio Tests
Storyboards & Animatics
Getting Creative Input
Work in and learn about the client’s business!
Read anything
related to the
product or
Use the product to become familiar with it!
Listen to what
people are
talking about!
Ask everyone
involved for
The Creative Strategy Development
- Basic Problem or Issue that Advertising Must Address
- Advertising and IMC (Communication) Objectives
- Specify Target Audience
- Major Selling Idea or Key Benefits to Communicate
- Creative Strategy Statement
- Supporting Information and Requirements
Copy Platform
A written work plan that specifies the basic elements of the creative strategy
(also called creative contract, creative blueprint, creative brief, etc).
Advertising Campaigns
Most ads are a series of…
…messages that make up an ad campaign. Often in
a variety of media that center on a single theme or idea.
Advertising campaign plans are typically done on an __ basis.
__ long-running ad campaigns are very hard to come by.
Activities Centered on a
Theme or Idea
In Different
Over a Time
Advertising Campaign Themes
The central message that will be communicated in all of the various IMC activities
The Major Selling Idea
Vital part of the creative strategy is determining the central theme that will become the “major selling idea” of the ad campaign.
“We try harder” “Where’s the beef?” “Just do it” “Like a rock” “It keeps going & going”
Best known approaches to find the major selling idea are:
- Using a Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
- Creating a brand Image.
- Finding the inherent drama.
- Positioning.
Unique Selling Proposition
Approaches to the Major Selling Idea: Creating a Brand Image
Used when competing brands are so similar it is difficult to find or create a unique attribute.
The creativity sales strategy is based on a strong, memorable brand identity through image advertising
Often used for products such as soft drinks, perfume, liquor, clothing, airlines
Approaches to the Major Selling Idea: Inherent Drama
Messages generally presented in a warm, emotional way Hallmark, Maytag, Kellog
Focus on consumer benefits
with an emphasis on the dramatic element in expressing them
Approaches to the Major Selling Idea: Positioning
Establish a particular place in
the customer’s mind for the
product or service
Based on product attributes/
benefits, price/quality, use or
application, type of user,
problem solved