Lecture 7: Understanding hydrological ecosystem services 2 Flashcards
Water Funds
Help support protected areas for the ecosystem services that they provide to downstream cities through a type of payments for ecosystem services scheme
Key hydrological ecosystem services
Water quantity services
Protected ecosystems do not necessarily generate more rainfall than agricultural land uses.
Protected ecosystems may have higher evapo-transpiration
and thus potentially lower water yields
Thus quantity benefits difficult to prove
Key hydrological ecosystem services- water regulation services
Water regulation services
Protected ecosystems do not protect against the most destructive floods
For ‘normal’ events they do encourage more subsurface flow and thus more seasonally regular
flow regimes
Possible benefits especially in highly seasonal environments
Key hydrological ecosystem services 2- Water quality (quantity for a purpose)
Water quality services (quantity for a purpose)
Protected ecosystems encourage infiltration leading to lower soil erosion and sedimentation
Unprotected land will tend to have higher inputs of pesticides, herbicides, fertilisers …
Clear benefits of PA’s: generation of higher quality water than non-protected areas
Hydrological ecosystem services and relevant processes : interception loss
Canopies intercept rainfall which is then easily accessible for evaporation as interception loss (surface area, aerodynamic roughness)
The greater the leaf area index and the smaller the storms, the more effective
Losses can be 10-20% of rainfall
Hydrological ecosystem services and relevant processes : rainfall recycling
Basic physics and models suggest that some 20-30% of rainfall in large basins like the Amazon is recycled from evaporation (mainly interception loss) within the basin
There is little empirical evidence though